Tag Archives: back in shape


It’s Sunday and I just started weight watchers Friday. I’m feeling a bit reflective.

It usually takes me a thousand tries before it sticks. I get sidetracked, I’m all over the map with my goals and I’m not a multitasker.

The reason I chose weight watchers again is because I don’t vilify food when on this program. It’s just food. It’s not bad or good. It’s super easy to do with the app, and if I need support I can attend a meeting.

If you really know me you know I eat a very healthy vegan diet, but it’s not enough. Portions, age related obstacles and the synthroid I take for hypothyroidism are all a part of my weight gain equation.

But that’s ok, I’m not looking backwards. I’m not going that way.

Those obstacles are not a dead end. I’m jumping over the road blocks, I’m finding how to navigate my vegan ways with some semblance of balance. If I want toast with coffee I will have toast with coffee, but I count it and usually don’t eat bread the rest of the day. It’s about the little choices you make that will help you journey to your destination.

Exercise is huge. I couldn’t do it without movement. I will keep working on it to be as fit as this body will be.

The one thing I do know, when my food feels in control and balanced everything else follows. My journey this time is not that much different than it was in July 2013 when I began mychangeforaten. I am better and chasing goals, better at life when my food is in control. 

Today is a great day for change. As my husband James always says, don’t think, just do. He also says don’t live in fear, because if you do, you are not living at all. I think we can all relate to fear after the last year and a half. 

Live, and thrive today. You can’t make a difference in the world if you do not take care of your health. We want you here. So if you need to change, today is a great day for change. Begin Today. In six months you will thank your younger self. 

Love and Light, 




I am beginning again with my fitness journey, and I have a few experts helping me along my way. My inspiration is always my best friend Melissa at #benderfitness. I always turn to her videos, for workouts, yoga especially. She always helps me and gives me amazing advice. If you love home workouts you can find her here. She’s a total professional.


I also realized need someone in person to motivate and kick my but. When I began this blog back in July  2013 I worked out with my friend and trainer Mike, and it made all the difference. Sometimes we need someone in person to push us to be our very best. I got extremely stagnant over the Pandemic, and I’m really back at square one.  I knew I had to make a change. I posted in a local group and luckily I found the perfect person. 

Introducing my NASM certified personal trainer Kristi Burr Blount. Kristi started training me a few weeks ago, before my return to this blog. I can’t express how thrilled I am to be working with her, TRX, weights, functional training etc.  Our sessions have been amazing and challenging, and she knows when to make a session more difficult than the last. She really takes care to insure you do not get injured and that you are using proper form in your movements. This is just the beginning. I’m absolutely thrilled to be training with her.

You can find her here.



As I go forward I will be sharing everything I’m doing, to help others as they start over. It’s not easy to begin again, but it’s so much better than staying stagnant.
Here’s to brand new beginnings.
love and light,





June 21st 2021


Good Morning to all. Happy New Beginnings. It’s the week of the Summer Solstice, and to me it’s the perfect time to start over. Yes, I have been starting over for four years now, usually with zero success. I’ve been a literal yo yo, up and down, lose ten gain five. After the pandemic and a lot of soul searching and feeling like €&@%, I decided to have another go at it.

I have a lot of plans and goals, but I’m starting with the basics first, fitness, fun, and food. I now have a personal trainer I’m working with named Kristi, Tuesday’s post will be all about her. I’m also looking to my bestie and fitness expert Melissa Bender Fitness. I’m using the lose it app and cleaning up my act. I’m plan to work on new routines, planning and living life to the fullest. I want to love the skin I’m in again. It all begins with a commitment to health. My plans will include ballroom dancing, yoga and meditation.

This post today is a short one, just to announce I’m back, and I’m counting down from the summer solstice to my winter solstice Birthday. I love time challenges, they really motivate me.

My starting weight is 186 lbs. I plan to take a fat measurement test and do measurements. To mark my starting point.

This time I will get it right. My favorite quote as if late is actually from my husband James, “Don’t think, just do.”

Happy Happy New Beginnings.

Love and Light,





My Change For A Ten

Good Monday Morning, 

After being Mia for quite some time, I decided to return back to this blog, and the theme behind it. I’ve been running in circles for a few years, but I’ve finally caught up with myself and I’m making changes. In my weight loss journey I have over forty pounds to lose. I’ve decided to go back to what made this blog and my motivation work, sponsoring a charity with each ten pounds I lose. I’m still running my group Letters From Uncle Louie, and it’s such a blessing. Every time I lose a pound I’m going to put ten dollars in a jar. Each ten pounds will equal one hundred dollars. I’m going to donate one hundred dollars to a charity I choose. That’s how I’m going forward with sponsoring a charity, along with possible volunteer work. The idea is I lose and I give so someone gains as I get healthy. Just like I did when I began.

I will also be sharing my program, my routines, my vegan fitness and nutrition and everything I’m doing to be healthier and happier in mind and body. That includes tackling the health anxiety I’ve had since the pandemic began. I no longer wish to live in fear, but I choose to live in joy and abundance.

