Monthly Archives: July 2014


I am not a complainer nor have I ever been, but with that said I am human as well. I am working six days a week now, five days during the week and Sundays 12-5.  I personally would prefer to always have Sundays off, but right now it is working for me and I will not bitch about it. I am looking at it from a different vantage point. I need to make some money, and I am going in with the attitude of abundance. My workouts will not be compromised because my nights are still free. I am feeling inspired, happy and always ready to conquer all of my goals.

I got out at 5:30 and did not plan my meals or pack food. Work was busy, which is a gift but I hardly ate all day. I am home now, and off to do some running and walking. My dinner if you can call it that consisted of toasted Ezekial bread and a little bit of popcorn. I also drank a protein shake on the way home. I know this is a food fail, lacking in nutrition but hey sometimes it happens. I am aware I need to eat more and plan more.

So off to work out, the breeze should make it all worth it. No rest for the weary, progression is the key. I look forward to this brand new week, my workouts, and all of the abundance it shall bring.

Love and Light
Never Give Up


Good Morning to all on this beautiful Saturday. I woke up a bit early to do some reading, and I went to bed at 3 am like I used to always do back in NYC. Now having  some needed coffee and writing a quick blog post in before heading out the door. 

I love to read, and I love to collect books, especially at thrift stores and used book stores. Books are treasures to me, and when I am in a book store I feel like a kid in a candy store. I remember my best friend Melissa Bender and I would always go to Half Price books in Pittsburgh PA and find the best loot. I often go here in West Hollywood to the local thrift stores and I always find the best books. I could walk out, spend less than ten dollars and feel like I won a million.

Melissa reminded me that people may want to donate books for Reading to Kids from afar.  My first intention was not to ask for books on this blog for my book drive, but it is for a good cause so if anyone would like to mail a book for children K-5th grade I would be very grateful. So she nudged me to include all the info in case anyone would like to mail books for kids, so here it is all the info from Reading To Kids non profit organization and Charlie Orchard the Managing Director. I am grateful to him and everyone at Reading to Kids for the support. Reading to the children was such a lovely experience.


“We very happily accept donations of books for Kindergarten through 5th graders, so long as the books are new (or in such great shape that they can pass as new).  We only give new books to the kids so they can feel a sense of pride and ownership in the books they earn by attending our reading clubs.

As long as the books are new (or can pass as new), anyone can send them to our address in my email signature. 
When people box up the books to mail them to us, we’d also like them to fill out the attached “In-Kind Donation Form.doc” form and include it with the books.  In this way we can track our book donors and I can mail to them a thank you letter / charitable giving receipt.”

Reading to Kids 
1600 Sawtelle Boulevard, Suite 210
Los Angeles, California 90025
Phone: (310) 479-7455
Fax: (310) 479-7435 
Website comments:


I am working on my book drive for Reading to Kids, and I am taking my time so I can collect the most books. I have three bags, ( one bag from my friend and children’s author Benjamin Harper). 

I believe a book can transport a person to a far off place, especially for children who cannot go beyond those four walls. Children from troubled households sometimes feel as if their walls are closing in, and a book can tear down the walls and take them on an adventure of their wildest dreams.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”— Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”

Written by Benjamin Harper
grateful to him for his donation

Written by Benjamin Harper

Bag of books from the children’s author Benjamin Harper

My trainer Mike is helping me collect books, and he was kind enough to donate some books to the drive. I saw a Dr. Seuss book and started going on about Green Eggs And Ham.  I perused the books and wouldn’t you know it there was a copy. As a child that was one of my favorite books, and I always wanted to eat Green Eggs and Ham. I will try not to keep it for myself. I am a self confessed kid at heart, but with an old soul.

One of my childhood favorites.
Grateful to Mike for helping collect books
Another favorite of mine is the Fire Cat, about a stray cat. I ordered some copies for the book drive.

Love and light to all
Keep reading, keep dreaming

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” — Walt Disney


My workout yesterday with Mike was challenging, and I mean that in the best possible way. I hope they continue to challenge and change me. We did mostly TRX yesterday, and I admit I really love using that tool to work out. Mike hooks the TRX to the tree and we are able to do all of these exercises right outside in the park. I love working out in the outdoors, one year later I am no stranger to dirt. When things get hard I try to look up and focus on the trees.

I workout with Mike again Friday, and after work today I will be doing some speed walking, no running for now until I get used to not wrapping my toe any longer. My foot hurts a lot less now, and that is such a relief. Who knew wrapping my toe was cutting off my circulation. Mike taught me how to rub a tennis ball over my calves to loosen up the muscles. 

I made some new dog friends, a huge teddy bear of a dog and this little thing named Rudy. I love the movie Rudy, and all I think about was that last scene when everyone chants Rudy’s name at the Notre Dame Football Stadium. Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!! A must see if you are looking for inspiration.

