Tag Archives: life’s journeys



Good Morning Monday. Here is my schedule for the week. This is week 4 of the BenderFitness 12 week bikini prep workouts. I am totally sticking to it, and I feel great and motivated.

I have this app on Facebook that looks back at my memories, and at the same moment I was looking for a great and inspiring fitness quote to include in this post. My memories were two years ago when I began my weight loss blogging journey, and when I was in a Richard Simmons Video.  The quote I happened to come across is from the man himself. So today as I go forward with all of my goals, I will reflect on my beginnings two years ago when I met the man Richard Simmons, a man who really changed lives and helped people believe they can do it too. I am honored I had the opportunity to not only dance with him in his video, but to attend many of his classes before he decided to take some time off. I am always inspired by Mr. Richard Simmons as I continue on with my weight loss/fitness/philanthropic goals. I am forever grateful for the impact he has on me and so many others in the world. When he decides to teach again, I will be waiting outside Slimmons with bells on. Have a wonderful week and don’t forget to sweat!!!

What’s the secret to weight loss? People ask me this all the time. Let’s ask the weight saint himself?

Number one, like yourself. Number two, you have to eat healthy. And number three, you’ve got to squeeze your buns. That’s my formula.

Richard Simmons



Monday: 15 Minute Home Workout

Tuesday: 3 mile run

Wednesday: 10 Minute Fat Burn

Thursday: Flab-U-Less Arms and Abs, 30 Minutes Cardio

Friday:Fitness Transformation: Workout 5, 30 Minutes Cardio

Saturday: Off 

Sunday: Mix It Up Workout, 30 Minutes Cardio

Motivation Monday


Good Morning to all. It is another Monday. I am on the brink of some amazing things happening and I feel like I am about to take flight. Some big changes may be happening as well.  My book will be out soon and I will do a whole separate blog post to announce it. With the book release comes events to be planned, and contacting the independent book stores that agreed to carry my book. I have a small but wonderful  small  east coast press publishing my book and most of the marketing is on me. One of my poems in the book has a line, “change comes on slow than rolls you over.” That statement could not be more true for this moment and time, and I am just trying to focus on my daily goals as I wait impatiently for the change to happen. I will come out better on the other side if I continue to focus on my daily and weekly goals. Large goals cannot be obtained without the daily little goals you set for yourself.

 Robert Frost once said, “The best way out is through” 

So here I am, week three of my Melissa Bender Fitness Bikini Prep workouts and challenge. It is Monday and I am motivated. I am taking it day by day, and week by week. I had a cheat day over the weekend and I realized there was a reason why I rarely had cheat days. They just do not make me feel good. I would rather use a few of my extra points and count in a mini treat than have a day that makes me feel ill and cheats my goals. That is just me. I hope you are chasing down your goals and living in the moment.


Here is the breakdown of my weeks schedule of workouts, again tailored for my Monday-Friday Schedule. You can find these workouts a www.benderfitness.com and I am on week three, month one of the 12 weeks. My weight is still stuck in the 160’s but I will get to the 150’s as I focus on fitness, strength and health; and I plan to share a home yoga schedule soon. Happy Monday to all and remember to love the body you are in as you focus on the body you want. You only get one so love it as you love others and it will love you back. 




Day 15: Monday Full Body Home Workout, 30 Minute Cardio

Day 16: Tuesday Home Workout For a Tight Body

Day 17: Wednesday  Improve Your Rear View Workout 30 Minutes Cardio

Day 18: Thursday Fitness Transformation: Workout 4, 30 Minutes Cardio

Day 19: Friday 30 Minutes Cardio

Day 23: Saturday Off

Day 22:Sunday  Full Body Shaping Home Workout





Good Day to all. I am so sore from my first two days of training with Melissa Bender Fitness. You can find her workouts at www.benderfitness.com. I have so much going on, but I realized I have goals and I need to get there. So I decided to tailor her workout schedule to my schedule, and this is week one. Here is today’s breakdown of my Wednesday workout. I have lost 8 lbs in the last four weeks and I am definitely on the road to goal. As soon as I get to 165 lbs I am picking a new charity and plan to get to 155. I am not slowing down no matter what comes my way. Here is my workout I am doing today. I am also running and walking for cardio. I have a 5K in September and I plan another run over the Golden Gate Bridge here in San Francisco.

unnamed (4)

I am breaking her schedule down, so this will look a little different since I am tailoring the first month of the 12 week program for my Monday-Friday Schedule with days off falling on the weekend. I am currently on day three and I am so sore. I am about to do my workout as soon as I have a little coffee to get going. My day off will be Saturday and that is perfect because James and I are spending the day in the city. We are having Brunch on Hornblower’s Cruise in San Francisco. It should be an amazing experience and perfect timing with my day off. 

