Tag Archives: Gratitude


unnamedThe other day two young guys gave me a random compliment, they saw how spirited I was and they told me they were “vibe-ing off my energy.” It is a new word and I like it. Think about it, we are all energy based. Positive not only attracts positive but it also negates negative energy and can turn it around. A bad day can become worse with negative thoughts, it spirals out of control the minute you decide today is a bad day. So if you tell yourself today is a good day it will be. It may seem simple and cliché’, but it is also absolute truth and the law of the universe. If you see someone loving life, make sure to “vibe” off their energy. Their positive energy does not mean their life is perfect, it just means they find the beauty of living despite the obstacles life throws at us all. After all you are alive, so how about acting fully alive.

My blog became challenging two years ago when I found out were relocating to San Francisco. I knew I would no longer have a personal trainer at my convenience and I was afraid I would undo all of my hard work. On top of that I loved LA, I did all my charities in LA and I didn’t think the bay area was a fit for me. I did make it work while I was there for what I call my year and a half sabbatical, and my blog continued in the time I was living there. I even made some life long friends and mentors, hit some fitness milestones and volunteered and helped raise food for the hungry at The Second Harvest Food Bank. I survived a personal crisis and a spontaneous move back to LA recently.



Through it all I woke up each and every day not only with a smile for myself, but for everyone I encountered along my travels. It helps you cope when you just slow down and remember to first be kind first. Sometimes it takes effort when all you wish to do is hide under the covers, but keeping a positive attitude even on the hardest days has helped me survive. In hindsight if I would have kept to myself and sulked, I never would have met the many wonderful bay area souls that have inspired me and touched my life.

It has been six months since we arrived back in LA, and three months since I began my countdown until my 50th Birthday. In this six months leading to The Winter Solstice I am eating completely clean and not cheating or having a cheat meal. It is a huge undertaking, considering we tend to want to splurge when life throws us disappointments. Yesterday was such a day, I am hoping to have my book signing here in LA at an esteemed book store but I let some time lapse from the first moment I corresponded with the book store due to my move back and all of the commotion of getting a new job and settling in. I am not going to jump to conclusions, but I may need a back up plan if this particular book store turns me down. Again I have to reach into my little bag of positive tricks and truck on forward.

This leads me to how often we reach for food to dull the ache in the pit of our stomach when things do not exactly go our way. It is not hunger we feel, but that need for comfort and soothing that we get when we treat ourselves. My husband James said “let’s get cake, no one will know.”  I regress, I will know. Back to the four agreements, “always be impeccable with your word.”

So no cheat day for me. This is teaching me to face my feelings and deal with them in a non food manner. I work in a world famous deli with the most amazing food and homemade bakery so this is extra difficult for me but I am standing by my commitment. I am a work in progress, moving forward despite everything that comes my way. I am leaning on my energy and attitude to keep me going. That and morning coffee.

They say life does not have a dress rehearsal, and this is it. So I continue to vow to be grateful and joyful an to not let obstacles chase off my dreams, and I vow to keep going.


I am vibe-ing off the energy of the beauty of being alive. 





Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

Francis of Assisi

I am not an after, I never consider myself an after. I am a work in progress, successful at what I am doing but I am on a journey and far from my destination. People write me and tell me that I look like I have already arrived. I am half way and proud at how far I have come. I have done things that have completely surprised myself, so to me that quote by Saint Francis of Assisi hits home.

My journey has become more than numbers on the scale, it is about being fit and strong as well as reducing my weight. I have many fitness goals I wish to accomplish and many milestones I have already met.  I am only 5’3 in height and I believe a goal of about 135 lbs is completely realistic. I also have many more charities I wish to help. So here I am at my lowest weight of in 20 years, working on my fitness and last 30 lb weight loss, and planning my next charity event; all less than four months before I turn the big 50. Always moving forward, even when life’s struggles trip me up; I catch my step and continue on my merry way. I may sometimes stumble, but I always rise.

When I began I had a set of ideas I followed. I like to call them ideas instead of rules.  These ideas became part of how I stayed on course with my goals. If you are beginning a weight loss and or fitness journey these little bits of wisdom may be invaluable to you as you set out on your quest to be the best you inside and out.

  1. Be impeccable with your word.

When I started I discovered a book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The first agreement is this. “Be impeccable with your word.” If you say you are going to do something, than make it happen. The first week of my blog I was cast in a Richard Simmons video. I almost backed out because of embarrassment about how heavy I was, but I decided to be impeccable with my word and follow through with my commitment. No excuses anymore, no procrastination. Same with your workouts, that always say nobody ever regretted a workout after it was done. Whatever it is you plan to do, be true to your word and make it happen. The time is now, start strong.