The Book Drive is still going on, I am taking more time to get the most books possible. I am weighing myself every few weeks now, just so I do not get crazy with the scale. I will step on next week sometime. I am doing everything the same food wise, I just needed a break from weekly weigh ins for now. Last I weighed I was 167 and I plan on being in the 150’s soon, and picking a new charity project. I also want to really, really progress in my workouts. Time to take it up a notch. 

Off for now. Coffee, and some attention from my Siamese cats, who are high maintenance and always want attention.

Love and Light


What I found walking a few miles yesterday in my own backyard

Good Morning Tuesday. I am sleepy today, drinking my coffee and trying to wake up. Today is a new day, back to work and working out tonight after. My husbands lung x-rays were the same as they were a year ago, so I am happy he is still stage zero with his auto immune disease Sarcoidosis.

So health scare averted, back to work and working harder than ever on my workouts. Looking for adventures to conquer. I am alive, so I will follow all rainbows in the direction of bliss.

Happy Tuesday.
Love and Light


We just got back from the Dr and we spent the whole day there. It was a long and tedious day. James was thinking the worst, and we were in the office sitting on the other side of the Dr’s desk waiting to compare lung X-rays from a year ago. There was that panic moment, when you are looking at the X-rays and thinking you see a cloud or something even more menacing. 

Good news, the Dr pulled up the X-ray from one year ago yesterday and they are identical. In other words, his Sarcoidosis has not progressed and he was probably suffering from a virus or a nasty bug. They also checked his eyes, and it has not affected them either. He will still need to see a Sarcoidosis specialist but we can now breath a sigh of relief. It probably is still stage zero. 

We walk two miles to get there, and we walked two miles to get home. I took some lovely photos of trees and fountains on the trek home. We also stopped at Trader Joe’s. I realized I had not made my Italian Style Lentil soup in a while. 

When I returned home I checked my blog for what I wrote about this day last year, and I posted my Lentil Soup recipe. Yesterday this time last year was the hospital. I find the timing and coincidence of doing the exact same thing a year ago very interesting.
Here is the recipe, it is amazing and healthy and vegetarian. It is Vegan without the Parmesan Cheese. I now like to serve it with toasted Ezekial Sprouted bread with crushed garlic.


You will need

One bag of dried lentils

A few tablespoons of olive oil ( I use two to three)

Chopped up onions, celery, and carrots. Enough to fill up the bottom of a semi large pot. I use Mirepoix 14.5 oz from Trader Joe’s, it is already pre-cut and I just add my own garlic. I use about six garlic cloves.
If you do not find Mirepoix use one large onion, two carrots, and two celery stalks, chopped fine.

Two  cartons of vegetable stock 32 fl oz. I use trader Joe’s.  You can use regular or low sodium, I have tried both. I usually use the low sodium vegetable broth.

One large can of diced tomatoes in juice.

One small can of tomato paste

Sea salt, ground pepper, dried basil.

Parmesan cheese to garnish

Saute garlic, onion, celery, and carrots in olive oil for a few minutes til the onion caramelizes and the vegetables cook down. Salt,pepper, and add some basil as you are cooking the vegetables. After they cook down mix in one small can of tomato paste.

Add full bag of lentils, 2 cartons of vegetable stock, and whole can of tomatoes with juice. You may need to add a little bit of water to fill pot up.

Add a bit more salt, pepper, and dried basil for flavor and stir.

Bring to a rolling boil, then simmer on low for 45 minutes covered.

When finished you can sprinkle Parmesan cheese and mix it in for more flavor.

I once sauteed some kale and added it to the soup right before it was finished cooking. It made it richer and more stew like.

I serve this with warmed whole grain bread from the bakery. It is absolutely delicious.

I hope you try and enjoy my Italian Lentil Soup Recipe. I love it and sometimes it is difficult to only have one bowl. Love and light to all from my west coast home to yours. Ciao for now.



The sun always smiles through even the darkest of clouds

Good Morning to all. It is Monday, but for me it feels not like a Monday and not like a weekend either.  My routine is off kilter, I have taken a few days off to spend time with my husband James as he gets some needed tests done at the Dr. He has an auto immune disease in which he was diagnosed back in 2009. At the time he had to have a lung biopsy because they assumed he had Lymphoma. That was a very scary time for us, and I remember I did not hold up as well as I should have.

He ended up with Sarcoidosis, stage zero. Even though the disease is not a joke and must be taken seriously, I was completely relieved it was not what they thought it was. I remember clearly the day, it was raining and I skipped in the puddles through the rain to the nearest coffee shop as he slept. When the manager asked how I was, I exuberantly explained with a joyful response on how great I was doing since my husband did not have cancer. He responded back with a good for you!!! My heart goes out to all to have to fight such a tsunami of a disease.

So now, he is having symptoms again and it seems to be affecting his vision, so more tests to make sure it has not progressed. I took off a few days from work, which I hate to do especially since last week I took off a day because my toe was just hurting and I felt I needed to rest it. Oh well, health comes first. I stopped wrapping my toe and now it feels so much better now, and I am staying positive regarding my husbands condition. He tends to think the worst, but I need to be calm within the mini storm.