I hope you are chasing your goals and that you know how fabulous you are.

Love and Light




This is my week one August 3-9th.

Day 1: Monday Full Body Fitness Makeover done

Day 2: TuesdayFull Body Shaping Home Workout done

Day 3: Wedensday Fit Test and Fitness Transformation Workout 1 today

Day 4:Thursday  Lower Body Fat Blaster

Day 5: FridayTummy Toning Fat Burn

Day 6: Saturday OFF

Day 7: Fitness Transformation: Workout 2 and Booty Bump Workout



I think to be fit in body one must be fit in mind and spirit. I am a firm believer in a mind/body/spirit connection.  It all begins in our thoughts, and  our thoughts can be transformed into actions. I am one who finds solace in nature, and creating art. Working out helps balance my happiness as well as my fitness, as does channeling my creative and philanthropic side. When I do cardio, I prefer to do so outdoors so I can benefit from what I call mobile meditation. I get lost, I am a wanderer, wondering always about what is to come and pushing the limits on my dreams. The sky is the limit and I am forever reaching in my sun salutations for the sun above. I find weight loss is not such a lofty goal when you finally make the connection.
Check out my facebook page to see some of the tree photos I snapped on my running path. https://www.facebook.com/MyChangeForATen
Friday night my workout was done at midnight, yes it was late but I preferred to do it after my ten hour day rather than before. Skipping is not an option for me. When I began this project I promised myself when I commit to something I will follow through. I say it, and it gets done. I also walked two miles yesterday but I admit I did not eat nearly enough. I will have to improve upon that.
Today is day seven of MelissaBender Fitness workouts, and day seven of being her fitness ambassador.http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/01/lower-body-fat-blaster.html
Yesterdays workout was awesome and I really worked up a sweat. It is amazing how everything else in life feels right on point and happiness quota rises as if on steroids when you get high off your own endorphins.
I am so grateful for this life I live and it never escapes me that so many people are struggling and my heart always goes out to them. That is one reason I do this project, to do a little to make a difference.  Yesterday I met a young girl who is obviously battling cancer, but her smile on her face could light up a starless sky. Inspiration comes in so many forms. Her radiance and positive attitude will stay with me as I continue on in my own journey of this elusive phase we call life, loving every second of feeling totally and utterly alive yet never taking it for granted.
May the sun bring you warmth and the stars light your path
Love and Light


It rained again today, and my mood  is mimicking this dismal weather of late. I was walking home from my commute and a car splashed me with rain water, as I carried my wet broken bag of groceries home, soaked if not by rain water but by my own falling tears. I did not feel like myself.  I admit I miss the eternal sun of Los Angeles, the smiling faces of the people of West Hollywood. Since this move from LA to The San Francisco Bay Area I have not been the same. I am being challenged in a way I have not been challenged since I began this project and blog. My husband James is working a high stress position and with that comes a lot of hours at the office, and I am also forced to work a lot more due to the insane cost of living here. I wait tables for extra money and the place I am working now is a lot more hours, and a lot more physical than I have done in quite some years. I still have not picked the poems for my poetry book, nor have I had my injured toe looked at. I have put myself last once again.

I am having a hard time balancing my blog, my fitness, and my new lifestyle that I have built for myself in the past year and a half. I feel my spirit is slipping away from me, and in it’s place is this shell of a person working for a pine colored piece of paper. My shoulder aches from the heavy cumbersome trays and my heart is following suit. I was on the train today reading Yoga Journal and all I wanted to do is sign up for Yoga Teacher Training. My goal is to eventually get to all of my fitness milestones and work in fitness. I felt incredibly melancholic that I was off to, excuse my slang, “sling hash” to the masses vs. going to work to do something I love.  Do not get be wrong, I am blessed to be able to earn the extra money we need to live here but I was worried my project would be sacrificed due to having to find a new routine with a lot more hours and strain on my body. I actually had a meltdown, full blown cry me a river of tears kind of meltdown.

There was a dog loose at the train station, running in the rain  away from his owner. I tried to help catch him, as did everyone but he kept running so fast no one could keep up. On my way home he was still running, and animal rescue was after him with a net. Poor pup was terrified and running with no where to go. I often feel like that when I work a ton of hours, like I am running an endless marathon to  empty destinations. I pray they catch him and he is now safe, dry and home with his family. Running away isn’t always the best option, for animal or human. I am searching myself for that balance of freedom and routine.

