Category Archives: Henry’s Horse Sanctuary


Everyone has a starting point, it’s ok to begin again. Start where you are, no matter how many times you may have faltered in the past. I’m really good at wobbling and losing my focus and getting it back again. So much so that my dear friend Kristen and I call it being a weeble, like that 70’s toy Weebles. Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down. I may wobble, but I refuse to fall down, and even if I do I will stand back up again. You can’t knock me down.

Today is my day three of really going after my goals. I’m really going to work on consistency and commitment. Monday through Friday I will do my #benderfitness scheduled workouts, cardio, and blog every day. I’m going to get my weight in the 160’s ( short term goal) and go volunteer at the Horse Sanctuary. I’m going to work hard at my job because I’m grateful for it, and I’m going to work around it to make my goals a reality.  Like I said in a previous post, control the things you can control when life seems to literally be out of your control. You can control what you eat, how you move your body and your mindset.

I took new before photos and dated them. It’s actually quite liberating to face where you are. I have done just that, faced where I am as I work on where I am going. Where are you going? Make sure you pack a positive outlook, it will take you farther then you ever imagined. Love and light.




Focus on Fitness

I’m always starting over, but that’s ok. I will continue to start over until I get it right. There is no failure, everything is a learning lesson. For me losing weight is not linear, it’s a zig zag line of ups and downs. Part of the problem is I’ve been focusing on the numbers and not so much on fitness. The scale isn’t the problem, it’s me. So how do I correct my past mistakes and get on the road to weight loss and fitness success like I was when I started this blog in 2013?  Let’s start with health and wellness, and less emphasis on numbers.

I weighed in today at 175 lbs. That is 5 lbs up from what I was a few weeks ago, but here’s the deal. I did crazy things the day before weigh in to help me weigh less. I do not recommend doing anything that’s unhealthy to get a better number on weigh in day. You are not a number, repeat that firmly and loudly. You are not a number. 170 lbs probably was not my true weight anyway, since I fasted and cut water on Sundays. I have a hard time admitting I did such unhealthy steps just to get a better number on Monday when I stepped on the scale. Repeat this too, health is your number one priority. I weighed 170 lbs and I ended up with a kidney infection probably due to dehydration. It’s just not worth hurting yourself over. I had eating disorders when I was younger, and it’s quite obvious those old ghosts still haunt me. It’s ok, I’m haunting them back. Here’s a big boo to my ghosts of eating disorders past, and how I’m going to get it right finally. 

I will weigh in once a week, it’s important to know where you are but not obsess with the number on the scale. It’s sounds contradictory, but for me I need to know where I stand. No more doing unhealthy steps the day before weigh in, Sunday’s with be healthy vegan food. No fasting, no water cutting, it’s business as usual. I will post in the following weeks my food plan, always vegan but always needing to portion control and stay accountable. What I put in my temple should be fuel not trash, of course within balance. I’ve discovered when my balance is off I tend to binge eat. 

I asked Melissa from Melissa Bender Fitness to help me with personal workouts to get me started, and my workouts will be Monday-Friday and cardio daily. I’m going to focus on moving more and obsessing less. I’m going to find the joy I once had in exercising and quit procrastinating. It’s not that hard. My thanks to Melissa Bender Fitness for helping me on my new journey.

That’s it for now. Today I begin again in gratitude because I’m healthy enough to be able to begin again. Remember this, it’s really all you need to get started. My new emphasis will be wellness, fitness, strength, agility, flexibility and my mind and body connection. Weight loss will be the bonus. A quick mention for the volunteering I promised for Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary, I’m still planning to go. My husband James is doing a lot of traveling and as soon as that settles we will be volunteering together. He asked me to wait for him, so I’m giving him time to follow through with his appointments first. 

Love and Light to you. Take care of your temple, nurture your body and soul. If something does not serve you do not do it. You are beautiful, but beauty on the inside is so much more sustainable. Let’s get healthy and well so we can tackle our goals and take on the world. That’s a beautiful thing.




I REJOINED WW ONLINE( after two week break)

Before I get into my post I wanted to address Tropical Storm Imelda. We are in Houston and we are safe. I pray for all of those around me affected by another devastating storm. I’m so grateful to the rescuers, the businesses and churches opening their doors for shelter.  Thinking about my friends at Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary. A big shout out to Mattress Mack. I would love to meet him someday. He always ways opens his door to those in need. 