2. Find your Dream Team

I am quite blessed. My dream team is always growing and is always evolving. But there was a time when I did not have a dream team. Back in 2002 I met my now best friend Melissa and my life changed forever. I will write about this subject and her influence on me in a future post.

At this moment you may be asking what is a dream team?

A dream team is your tribe, your friends old and new who inspire you with their own accomplishments and greatness, yet they also find time to cheer you on and believe in you and your dreams with all of their hearts. They are your best friends,occasional acquaintances that fulfill a mission, your mentors, your inspirations in life. You must have an open mind to find your dream team. They come on unassuming sometimes, in unlikely friends of all ages and sexes. I urge you, open your mind and heart, and look around for your dream team. When you do find them, remember to give as much as you get and pay it forward; and the dream team will continue to grow and grow. Trust me on this.

No man’s a failure who has friends.

Frank Capra

Some photos of some of my fitness dream team, I cannot post all of my dream team it would take all day. xo My dream team is vast and includes people from all walks of life and backgrounds.unnamed




3. Find the food lifestyle and fitness plan that works for you.

When I began I had no idea what I would do, I had just a simple plan. My plan was to begin Weight Watchers, do some speed walking and work out with my new friend and trainer Mike. (see dream team last pic with his dog Apollo)

I ended up a yogi, a runner who completed a few races, and I beat my trainer Mike at a planking contest. I am now much more confident at fitness than I was when I began, and in the future I may become a trainer myself. I have a lot of fitness goals that I would have never dreamed of making when I began in 2013. I continue to challenge myself.

click here for free amazing workouts, yoga etc.http://www.benderfitness.com/

Weight Watchers is a great way to begin if you feel lost about food and you are not sure how to eat. I did it for the first six months and it really helped me begin. As my journey continued I found what works for me, clean eating and lower carbohydrate and low gluten. That does not mean the way I eat will work for you. It is trial and error. Same with fitness, walking is a great way to begin, and working out with a trainer is a safe way to learn about fitness. As you evolve you may find your new brave self craving new ways to work out and new classes to take. You may even find yourself running in races. It is amazing what fitness does for your confidence and your energy levels. Start at the beginning, and do not be afraid to experiment. Learn what works for you and stick to it. Trust me, you will not miss that pizza when you are trying on bathing suits in July or when you are running circles around people who are falling down because they lack energy.

Rose Bruno Bailey Weight Loss


4. If you get a flat tire, will you slash the other three?

That is a quote from my dear friend Dawn and a member of my dream team. It is so true. You may falter, you may stumble. You may find yourself after a bad day diving into a vat of cake batter head first. If you do stumble, forgive yourself and begin again. Do not let one cheat meal or cheat day become a cheat week. Get back on that horse and keep galloping towards your goals. Forgive yourself, and forge forward.


5. Love your body and be grateful

We all body bash, hell I think I may be the queen of body bashing. I have learned to look at my body as a temple and not a trash can. This body has surprised and astonished me in ways I never thought it would, especially as I am on the verge of turning 50. I am grateful to this body, and I bow down in reverence for the gift of living and the chance to make my body stronger so I can continue to grow gracefully. So begin anew, and remember you are not growing old you are just growing and graceful as you embark on your journey to be the best you.

6. Do not look through other peoples windows.

There is no competition, except with yourself. If you wish to compete, make it with the you from yesterday. Do not body compare, or body shame yourself or others. Be a person who walks in kindness. Cheer on other people’s accomplishments but keep resentment and jealousy at bay. Those human emotions will sideline you. We are all one, and in this together. No matter how long it takes, or how slow you run, you are faster than you were when you were sitting on the couch. Soon enough people will be congratulating you on your accomplishments. You are beautiful the way you are, you are just going to become stronger and healthier and inspire others to do so.


Walk in light





It’s a Journey

“You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.”
― Roman Payne

If you have followed my journey you know this is a blog a about dancer/writer poet who gained a lot of weight and decided to combine weight loss and charity and write about the process and journey. You can find my beginnings here.  http://mychangeforaten.com/about/

For me this blog has become life changing. It has literally opened up a whole world of possibilities and endless opportunities and introduced me to lifelong friends and mentors. We are only held back by the shackles we place upon ourselves. We have the key to let go of what holds us back, the fears and blocks that keep us from living the life of our dreams. Life is too beautiful not to be happy in the living.