This does not mean I eat off routine, and do not find a little time for a run or workout. Tomorrow when all is well, it is back to work and working out with my trainer Mike in the early evening. This will all be ok, and I can continue to focus on working even harder than before since I have hit the one year mark.

As Mattie Stepanek once said

Remember to play after every storm.


Stand tall and reach for the sun

Good afternoon to all. My husband James is under the weather, and I decided to repost a post from one year ago today since most of my day will be preoccupied. When I looked at the post exactly one year ago today, I found something very interesting. One year ago today we went to the ER, he was not feeling well and we make the trek to the hospital. He has an auto immune disorder so we do not play around, always have to be safe then sorry.

I find it interesting we did the same exact thing one year ago today. Health is number one.

Here is the post from July 20th 2013 and an essay I wrote about living life to the fullest.

Happy Sunday.


love, light and good health to all


MY CHANGE FOR A TEN: CONNECTING WITH OTHERS: Good morning on this beautiful  Saturday. So far I am doing great on my path to fitness and health. Monday is my first weigh in. If I am …


Good morning to all. One year ago today was my first workout with my trainer Mike, and I was so intimidated and awkward. Here we are, a full year later and I have come a long way, but I could not have done this alone. Mike has been very inspirational and motivating to me, and I am so grateful for his patience, expertise and time. He is very modest but he has done so much to help me evolve in my quest for fitness. I love working out at the park, it is so serene. My mobile meditation.

Yesterday we did an fitness evaluation to see how far I have come. I think I have a long way to go, and well Mike just thinks I think too much.

The best part about our evaluation workout was our plank competition. About a month or so ago we competed in planking, and we got to 3 minutes and I threw in the towel.  We had a rematch yesterday and we got to the 5 minute mark and Mike dropped. I thought I was going to drop after 3 minutes but I decided to hold on. I looked at Mike who was starting to fade just a little and at about the 4 minute mark I heard the words I thought he would never say to me. ( Excuse me for cussing here, if you know me I do not cuss, and Mike rarely does either but sometimes those four letter words just slip out when you are in pain from working out).  Mike told me he f’in hates me, and I could not help but laugh and hold on even harder. It was just the thing I needed to beat him, this time.

So we are at a tie, he won once doing a 3 minute plank, and I won this time at the 5 minute mark.
It will be a rematch soon, may the best planker win.  Mike 1, Rose 1

I never knew I could be so competitive, who knew?


I love California, and I love the lifestyle that comes with being a Californian. Recently my husband James had a few interviews with a company in NYC, and it was looking like a quick move was in our future. A move very similar to the one we made almost four years ago when we packed our bags and got on a plane with our two beloved cats and made the 3,000 mile journey from NYC to California. It was such an adventure for me since it was my first time in the golden state ever. We moved in three weeks, and when I look back I cannot believe we attempted such an endeavor and pulled it off  so seamlessly.

The company he interviewed with sent him an email and told him they were pursuing someone local, and we are both extremely relieved. I have so many plans for California, and those plans would have been lost in the smoke of the jet stream of the plane taking us back to the big apple. To say I am not ready is an understatement. My husband’s friend told me I am as California as the sun.

I have decided now that a move is behind us, to focus on writing and conquering a new fitness/adventure bucket list. I am evolving and a lot of things on my former fitness bucket list are still things I wish to do, but a lot of them are ongoing which would take more funds, or they are in other states.

Here is my list and I hope to start marking off items very soon. 

This list will always be evolving, and it is a little different from my fitness challenges and milestone list. These are the big accomplishments and adventures I wish to make happen.

1. Trapeze Classes at Trapeze school in Santa Monica.
2. Learn to surf
3.Paddle boarding
4.Go Kayaking
5.Snorkel ( I did this in Hawaii, would like to do so in California too).
6. Scuba Dive
7.Swim with dolphins
8.Heli Pad Yoga
9.Nature bike ride, no cars
10.Mud run
11.Hike to the Hollywood Sign
12.Rock Climbing
13.get my group exercise certifications
14. get yoga certified
15.30 day yoga challenge
16. Be featured in a magazine, as a before and after 
17.Aerial Yoga
18.Dance classes, ballet, ballroom, hula, belly dance, flamenco, you name it when I have the funds I will do it. 
19.Fire Groove classes
20.Learn Martial arts
21.Horse back riding
22. Go camping, for real
23.Go Kite boarding
24.Zip line
25. indoor skydive
26.Trampoline class
27. white water rafting
28.Whale watching
29.Maybe, maybe do a fitness competition
30.lose all my weight
31.Learn to ice skate

 I am not sure I am brave enough to bungee jump or sky dive, but never say never.

Also, when I visit Pittsburgh I want to work out with my best friend Melissa Bender@ Melissabenderfitness.

Do yoga with my good friend Tracy Gittens in San Diego at her studio Galazy lifestyle and fitness.