Tag Archives: Starting over 2023


It’s my first weigh in day. Starting over isn’t easy. Here’s my thoughts after returning to this blog and trying for the millionth time to lose the fifty pounds I gained over the last six years.

Transition isn’t easy, and besides the pandemic I’ve been the queen of changes. When I was in Los Angeles I had a community behind this blog, I felt the support on a deep level. Now in our first house as I start over I realize I need to look to myself for inspiration and make the commitment on a deeper level. I need to be able to stand alone and get it done. That means home workouts and meal prep.

Those late night junk food days are over. In the last week I’ve lost 3 lbs weighing in at 197 lbs. I made it to onederland as they say, and I hope to never see 200 lbs again. I set my plan with the loseitapp and my maximum calorie budget in a day is 1,610. This week I’ve hovered under 1,400 calories. Last night my husband James wanted beyond burgers with the bun and fries etc. I chose to eat mine bunless with a salad. I’m also limiting my breads. I feel for me bread is the gateway to my binges. First it’s bread, than a ton of pasta and finally I find myself reaching for sweets. Those things are not off limits permanently but limiting them now, especially in these crucial first days of my diet is so important as I build my mindset momentum.

In the early days of this new journey it’s important for me to build my willpower back up. If I slip up too early in this process I will keep yo yo’ing and gain five lose five pounds over and over. I had a revelation. When I eat or overeat junk food, it’s usually gone or over in five to ten minutes. Those five to ten minutes of satiation are not worth the sacrifice of my goals. I’m trying to be mindful of this lightbulb moment each time I have a craving to overindulge.

It’s a vicious circle, a cycle I overcame the first time I began this weight loss blog in 2013. I know what I must do to overcome any chance of an early setback. I’m going to choose a charity for my first ten pounds, something attainable. Maybe a can food drive for a local food bank. I’m open to suggestions. I’m also reinventing my passion project of Letters From Uncle Louie, we give back by sending snail mail to those who need cheer. I’m working on many writing projects and I started a part time server job so I’m busy, but I am so excited for fall. Fall to me is new beginnings, autumn 🍂 decor and fashion, and more social time because we will finally cool down here in Texas.

So if you find yourself thinking you can’t start again for whatever reason, I’m here to start again right beside you. We can do this, connecting virtually and cheering each other on from our little corner of the world. It’s not our location that makes us achieve great things, it’s our dedication. Happy Weekend to all.