This is a weight loss/fitness blog where I sponsor charities as I lose weight and it will continue to be that as I continue on my journey. I am 30 lbs away from my goal weight and on my six month challenge of no cheat days until I arrive at my 50th birthday on The Winter Solstice on December 21st. Here I am now proud of my accomplishments but always moving forward. I lost over 50 lbs and helped numerous charities and found a love of fitness and yoga similar to my love of dance and the written word. I am on a fitness quest as well as a weight loss journey, a quest to be the best me inside and out. This will not cease when I hit my goal weight. Lifestyle equals a life journey.unnamed-2


I will continue to share my fitness goals and my mentors and role models, my weight loss journey and diet including more recipes.I am in the process of planning my next charity event. I plan to start writing about a subjects that are related to my journey, subjects about inspirations of life and living. I have slacked off writing here because I let life get in my way and got lazy with my writing and overwhelmed with the nuances that sometimes stop us in our tracks. I plan to write more often like I did when I began, and be more transparent in the process. I am painfully emotional and human, and from now on I will write more and stress less about life’s issues.

My life is beautiful because I am in love with living and all creatures of the universe. With that said a beautiful life is not a perfect life. I have issues like every other human that walks the earth. I am too far from family, and finances are a struggle but I am living despite of my problems and always moving forward. One of my favorite quotes from the film The Shawshank Redemption is

“get busy living or get busy dying”

I am living, loving life here in LA. Almost 50 and grateful for every single person in my life and every single moment that got me here. Are you getting older or living a beautiful life? You have the power to choose.










Happiness is a warm blanket. 

Charlie Brown

Today I had some extra time to myself when a friend cancelled on our morning coffee. It was extra time to do nothing but to snuggle with my two Siamese cats and a big fluffy blanket. As I lay there completely content to be idle, my mind started to reflect how lucky I am to have such a simple yet happy moment blanketed from all the woes found outside our front door. 

A blanket is one of those items you probably never think about, but think how attached you are to it. A blanket comforts your body and your soul. On a hot summer night do you still curl up with your blanket?  It is much more than an item that keeps you from getting cold, it is a security blanket. A blanket protects in the wee hours of the night. Even our beloved pets feel safe when there is a cozy blanket to curl up in. A blanket is warmth, and warmth is love.

For the homeless a blanket is all of these things and so much more. A blanket is a safety net from the elements of the street, a barrier against all the dangers that exist when you dwell without four walls to keep you safe. To a homeless person a blanket is shelter, a soothing hug in the middle of the night, a coat to keep you warm. A blanket is a veil of privacy, a sleeping bag, a layer between you and the mean streets. To a homeless person a simple item like a blanket is home.

This brings me to my next Charity Project. I will be doing a blanket drive to collect new blankets for the homeless for The Midnight Mission in Downtown Los Angeles.  http://www.midnightmission.org/


I will have more information about the event as I progress in planning, I am hoping to get all the blankets by mid December. This is the crucial time here in LA as the nights start to get cooler and the need for blankets to help keep our homeless friends warm is increased. I will be posting more about it and everyone involved in upcoming blog posts. I am very honored that I can do this and grateful to all the help I get along the way.

As I wrap it up my two Siamese cats Rascal and Spanky are in dreamland curled up with a blanket  and probably content to be there all day. Creature comforts are so important for both humans and animals. 

Much love and light.









Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

Tony Robbins

Hello to all and a very Happy Wednesday. I have been thinking a lot about this blog, my goals, and what I wish to accomplish as I move forward. This summer is my three year Anniversary, I have lost a lot of weight and kept every pound off. I have helped numerous charities, and started a fitness journey that has taken me beyond anything that I could have expected. My book was published, I was in a Richard Simmons video, and my story made it into a few websites. In the process I met lifelong friends and have been inspired by all the stories of people crushing their personal goals. I have done all this through a move to San Francisco, and back to Los Angeles and kept my optimism through a tough personal crisis. I could never have done any of this alone, and a huge shout out to all of my mentors, friends, and family.

Here begins the new chapter. I am all in my 6 month clean eating challenge with no cheat days until my 50th Birthday which falls on December 21. Summer solstice to the winter solstice. I admit there have been a few days when all I wanted to do was drown my sorrows in a tub of cake batter, but I have resisted. I have broken my plateau and my weight is now 166. 



I have really exciting news to announce, but I am trying to wait until it happens before I say what it is, but I will say it is a milestone in my life. A personal goal was accomplished, and I am giddy as a school girl. 

I have a giving friend who has been down lately, and I hate to see her sad. I suggested we meet once a week to have coffee, write down our goals for the upcoming week and discuss how we feel. We have been doing this for three weeks now and I can honestly say it has worked just as much for me as it has for her. She has started a new opportunity and she has also returned to playing a sport she is passionate about and has missed dearly. For me it has helped me set new goals as I move forward. I am still in a personal crisis, but it is much better now that we are back in Los Angeles. I am crushing my weekly goals and I feel extra motivated and inspired.

