Tag Archives: losing a beloved pet


Gaining my composure after one stressful week, I plan to stand tall and graceful as my beloved trees.

Good Morning to all, and Happy Chinese New Year and the first day of February. Today feels like another new beginning to me, leaving this week behind. Last year at this time we lost our beloved cat Stormy, and this week has been a hectic and stressful week. Coincidence? Well, I have put the stress behind me and I look forward to regaining my zen and composure. 

Stormy doing her downward dog. I cannot think of that week one year ago, when I do tears take over.

I weighed in today, and I went up a pound. I know it is probably water weight. I am due for that monthly visitor and I did eat more sodium than usual this week. I had a few vegetarian products that taste delicious, and are low in fat and calories but so high in salt. I will try to limit those from here on out. My weight is now 175 lbs, and I hope to lose this water weight asap.

I admit I did not track my food and points, this week I will be diligent about that. It is amazing how worry and stress can overcome your plans and leave you vulnerable for slip ups. This week I shall breathe, drink my water, and make sure I am not skipping my meals. My workouts demand fuel and I should know better after all of this time. I am human so it is natural to have off weeks, I just need to nip it in the bud so to speak and start anew right now at this very moment in time. 

Wishing you a beautiful Saturday. Love, and Light. Onward and upward.


Stormy loved to travel, here she is in Delaware at the Bailey Home.

Good Morning to all. It is Thursday and I am so happy it is almost the weekend. I am really sore today. Tuesday I worked out with Mike, my trainer and friend and the new workout left me  really sore. I had a Vinyasa Yoga class last night with Nicole, and I am even more sore this morning. Sore in a good way mind you, but I may need to purchase some Epsom salts to soothe. Tonight I am taking either a Vinyasa class at Yogaworks, or a Inyegar class. It depends when I get there and how I feel. The Inyegar class is very challenging but slower, and may be a good fit since my muscles feel fatigued.

Off for today, this post is short and sweet. I am sleepy this week and a bit over emotional for some reason. My cat Stormy that passed away last January has been on my mind a lot. I was in the pet store and all of a sudden I was reminded of that horrid week, and other reminders hit me as the day progressed. It is strange how you go through your daily life and all of a sudden something from the past hits you and you are transported to that time and place immediately. I am a very emotional creature, so I choose to feel whatever comes my way, but then I find it necessary to block it out a bit so I can get on with everything I need to accomplish. I cannot believe it has already been eight months since we lost her. She was family and will forever be missed yet remembered.

Wishing you a beautiful Thursday
Love and Light


Good Morning Thursday, I wish everyone a beautiful day today. I am drinking extra strong coffee this morning, the Siamese nightly wake ups were much more frequent last night. I am about to call Jackson Galaxy from My Cat From Hell, he would be able to fix my issue. Funny, all night long in between the cats being rowdy I dreamed about Stormy, our beloved Tabby who we lost to renal failure last January. We will always miss her, so naturally I feel a bit melancholic this morning. Here she is doing her best downward dog, she was the mascot for the yoga event I planned in Griffith Park for Kitt Crusaders, it was called Downward Dog For Cats.

Yoga was fantastic, as is Nicole my teacher. We did a lot of emphasis on hips and quad stretches. We were working on pigeon pose, and she taught us how to take our mat to the wall and do the pose up against the wall. It is a fabulous albeit hard stretch to do, but I can see how this is going to improve pigeon pose and our quad flexibility. I am so happy that my old flexibility is returning. I guess it is true that you have muscle memory. My Change For A Ten is working for me because of all the time I am putting in working out and doing yoga etc. I believe I would not feel this fabulous if I did not work out.  It takes the balance of diet and exercise to really see a difference in my body. I am so motivated to go forward and I really am enjoying the process as well as the results.

Richard Simmons will be traveling for the next few weeks so I will miss his high energy inspiration. I can still go to Slimmons for the class, but I think tonight I am going to go to the gym or take a class, or something to do with water. I love being in water, always have. It makes me feel completely alive and serene at the same time. I was a lifeguard in my twenties, I felt compelled to learn how to save a person from drowning. 

Here is a poem I wrote years ago about my love of being in the water and swimming, written in 2005.  I actually spent the afternoon swimming, then I took a shower and glanced out the window at the pool with the sun shining through the trees and the poem came to me right then and there. I had to have my husband write it down for me since I was in the shower, lol. Sometimes inspiration hits at the least convenient time, but I am always happy when it does.
Wishing you sunshine and serenity.


I dive in a pool of crystal clear waters,

My worries float away.

I gaze at the sapphire sky, the sun

Blazes brightly above me.

Clouds drift aimlessly

Making a myriad of shapes and sizes.

My wistful spirit is baptized,

I am consumed by this show of

Sky high fireworks;

Warming my soul and body.

Trees pirouette in the wind, a minuet

For weary eyes; I am taken away.

(c) Rose Bruno Bailey