I was doing so well with my food, I was down 13 lbs since joining WW online. Two weeks ago I believed I could go it without WW so I let go of my membership. In that two weeks life happened, it always does. One comfort food meal turned into another and all of a sudden I was out of control. I could feel my fear of food and my eating disorder issues creep back into my psyche. It took a pasta and vegan key lime pie binge, and the sickness I felt after to send me back to WW online. I rejoined at 2 am. 

I woke up with peace with food. I felt my support was there. I started tracking my day and I made healthy choices. I feel back in control despite the fact I went up 6 lbs in two weeks. Better to catch it now and begin the process of losing and getting fit before I gain even more weight. Healing in mind, body, and spirit and giving back. Those are my goals on this blog. I made a delicious tofu scramble with spinach and veggies, no oil. I split my whole grain Dave’s bagel with my husband. I ate, I’m satisfied and I have zero guilt. That’s worth every penny of my monthly WW fee if $19.99. Love and Light to all and  stay safe if you are in Houston. Rose


44 Day Challenge

Did you know it’s 44 days until Halloween arrives? This really begins the Autumn/Holiday season for many. My hubby James and I always have our little tradition. We eat burgers ( now vegan)  and carve pumpkins and drink cider, all watching scary movies. It’s a tradition we honored since our Pittsburgh days. This year we will not let that tradition slide by.

Today I’m starting a 44 day challenge. I’m going to try to show up here daily and share what I’m doing. I’m going to take it Day by day because I may change things up, but my plan is to focus on nutrition, fitness and goals. To show up daily despite my work schedule. I’ve lost 23 lbs but in my opinion I’ve been not working as hard as I can. I watched a video with Tao-Porchon Lynch and she really inspired me. So today begins my challenge. It’s 44 days until Halloween. Let’s do this!! 

No cheat days until Halloween. No pasta. Only whole grain foods in moderation. A little dark chocolate is ok. I’m really going to try to not eat my goodies at our bake sale, just the vegan healthy cookies but in moderation. No refined junk of any kind. I’m going to eat clean vegan. 

Daily Yoga Sun Salutations, and some other workouts. I’m using Melissa Bender Fitness, and my cardio will be walking, running etc. I plan to move 60 minutes a day plus ten sun salutations daily. Legs up a wall before bed. I don’t care if my workout before or after work, if I have time to sit and watch tv I have time to without. 1 hour plus ten sun salutations. Like that Pizza Guy on YouTube says, that’s the rules. Everybody knows the rules, everybody being me. 

The other things I will be adding will be addressed in future posts. What I’m reading, writing, who I’m watching for inspiration. Fun classes I may take, plus tools for self development. Products I use to help me heal and make me feel well again. I’m not sick but my body can be my temple again. Lots of personal goals I’m going to tackle. No procrastination. Today is the day. As I type this we found out an old friend in Pittsburgh PA lost his battle with Lung Cancer. He was only 38. Life is short. Do what you dream of doing today. RIP Chris Pierce. Thank you for your kindness.

RIP Chris



I was reading Mantra Wellness Magazine, (photo from the pages of the magazine). I opened the magazine and this was the first page. It totally spoke to me. I messed up, again. I gained 3 of the 13 lbs I lost. Here I am, facing the music and starting over.

Weight loss is a series of ups and downs. You begin all gun go until a holiday or other food related event comes along. All of a sudden you stop tracking and you promise yourself just one bad day. Then there’s leftovers, so one cheat day becomes two. Soon you have lost your momentum. I’ve been there when I was successful in my weight loss the first time around, and I’m there now at the beginning of my second weight loss journey. The key is to catch it, to own your slip up and get back on that weight loss wagon. Get on the scale, face it and get moving. I gained three pounds. My weight is currently 174 lbs. I’m still down ten, and I’m catching this now before I gain the whole ten back. I’m making like a GPS,  I’m yelling recalculating. Here’s how I’m going to get back at it and stop the gain cycle and continue on my wellness/weight loss/fitness journey part two.

The first thing is to access the damage, weigh yourself. You need to know where you are.It’s easy to be in denial. Better to cry over a few pounds now. I weighed myself and tracked my weight. 

