Tag Archives: Weigh in update


Happy Tuesday. This is the second week of my second half of my wellness journey ( as a vegan) and I’m starting off strong with a positive mindset. I began this blog in 2013 and I helped a new charity with each ten pounds. I lost a significant amount of weight and helped several charities.  I was in the best shape I’ve been in since my twenties, and I regained my sense of purpose in the process. I had a lot of help from others in fitness and philanthropy. It was a team effort from friends who got involved.

When I decided to go all in on this blog again  ( for real this time) I didn’t think I could take on a charity with each ten pounds. I am still doing charity projects separately, but I wasn’t sure one charity with each ten pounds could be managed, until I came up with a fresh idea to accomplish my original mission with a new twist. My new my change for a ten plan is to donate something every ten pounds, with the number ten. For example, ten cans of food to Food bank or homeless shelter. Ten pounds of cat or dog food to a animal rescue. You get the idea. I would also like to start a movement to get others to do the same. Challenge yourself to do something for others using the number ten. Send ten cards to family members, ten blankets to a homeless shelter. You can do what I did originally and motivate yourself to lose weight by helping others. It worked for me then and I believe it will work for me now. I weighed in yesterday and my current weight is 169 lbs. When I get into the 150’s I will be doing a giving back to an organization I am passionate about. I’m yet to decide my first ten pounds donation, so stay tuned.

I’m also running the Facebook group I founded called Letters From Uncle Louie, we send cards and letters to seniors in homes to let them know they are not alone. I feel like teaming charities with weight loss really helped me be successful the first time around, and keeping it up is very motivating to me now. I would love to inspire others to do the same. We get healthy and it helps us be happier, and helping others is so rewarding; it’s a real win win.

Have a wonderful day.

With Gratitude, Rose