I’ve been thinking a lot of habits. Everything begins with a habit, and those habits can be positive or negative. I’ve been meaning to begin blogging daily, but I’m yet to actually start the habit of signing in daily. It’s something I really want to commit to, so today is day one. Habits sometimes happen when you adopt other habits which become your routine. Changing for the better is not easy, but the first steps to change is the willingness to do so.
Habits can make or break our goals. There are healthy habits that become life changing routines, or unhealthy habits that develop when we are busy grinding through the mundane chores of life. Our business of being so busy often gets in the way of developing healthy habits and routines. We reward our hard day with fast food instead of taking the time to grocery shop and meal prep. The drive through is convenient, it’s open late. There is no clean up, or thought that has to go into it. It’s fast, delicious, and takes almost no effort. Changing your habits is especially difficult when you are strapped under financial and time constraints.
My unhealthy habit is sleeping in late. My schedule and routine has altered in the last year when I began working nights waiting tables. I often do not get home until 11 pm and sometimes later, and I tend to stay up until 3-4 am. If I’m suffering through anxiety induced insomnia I will even fall asleep even later. I need my sleep, that’s a non negotiable, but I also have a laundry list of goals I wish to accomplish to change my life for the better. It all begins with slowly beginning new habits and adopting a routine which can work for my schedule and my goals. It all comes back to habits.
My husband James explained to be my hours are not that unusual. When a person works 9-5 they pretty much do the same as I do. They get home around 6 pm, have dinner, and they normally unwind for hours doing what they enjoy before bedtime. I get that I’m doing the normal things, but because my shift is different, I do it at an abnormal hour.
I also have friends that tell me to be gentle with myself, and treat myself with grace. These things are true but being too easy on myself won’t get me to where I’m going. Sometimes putting in the work to accomplish goals takes great sacrifice. I’m a work in progress but I’m trying to figure it all out. Habits, it all comes back to my habits. I want to be a habitual go getter, so going forward my routines are going to be changing, and that’s all the better for me.
Here are some of my goals that cannot happen if I do not change.
Blog daily, track food, lose weight, incorporate fitness through cardio, flexibility and yoga and strength training, help charities, study for American Council of Exercise group exercise certification exam, take exam in the fall, write more, submit writing to be published, work on marketing for books, blogs and do social media. Not to mention personal goals like financial, family, travel etc. This list can get out of control but I’m putting it out there. Tomorrow is Monday, and I love a new beginning. I’m beginning my Monday with weigh in, blog post, workout and study.
Ok, now I’m tired but I feel good. Time for a delicious cup of coffee to begin fueling my day.
What are your goals? Do you have a routine? Is it a morning routine? I would love to hear how you get it done. With much love and Light. Let’s be goal getters together.