My next step is to track all my food, and as a ww member I’m going to try to be in blue dots. That means stay within my healthy range of points, period. I noticed my weight went up when I didn’t track.  When I did track I went over my points. My day begins with 24 oz of water with lemon, and a banana and an apple or whatever fruit I have. I let my body digest it before my daily one cup of coffee. Then my breakfast. Lately I’m eating a garden of life plant based protein bar with my coffee. Hey, I’m on the run and it’s only 5 pts. I’m going to make oat and peanut butter protein balls too. If you are vegan I would love to know some fast and healthy breakfasts that are your favorites. 

Being accountable here helps, so I plan to try to blog daily and try to get better sleep. I have two Siamese cats, and the minute our heads touch the pillow they decide it’s time to party. We have to get better sleep, that’s number one. 

Move daily. Non negotiable. That’s my only fitness rule right now. I’ve been spotty with my fitness so I’m making this one goal to start. Move my body vigorously for 45 minutes to 1 hour daily. I will be more specific later, but that’s my rule. It could be running, walking fast, Melissa Bender Fitness workouts etc. I just have to move it for 45 minutes to 1 hour. I started this on Labor Day. Plus I’m going to also add sun salutations, stretching and legs up a wall pose for circulation. 

Eat clean 80/20. The majority of my vegan diet must be Whole Foods plant based with processed vegan food only occasionally. Tracking every bite. I stopped this and I gained three pounds. It’s ok, I’m painfully human. I may try to not eat past 8 pm, but this may be difficult with my work schedule. I’m going to try. Time to revisit vegan meal prepping. 

So this is my restart of my restart. We are still planning to go to Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary soon, definitely this month. Ive been asked by my husband James to go when he can go. I do plan to visit and volunteer regularly after our first visit. There’s a lot going on in our life but this is something I can’t wait to do. I’m also helping a friend with a bake sale for her dog that needs surgery. I will post more about that later. I’m baking vegan goodies!! I believe we are here to be of service to others. Sometimes stress gets in the way, I’m working on ways to destress naturally.

I’m off to get my daily exercise in. I want you to know the road to goal does have potholes, and an occasional thunderstorm or two that can throw you off track. The sun will shine again, just begin traveling your path as many times as need be. The destination will always be there. Love and Light. Rose



Happy Monday to all. It’s Monday weigh in day. Today my weight is 171 Lbs. I’m 13 lbs down since beginning ww online and 18 lbs total. I’m stuck at the same weight for two weeks but that’s ok. I admit my tracking and my meals were not exactly on point last week. I realized when there’s pressure and stress sometimes I revert to bad habits, skipping meals, making a pasta dinner and overeating pasta. My cat Max had a little trip to the vet due to a health scare but he’s ok. Work of course is my main source of losing energy, but I’m working around that to stay on course for all of my goals, including the main ones of losing weight and getting fit again. Each weigh in day is a day to reset and begin anew. I’m really going to focus this week on fitness ( flexibility, cardio and workouts) and clean vegan nutrition. I’m doing Melissa Bender Fitness Workouts and yoga.  

Pretty robes and coffee for my semi morning motivation routine.

I will start posting all of what I’m doing regularly , since I’m committing to blogging daily. I do not have a laptop at the moment, so every blog will be done from my smart phone. One thing I’m doing from here on out to begin everything else is to stress a lot less. No longer will I worry about tomorrow or yesterday. I’m focusing on the present and keeping all of my thoughts positive. Thoughts become things. Eckhart Tolle is someone we listen to daily. You should check him out, very enlightening. 

Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.

Eckhart Tolle


I’ve chosen this present moment. Yesterday I began changing my approach on how I’m going to travel the path to achieving all of my goals.  Tony Robbins always says if something isn’t working, change your approach. I understand great goals take greater sacrifices, so I’m going to work harder and try to be more disciplined. I’ve already started blogging daily, and I’m going to bed just a little earlier. Today I plan to begin the second phase of my fitness journey, and start really studying my American Council Of Exercise Exam, I may even call and set the date for the exam. I’m going to be volunteering and trying to help others, my first volunteer experience in Texas will be at Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary in a few weeks. I’ve put it on hold due to my husband James, he really wants to go with me. I plan to share all with each new post.

