Tag Archives: melissa bender fitness


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Good Morning to all, and what a beautiful Monday it is here in West Hollywood. I am off today and tomorrow, wrapping up my days of cat sitting two beautiful Lilac Siamese. Noodles and Peaches are my other Siamese loves, and my cats have been missing me so it will be time to go home. 

It is weigh in day and I am so happy I stayed the same at 159 lbs, I skipped the last few weeks. My scale broke, and I got frustrated with things. I am still 24 lbs to goal, and with everything going on in my life I admit to having just a few cheat days. Friday night I ate a huge tuna sub from subway, and I definitely felt ill the day after. It made me realize that my eating plan is not just about weight and appearance. It is about how I feel, my health and well-being. I had heartburn for the first time in a very long time, and I didn’t even recognize the symptoms. If you can see from the graph above I have plateaued again since February, but that is ok, No  weight gains is great for me.

I decided on Sunday to get back on track, still counting my points but going back to an anti-inflammation diet and every Monday I can deviate just a little. That way I am eating not to lose weight only, but to continue to feel good and energetic. Mondays will be the only day I consume things like flour. I believe in this type of program but I also know it is good to allow treats and deviations, just not all the time.

Here is a link to a good list of food for this type of eating from Melissa Bender Fitness.  http://www.benderfitness.com/2017/01/anti-inflammatory-diet-grocery-list.html

Today I am reveling in the fact the scale stayed the same. I feel good, and I will not be deviating this day because I am getting back on track. Next Monday will be my semi cheat day. Today it is all non processed foods with lots of produce.

My knee is healing and I feel my shoulder is too, so soon I will hit the pavement running again and start my work out schedule. I decided to rest so I would not be down for the count for longer than need be. I listened to my body even though I wanted to ignore it, and I am feeling so much better now. I have weaned myself off any pain pills for my knee too, I do not need them anymore and they made me feel awful. The last few weeks I have been walking but that is it. It is hard to slow down but I am healing.

That is all for today. I am going to go down to the pool and take a dip, or if it is too cold go in the jacuzzi.  I am celebrating that the scale stayed the same, it will be much easier now to get back on track.

It’s a lifestyle not a diet. Love and Light to all.



Check in Day Seven….Melissa Bender Fitness: Tummy Toning Fat Burn

The first year is behind me,  45 lbs are lost….onward and upward to the next forty and all of my fitness goals.

Checking in on my routine. Day seven of Month one is today, and yes I workout on a Saturday. Today I am going to the gym to do the treadmill as well as day seven. I am also doing home yoga until I move to San Francisco and when I get situated in will be back in the studio. I am doing all three months of Melissa Bender’s Bikini Competition prep, the workouts she did to compete in a bikini competition. She has and always will be so inspiring to me, and I am always so grateful to her for being such an amazing  best friend as well as role model to many. 

Much love and light to all and a big thanks to Melissa Bender for helping me during this transition period. 



Melissa Bender Fitness: Tummy Toning Fat Burn: *Workout Video and Breakdown Below Hi Everyone! Who is up for some tummy time? Everyone wants a strong core, and sexy abs. This w…


Thank god it is Friday. This moving mess is unreal, and it is truly the hardest move we have ever navigated. Forging forward with my work out goals, which makes dealing with the unease and stress so much easier. Endorphins really do have a factor on your mood.

Today is day six of Melissa Bender Fitness Bikini Prep workout, month one. I am also doing about 45 minutes of cardio today as well. I am going to shoot for two rounds. 

I had a few weeks of slowing down with the moving stress and this week I am working on my strength. Next week I will do three rounds.
I am doing her 12 week series, and also incorporating my own cardio and Body Pump Classes from 24 Hour Fitness. I will start Yoga as soon as I get situated in San Francisco.

I need to eat a bit more. I eat mostly clean but sometimes I do not eat enough. I was reading all about what Melissa eats and it puts me to shame. I definitely need to eat more. Not eating slows your metabolism and does not fuel you enough for working out.

Breakfast today was non fat Greek yogurt with no sugar no salt peanut butter, raw oats and a banana. I was out of my usual protein bars. 

Off for today. I work and I will be working out this evening.
Love and Light to all


I think this is San Francisco. I will find this spot.
One of my goals, to take yoga pose photos
all over the bay area,

Good Morning to all. Today is Monday, yes again. I like to look at Monday’s as a new beginning. I have a lot of new beginnings coming my way with my upcoming move to San Francisco. Finding an apartment is the most challenging step. Once we secure a place it will be full steam ahead.  I am trying to figure out when my last day of work should be. I have not put in my two weeks yet, but I need to soon.

I work today, and I plan on working out after. I am doing my Cardio and day two of Melissa Bender Fitness Bikini Competition workout series of month one. I may take a Les Mills Body Pump Class tonight if I get out of work in time. 


I am so happy my gym membership for 24 Hour Fitness allows me to attend any 24 Hour Fitness. They are all over San Francisco.

So my plan for this week is:
Week one of  month one of Melissa Bender Bikini Competition Series. One Round to begin, 20 reps.
Cardio five to six days.
Body Pump Class two to three days.
Anything else I may squeeze in

I am going to try to keep my diet as clean as possible. I do allow myself a piece of dark chocolate if I want it. Just one, and I totally savor it. I love Trader Joe’s.

Off for now. Soon I have to start cleaning, purging, and packing. Change comes on slow than runs you over.


With the wind comes a change in direction, and I am adjusting my compass and blowing in the breeze. The sea is below to catch my fall. I will never falter, it sometimes it takes me longer to get to my destination. Loving the journey just the same.

With everything going on with the move, I realized I need to push harder than ever. I have decided to blog more about what I am doing each day to get to my goals, and when I get to San Francisco I will not feel like I have fallen behind. Friday I did cardio for 45 minutes and took a Les Mills Body Pump Class. I am still sore from that. Saturday I went speed walking outdoors for over an hour.

Today I am going to do about an hour of speed walking outdoors. I am taking advantage of this amazing weather, I hear San Franciso is much cooler. I am planning on speed walking for now. I have slacked off a bit, so I am starting with that so I do not make my toes any worse. I am also seeing a Dr. before the move. Running will come as soon as I feel back in the swing of things.

Today I am also going to do day one of Melissa Bender Fitness Bikini Competition workouts. She suggested I add those to my routine a while back, and it is so amazing to work out with my best friend even if it is virtually. She is such an inspiration and I do not know where I would be without her.  I plan on going through the routine twice, after my cardio. I plan on doing 15-20 reps.

I struggle with lunges, so that will be the most difficult part for me. I can do her routine at the gym or at home. I have been watching the videos and writing down the breakdown so I can do it at the gym without the computer. They have all the equipment I will need.

That is it for today. I downloaded brand new music from the 70’s and 80’s to keep me moving. It also makes me happy and energized. With this move I need to keep my energy high. Onward and Upward.

Love and light to all
Happy Sunday