So here I type away, sharing some of my issues as I maneuver my mind and body within this new home of mine. A good friend of mine today gave me wonderful advice. Her name is LorenaLopez@Buzzforbrands. She told me it is ok to feel bad, just don’t live there. So here I am feeling bad for a moment or two, but I will pick myself off, stretch out the worn muscles and heal my heart and find my way back home.The only home I have known, the home of love, light and endless possibilities







Buckle up, the journey continues.

I had my first cheat days in months, I splurged on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Now I find myself fighting off sugar cravings. That is why I worry about letting myself have cheat days, or maybe I have been too strict for too long. Either way I am finding my center again, with the help of some healthy staples. Headed to Whole Foods now, it is a process as I pick up the pieces of my holiday splurge. This time around I am debating having a few cheat days a month, or maybe once a month. Once a week seems like it would be too frequent.

Did you indulge a little this December? Just a day or two or for a whole month? Do you have cheat days, and if so do you allow yourself once a week or once a month? I am pondering my all or nothing attitude and wondering if I should lighten up just a tiny bit.

In the meantime, lots of exercise and fresh air helps me get back on track. I look forward to 2014 and all of my New Year’s Resolutions. One thing is for sure, my health is number one and I will never see my weight hit 207 lbs ever again. As the end of this year approaches, I can say I am exactly where I need to be, and I know where I am going. I have enjoyed the journey as well as the destination, even if the destination is miles away. The journey continues with the wind in my hair and the sun on my face.  I am buckled up and ready for the trip of a lifetime.

Love and Light


Good Morning and Happy Friday. Yesterday I took my first Iyengar Yoga class at Yogaworks in West Hollywood.
 (Named after and developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, is a form of Hatha Yoga that has an emphasis on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of posture (asana) and breath control (pranayama). The development of strength, mobility and stability is gained through the asanas)

It was a wonderful class, and it really worked your body. It is much slower than Vinyasa but you really get deep in the poses, and learn what they do for your body. It is about connecting to your mind to your body, and getting in the pose first through your thought process. Mind and body together as one. The yoga teacher was amazing. I used to volunteer at City Yoga, where Yogaworks in West Hollywood is located, and coming to classes there in a way is like a homecoming. The  two spaces feel like sanctuary’s to me, so much so I can imagine the building was once a church or temple.
The trees are right outside the beautiful open windows, and the breeze came in like a gentle nudge to remember to breathe. I can tell I am going to love practicing yoga at Yogaworks in West Hollywood. The management and staff are very friendly and thoughtful and they answer all of your questions. Anna from City Yoga is working there, and it was lovely to see her smiling face.

Afterwards I asked if I can take some photos of the space in the future, and I was granted permission to do so. I will post those at a future date. 
After class I walked home and watched the sun set these unreal hues of pink and purple. On the way home I stopped in a used book store to purchase a beach read for our outing Saturday, and oh what a find I discovered. It is all about this man who loses everything, and he decided to bike his way cross country. He meets some interesting souls on his new journey. I thought it was the perfect beach read, since I am on a journey of sorts myself. It is called The Memory of Running, a novel written by author Ron McLarty. 

When I left the bookstore all of the stars had appeared like a kaleidoscope for weary eyes. I wanted to go lay in the grass somewhere, and stargaze with the cool September breeze upon my surrendering body. I love to just lay down and look up at the marvel of the vast night sky. We truly are just a spec in this spectacular universe. There is so much more out there, it really puts everything into a clear perspective.

Well enough of my musings for the day. Coffee, breakfast and work await. Tonight I am either working out at the gym or walking and taking another yoga class. Tonight’s class is set to music, that should be just delightful.
Wishing you a breathtaking Friday, full of all of those simple moments that make life grand.
Love and Light


Yesterday’s class was a major challenge. For some reason I struggled at yoga, and I was weaker than usual. All of a sudden I became a little dizzy and I almost got sick in class. The good news is I took a moment to collect myself, drank some water and I finished the class. It was very hot, and I probably did not eat enough. I have never got sick from not eating enough, but I guess it could happen and it did happen to me. Lesson learned, I need to eat more frequently.

I am happy I did not leave and that I stayed. I was not as balanced as usual, but everyone has off days. I showed up and I persevered so that is all that matters. I also think my allergies have been bothering me. My breathing feels a little shallow and my eyes feel so heavy.