Those are my first four goals, as well as marketing my books and doing social media regularly, writing, submitting and reading more. I also have some tech goals for my blog, a website for my books and blog, etc but those tools I will worry about later. Right now I’m focusing on the work I must put in. I understand it’s been a few years since I’ve blogged regularly, and getting an audience  back may be a challenge but it’s ok, I’m doing it anyway, build it and they will come.  I came up with this quote, and I plan on living my own words. I’m definitely worth the extra effort, and so are you. Find the system that works for you, and stick to it. It may not be easy, and you may struggle. Just keep moving forward. I would love to know if you are on a Journey to your goals. Let’s do it together.

As always I wish you love, light and happiness on the road to all of your goals. There are no obstacles, no age barriers, no blocks. Only you and the decision to do whatever it takes to make your soul sing happiness.





Happy Monday to all. Today is my weigh in day, and I stayed the exact same at 173 lbs. Actually last week I weighed 173.4, so technically it’s a loss. I don’t know what happened, but last week I went over my points and my extra weeklies. That doesn’t mean higher calorie, some foods have higher points because of fats and carbs. On the new WW program there are a lot of free foods, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and vegan proteins like beans and tofu.  This week I will try to eat a little fewer points by focusing more on beans, tofu and fruits and veggies. Tonight I’m making whole wheat angel hair and a low point Eggplant  Parmigiana with tofu. If it turns out I will post my recipe. I make a killer vegan Bolognese and marinara.

My hubby James has to work the next few Mondays, but in August we plan to go to Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary as soon as he has a free Monday again.  We are both so excited. The next few weeks will be busy because we have a lot of work. After the first week of August we will be caught up on things, and we can then take the time to go volunteer. It’s something I plan to do on the regular, working with the animals.  We are really working on positive mindset and believing we can accomplish any goal we set our hearts to. 

Going forward on my blog I’m working on time management. I work a lot, and I’m having a little difficulty working on the things I love to do, with my job which is time-consuming and exhausting. I’m grateful for my job and the lovely people I get to work with, but if I’m going to make my goals a reality I need to wake up earlier and have a full day before work. My job is my reality now, so if I want to make things happen I must adjust my morning routine, and wake up a lot earlier. Discipline in the a.m. is something I’m really lacking. 

Here are some things I need to work on. I got the food down, I’m losing weight. I admit though, my fitness routine has been very spotty. I need to incorporate my routine daily. I also have to work on my study time for my American Council of Exercise group exercise certification. I also plan to start blogging more often. Since I’ve started blogging again my weekly posts are consistent, and I’m losing, but I can do so much more. My plan is to share what is working on this second journey of mine, and also get some technical help to make my blog more user-friendly. Down the line I plan to start a YouTube channel. I have one but it’s really not something I’ve ever worked on, and it kind of really sucks. I will relaunch it when I’m ready. To round out my goals, more writing, more submitting writing and maybe looking into some marketing for my first book Camellia in Snow. I also think maybe posting about some things I do to say youthful inside and out may be fun. I will work on my goals, but that means going to bed earlier, sleep is non negotiable for me. I like to shoot for 7-9 hours of sleep nightly. 

I am off for now, drinking my water mixed with coconut water. It really wakes my system up. What goals are you working on? Do you let obstacles get in your way? Do you have a morning routine?

Today I’m writing in my pretty Paris Notebook, all the things small and grand I dream of. Life is beautiful, and dreams are worth dreaming big. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how much you weigh, or how much money you have. Dreams start in the form of your thoughts. Thoughts become ideas, ideas begin action, and your active involvement in making your thoughts into reality turns into you working on your dream life. It’s like magic. Magic thoughts, make it happen. I plan to. Let’s do this. Love and Light, Rose.



Happy Monday to all. It’s rainy here, but rainy days and Mondays do not get me down. I’ve chosen happiness and I’m going forth with joy and kindness for myself and others.  I lost another pound. Cue my happy, coffee drinking  post weigh in dance. I’m currently 173 lbs. I’m down 11 lbs since I began WW. It’s slow and steady and I feel in control, so it’s perfect to me. I already feel lighter. I’m tweaking my fitness and I’m working with my number one fitness guru Melissa from Melissa Bender Fitness. I’m going back to what has worked in the past. Working on cardio, flexibility and strength.