I hope you join me on this new endeavor, as I get back to this blog and to fitness and wellness. It’s been way too long. I missed you.

Love and light to all and Namaste’




Happy Tuesday. This is the second week of my second half of my wellness journey ( as a vegan) and I’m starting off strong with a positive mindset. I began this blog in 2013 and I helped a new charity with each ten pounds. I lost a significant amount of weight and helped several charities.  I was in the best shape I’ve been in since my twenties, and I regained my sense of purpose in the process. I had a lot of help from others in fitness and philanthropy. It was a team effort from friends who got involved.

When I decided to go all in on this blog again  ( for real this time) I didn’t think I could take on a charity with each ten pounds. I am still doing charity projects separately, but I wasn’t sure one charity with each ten pounds could be managed, until I came up with a fresh idea to accomplish my original mission with a new twist. My new my change for a ten plan is to donate something every ten pounds, with the number ten. For example, ten cans of food to Food bank or homeless shelter. Ten pounds of cat or dog food to a animal rescue. You get the idea. I would also like to start a movement to get others to do the same. Challenge yourself to do something for others using the number ten. Send ten cards to family members, ten blankets to a homeless shelter. You can do what I did originally and motivate yourself to lose weight by helping others. It worked for me then and I believe it will work for me now. I weighed in yesterday and my current weight is 169 lbs. When I get into the 150’s I will be doing a giving back to an organization I am passionate about. I’m yet to decide my first ten pounds donation, so stay tuned.

I’m also running the Facebook group I founded called Letters From Uncle Louie, we send cards and letters to seniors in homes to let them know they are not alone. I feel like teaming charities with weight loss really helped me be successful the first time around, and keeping it up is very motivating to me now. I would love to inspire others to do the same. We get healthy and it helps us be happier, and helping others is so rewarding; it’s a real win win.

Have a wonderful day.

With Gratitude, Rose




Get busy living or get busy dying.
The Shawshank Redemption


I often here people say they wish they would have started their health journey a year ago. If I learned one thing from the last three years it’s to live that quote from The Shawshank Redemption with a vengeance, so next year I don’t have to wish I would have already started my wellness path.  So much has happened in the last few years yet I feel like I could have accomplished so much more. I am proud of my writing and publishing credits, and I worked hard and kept my family from sinking in a crisis. These are all things to be proud of, but I wasn’t consistent here on this blog. I gained half my weight back and did not keep up with my fitness journey. So today here I am, at 170lbs ready to get busy living my healthiest life. It’s going to take work to be consistent again, it’s been years since I’ve been successful at being consistent. What else do we have but time? So here I am, starting now. I’m done with waiting for tomorrow to come. Tomorrow is today. Are you with me?
With Gratitude,




Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.

Monday, I’m here for you. I’m starting brand new on Monday. I need a health reset, a 30 day challenge. Something to motivate me going forward. Since my Candida I’ve expressed I do not feel my best. I’m having gastrointestinal issues. My fun vegan foods do not make me feel any better, they need to be once in a while occasional treats. It’s time to get back to nature and food in it’s most pure form. So for thirty days I’m going to get back to whole foods plant based meals with no oil and very low on salt and no sugar. I can do this. Monday it begins along with my restart of my fitness journey, and better time management of all my goals. I’m working on my life as a whole and tackling each area individually, beginning with wellness and health. I’ve broken it all into categories that I will share later this week. The first category is the most important, wellness and health. This weekend I’m doing a few healthy grocery store hauls. I plan to eat clean whole plant foods and move a lot more. Hello Monday!! Hello blog, I’ve missed you and treated you like a fair weathered friend, but that’s about to change starting  8/10/2020.  I challenge you to try this with me, just for one month. Happy Monday to all and Happy Health. 

love and light, Rose 




Happy Friday to all. I have been a bit under the weather through lockdown, allergies and now I’m being treated for a Candida infection. I got oral thrush. I’ve been on anti fungal meds now for one week and will continue to take them for another week. I’m finally starting to feel better. I’m not completely healed but I’m improving. My health anxiety through all of this has been a bit incapacitating. I haven’t been happy and worry consumed me. I’ve been somewhat productive in these last months, a few of my articles were published in VegWorld Magazine, and I’m writing three more for the year, and my poems were featured in two literary journals. However, I dropped  the ball with working out, blogging and health. Anxiety held my happiness hostage. 