This journey is every day, and some days will be a breeze and others a challenge. We are only as good as we feel, and sometimes our mind is more powerful than our body and it sees us through the rough patches. Sometimes we must listen to the signs our body is telling us; to eat more, to rest more. I showed up, I stayed, but I did listen to my body in class and I did not push it too far. I am strong and flexible and I can bend to whatever challenges comes my way, like the willowy trees I see daily doing their own yoga poses for centuries before our time. 

Today is a fresh day, and every sunrise is a chance to begin anew. I bought a shaker for protein shakes to drink at work since I do not have time to eat. That should help me with my issue of not eating during the day. It is a subtle change but one which will help me sustain the larger changes and goals I am seeking.

Wishing everyone a beautiful day.


Good morning Monday. Another Monday has arrived and I am happy that I am evolving in my journey. I have such belief in my quest, and in myself. I know I am not always perfect but I am sticking to my program and I am proud with each and every passing Monday. I am full of gratitude to those who believe in me and are helping me to become a better version of myself, healthy, fit and happy. I am manifesting my destiny.

Working out and practicing yoga regularly is the major key. I love it, and I will continue to learn about my body and be in the best possible shape for my own body type, not anyone else’s. I do not compare myself to anyone else, nor am I in competition with anyone but myself. This is just the beginning for me. I am a former dancer so I so know a thing or two about form, and I have always loved movement. There is a commercial on television that states a body in motion stays in motion, and a body in rest stays in rest. It is so true, if you do not move it, you will lose it. Cliche’ maybe, truth, absolutely.

So, another Monday and I am happy with my results so far, and I know I have a long way to go but I know I will arrive at my goals. I have faith in myself finally. I believe I can do this. Tomorrow morning I will weigh in again, and I will post my new weight. I am also going to post my weeks food journal on Wednesday. It is not perfect, and sometimes I do not eat enough, nor do I always get enough protein but I am learning and that is the reason I will post it. Nothing is ever perfect, we learn and we evolve with each and every single step. That is what I am doing in this journey, learning, evolving, believing in me, and making new friends in the process. I am so close to the first charity and I look forward to serving the residents of skid row with The Monday Night Mission. So close, and it feels so good.

Wishing everyone a bright and beautiful Monday
Monday’s aren’t so bad


Good Morning Thursday, I wish everyone a beautiful day today. I am drinking extra strong coffee this morning, the Siamese nightly wake ups were much more frequent last night. I am about to call Jackson Galaxy from My Cat From Hell, he would be able to fix my issue. Funny, all night long in between the cats being rowdy I dreamed about Stormy, our beloved Tabby who we lost to renal failure last January. We will always miss her, so naturally I feel a bit melancholic this morning. Here she is doing her best downward dog, she was the mascot for the yoga event I planned in Griffith Park for Kitt Crusaders, it was called Downward Dog For Cats.

Yoga was fantastic, as is Nicole my teacher. We did a lot of emphasis on hips and quad stretches. We were working on pigeon pose, and she taught us how to take our mat to the wall and do the pose up against the wall. It is a fabulous albeit hard stretch to do, but I can see how this is going to improve pigeon pose and our quad flexibility. I am so happy that my old flexibility is returning. I guess it is true that you have muscle memory. My Change For A Ten is working for me because of all the time I am putting in working out and doing yoga etc. I believe I would not feel this fabulous if I did not work out.  It takes the balance of diet and exercise to really see a difference in my body. I am so motivated to go forward and I really am enjoying the process as well as the results.

Richard Simmons will be traveling for the next few weeks so I will miss his high energy inspiration. I can still go to Slimmons for the class, but I think tonight I am going to go to the gym or take a class, or something to do with water. I love being in water, always have. It makes me feel completely alive and serene at the same time. I was a lifeguard in my twenties, I felt compelled to learn how to save a person from drowning. 

Here is a poem I wrote years ago about my love of being in the water and swimming, written in 2005.  I actually spent the afternoon swimming, then I took a shower and glanced out the window at the pool with the sun shining through the trees and the poem came to me right then and there. I had to have my husband write it down for me since I was in the shower, lol. Sometimes inspiration hits at the least convenient time, but I am always happy when it does.
Wishing you sunshine and serenity.


I dive in a pool of crystal clear waters,

My worries float away.

I gaze at the sapphire sky, the sun

Blazes brightly above me.

Clouds drift aimlessly

Making a myriad of shapes and sizes.

My wistful spirit is baptized,

I am consumed by this show of

Sky high fireworks;

Warming my soul and body.

Trees pirouette in the wind, a minuet

For weary eyes; I am taken away.

(c) Rose Bruno Bailey