As I settle into my fitness routine I will post more. I’m losing weight and baking vegan healthy cookies, for myself and others around me. I’m sharing kindness and joy, no longer wallowing in my weight. I ate pasta and tator tots last week, but the difference is I watched my portion control, I tracked everything, and most of my meals are clean and healthy. Saturday night after work my hubby made me veggie burgers and tator tots, such a treat. I skipped the bun! It’s little tweaks here and there that make a difference in your weight loss journey. I never binge anymore, everything is counted. WW sent me my ten pound charm, how cool is that? 

This weekend we have to buy work boots for our visit to Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary. I plan to be a regular there if they will have me. My life has its troubles and giving back helps me through the struggles. We all have them, it’s how we get through them that defines us. I started this blog in 2013 with intentions to lose weight and help a charity with each ten pounds I lost. I never dreamed I would gain half my weight back, but I’m so happy to be here doing what I’m doing today. The weight gain and restarting my weight loss is part of my life journey, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m learning so much about myself and growing. That’s a beautiful thing. I realized my success didn’t define me, my kindness defines me. Now I do what I do for my health and my goals, and if I end up looking better great. I’m in it to make a difference and that’s my motivation. 

Thunderstorms today and I love it. As much as I have missed the California sun, I really have grown to appreciate Texas weather. My motto going forward is to Bloom where I am planted. Make a difference in my own backyard. I’ve been baking vegan cookies and they are such a hit, I’m using the money for carrots and apples for the horses. Happy Brand new week. Namaste. Rose 






Happy Monday to all. It’s July, and I love this month. Everything is warm and happy, it’s the best of the summer. I’m starting to really focus on all aspects of my life, and I plan to post more on here what I’m doing to live my best life, and to give back to others and animals. First things first, I lost ten pounds. 

This is the first time I have lost any significant weight in two years. For new readers I slipped back when we moved to Texas from Los Angeles, after losing my Mom and our cat Rascal. It took me a bit to get back to feeling like myself and I believe I am on my way. 

I really enjoy using the WW app to track my points. I have tracked no matter what, it’s important to stay accountable. Another motivational moment for me is when I committed myself to volunteering at Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary. They are my first ten pound weight loss charity, and I truly hope to volunteer with them on the regular. I can’t wait to meet the horses and wonderful humans that care for them. Much gratitude to Donna at the sanctuary.  I’m coming for you 20 lbs and a brand new charity, but my intention is to volunteer with the animals long after I pick my next charities. 

My day starts later since I work nights. So right now I’m having coffee as I blog, and after I’m writing down my short-term intentions, and my long-term goals. Some of my long-term goals may seem crazy, but I’m writing them down. Today begins my 30 day yoga challenge with Melissa Bender Fitness, so after I’m done writing I’m stepping on the mat. I will begin with gratitude in the moment, and stay present and grounded. Lots of positive changes are happening, and it all begins first in positive thoughts. 

Follow the 30 day yoga challenge, here is the link to what I’m doing. Melissa is my best friend and also I look up to her as a mentor too. Love and light and reach for the stars. Rose


Happy Monday. It’s weigh in Monday and my weight stayed the same, holding steady at 175 lbs. I’m really proud that I’ve lost 9.4 since starting WW online. I’m almost at the 10 lbs mark, and I’m really looking forward to visiting Henry’s Home and Horse Sanctuary. Putting my emphasis on something else really helps me stay accountable, and it works. My hubby James wants to go with me, he’s really interested in giving back. 

Speaking of James, I was sick all last week and now I got him sick. Both of us are taking a rest   in fitness until we feel better. Sometimes rest is so important, as is learning to listen to your body. My weight loss goals are coming along and soon my fitness goals will follow. This is a lifestyle change not a fad fix. If your body is enervated you need to rest and recover. 

This post is short and sweet, I’m happy to be losing again and I really love using the WW app. Tracking and staying within my points is really making a difference. I fit into a few size 12 clothing items I had in storage. It feels so great to be losing again and feeling comfortable in my own skin. I find myself watching fashion videos on YouTube. My interest in fashion has returned with my new-found weight loss. It’s important to always have something nice to wear no matter what weight loss stage you are in. No more skipping functions with the excuse of nothing to wear. After all, you have to live. 

Have a wonderful beginning to a brand new week. I’m still not 100% so I may just chill and Netflix, or in truth watch Turner Classic Movies.  Love and light and keep chasing your goals.  Rose