It’s time for me to take back control of my thoughts and my health starting today. It’s time to get it together and chase happiness and peace of mind. I’m starting an after lockdown weight loss challenge and you are welcome to join me. I’m going to lose 5 lbs at a time, drawing this diagram in my notebook. My goal weight is 137 lbs and I’m currently 172 lbs. So in my planner I will draw 8 squares. Each square is 5 lbs. That doesn’t sound that difficult. I’m watching my calories on the Loseitapp. Dealing with Oral Thrush has caused some difficulties eating but I will get through. I’m also going to work on my fitness. I’m starting with 1 mile a day of running or walking. I will probably do more but that’s the goal. More meditating, yoga and finding my way back to myself. So much to work on but health is my why. I want to be healthy, and I’m talking control of that with healthy vegan eating and getting my mind and body back into shape. Are you with me? If you find having a lot of weight to lose is intimidating, start with me the 5 pound challenge. We can do it, our health depends on it. Daily small steps become big leaps later. You just have to make the decision to start. Love and Light, Rose 




Happy Thursday to all. My quarantine started rocky in mid March when my allergies sent my health anxiety to new levels, coupled with a world pandemic. I had goals for the sequestered time, but all I did was worry and fear, and complain about my symptoms while watching Netflix with my hubby James. Ozark is really great btw, a world more messed up than the one we are living  through.

decided this week as I am starting to feel better to get off my but and start blogging about my new quarantine weight loss journey. As many of you know I had weight loss and fitness success, and a few years later gained half after some personal losses. I’ve tried time and time again to start over and I dropped the ball. That’s the beauty with dropping the ball, you can pick it up again and try harder. That’s where I am now.

in the last month I ate more pasta than usual, and I didn’t even attempt to count my points. Today is weigh in and I currently weigh 175 lbs. Today is day one, I’m up 3 lbs. I’m hoping my allergies have cleared up so I can focus on all my goals, fitness, weight loss, wellness and creative goals. I plan to start fresh with the WW app (Weight Watchers) because I plan to incorporate the 80/20 rule. It’s always worked for me in the past. 80% of the time I will be eating clean vegan with low salt, sugars, and oils and 20% or less of the time I will count in occasional small splurges like vegan cream cheese on my toast. The idea is to eat highly nutritious vegan food but also enjoy in life’s little indulgences, counting them in as part of my daily points. I believe Friday we are grocery shopping to stock up for the week. I’m cooking a lot more these days. 

Tonight I’m making Split Pea Soup for dinner. I’m going to bake some vegan treats to enjoy with coffee or tea. I will be posting more about what I eat in a day, my grocery haul and my quarantine fitness routine. All things I’m doing to try to find wellness, joy and fulfillment during these unprecedented times. I’m making a commitment to myself and accountability to anyone who is reading my words. I’ve fallen before but I keep getting back up, bruised backside and all. There is no failure, only the fear to begin again, so just pick up where you left off. With love and light Rose Bruno Bailey

I will leave you with a few quotes about failure and starting over fresh by some very important historical figures.


“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
― Thomas A. Edison

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
― Theodore Roosevelt

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston S. Churchill

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” 

― J.K. Rowling

“It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts.” 
― Zig Ziglar




Hello everyone, Happy Saturday. it is Saturday, isn’t it? How is everyone doing during this strange and scary time. I know there are many ways of looking at this pandemic. Some are afraid of the disease and are taking social distancing precautions, and some just want life to go back to normal. I admit, I’m more cautious and fearful. My allergies have been bad for a month, I only have post nasal drip and some coughing from that, but it is annoying and it feeds my health anxiety. My allergies and my anxiety kept me from doing the productive things I hoped to do from this time. Fear can be incapacitating. I’m going to buy the allergy meds and move forward, eventually getting allergy tested. One thing I know is fact, the symptoms of my allergies are the same, nothing has become something more. Time to medicate a little, relax and do something positive with my time. In this challenging period my wish is to get reacquainted with my creative self. To restart my health journey now that my knee is healing. To start the groundwork for the life I wish to live. I’m going to let go and let god as far as worry and anxiety and life.

As I type this I’m drinking coffee on my balcony, surrounded my trees listening to the soothing sounds of a train nearby, awaiting the rain. In the past my poet self would have written a dozen poems by know. It’s time I go back there. Leaving LA and living after loss seemed to break me, and when I injured my knee in January I thought such negative thoughts. I believed my best creative self may have been in the past, I had doubts I could start again at a brand new journey. I complained about my work, my knee, and missing Los Angeles. Now in hindsight I regret any complaints. My wish is we can all heal collectively, stay healthy and eventually move the world forward. James and I continue to practice social distancing, the numbers are growing here in Texas despite loosening the reigns on the public. At this moment i will not complain any longer but pray for health for all.

We have been enjoying my vegan home cooking but Monday we are going to start eating more basic whole food and plant based, and less processed vegan foods. My weight is currently 172 lbs and my goal is 140 lbs.  During a global pandemic health is number one. Getting James to eat vegan is easier when I make the comfort foods he’s used to. I told him for now we can enjoy those ( with portion control) on weekend and eat clean vegan Monday through Friday. That’s a doable plan. I still have the WW app (weight watchers) and I plan to continue to exercise and run/yoga at home. More writing, organizing my work, studying my group exercise certification book, clean etc. I’m going to try to get out of the part of my brain that holds me back and think forward thinking, so when this thing is over I will be better then I was before. That’s not too much to ask, is it? I wish everyone health and wellness, with more joy and less worry. We are in this together, even if we support each other from the segregation of our imposed six feet separation.
With Love and Light, Rose