Two months in my clean eating challenge and here is the workouts I will be doing for the next six weeks. Thanks Melissa Bender Fitness for always pushing and inspiring me and the masses. Today is day 3 for me. Melissa is a new Mom to baby Maverick and I could not be happier for her.   http://www.benderfitness.com/2016/08/postpartum-beyond-6-week-workout-challenge-week-1-day-3-cardio-day.html

I also am knee deep in planning my next Charity. I will explain all in a future post but here is who I am helping next. I am planning an exciting event. https://www.facebook.com/TheMidnightMission/?fref=ts


It makes sense since this charity is very similar to my first charity back in October, 2013 with The Monday Mission. I went to skid row with My trainer Mike, his girlfriend Maria, and my friend Courtney and her boyfriend to feed the homeless.  We donated food courtesy of Chef Jessica of Seasons 52. This photo was before I lost my weight, and the beginning of my journey. You can read about that experience here. http://mychangeforaten.com/middle-of-the-night-monday-night-mission-musings/


So that somewhat catches me up to today, almost the end of the summer 2016. One of my goals is to get back to posting daily here. You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook. Have a wonderful day, Namaste’ and keep crushing those goals.






A goal is a dream with a deadline.

Napoleon Hill



A few months ago I posted my intention to do a ten month countdown to my 50th Birthday on December 21st. I planned to go hard-core on my diet, my exercise and yoga goals. Then life happened, we decided to move suddenly and transition got in the way of training and my countdown goal.

I love a good deadline, I actually thrive when I am challenged. In the beginning of this blog I went hard-core and it worked, I thrived and lost the bulk of my weight. Now I find myself within transition, finding my footing back to what works for me. 

I have decided to begin my countdown to my 50th Birthday after all. I will begin on June 20th, which is the summer solstice and I will keep going until I get to my goal date of my birthday which falls on the winter solstice on December 21st 2016. 

I am settling in Los Angeles and figuring things out here in the city where I began this blog. Are things still crazy and chaotic? Of course they are, that is one of the reasons I am doing this challenge. I need it now more than ever.

I will be doing a charity every ten pounds, but I am not putting a time limit on how fast I will lose my weight. The goal is to get healthier, eat cleaner, and be in the best physical shape for me at this point in my life; all while still helping others in the process. I wish to be the at my personal best inside and out when I turn 50.

I will be sharing everything I am doing to get there, almost as personal as reality television. I plan to be honest and authentic. I hope you can join me as I travel on my latest journey, I can use cheerleaders to help me as I take my first baby steps on this new path. One never travels completely alone. We are all in this life together. I learned that through this blog and I am grateful to all the beautiful souls that now grace my days as dear friends. Thank you for being a part of my journey.

To be happy you must own who you are, treasure who you are and do not measure your life in numbers, You can do anything, be anything if you believe in the light that burns in your soul. 

I look to the trees for inspiration, they are our ancient mentors. Standing tall and graceful, weathering storms and waiting patiently to bask in the sun.

I was born on the shortest day of the year with the least amount of daytime, but it was that darkness that brought me into the light. Like the trees, I wait patiently to have my moment in the sun. I  will continue to work hard to make that moment happen.

Love and light,

Rose Bruno Bailey




Weight loss success story?

What does it mean to be a weight loss success story? I feel I am not that yet, even though I lost over fifty pounds. I am up seven since my move back to LA, but that is ok. I got this.

They say life happens, but in my opinion if you leave life to chance it will one day happen to be over; because they also say life is short.

These cliche’s may be true, or they may not be. In my opinion you have to make it happen, and be the architect of your own life. Make a sketch how you wish it to be, imagine it the way you want,  build it using solid foundation and keep adding on and reinventing yourself. You can choose to be happy or choose to be miserable.

Today I was looking through my things, as you know I just moved. I lost something very sentimental to me. My first instinct was to cry and get upset, and let my emotions and the fact that this material possession is forever gone to me. Then I realized even though it held such sentimental value, it doesn’t take away my happiness or my memories. It is just a possession. Then it made me think of a famous quote from the film Fight Club 

The things you own end up owning you.

The quote could be another cliche’ or it can be taken as wisdom about life and material possessions and what is really important. Either way it gives me solace as I move on with my day. Even though I lost something dear to me, and gained seven pounds since I hit my lowest weight on this blog; I  will still choose happiness instead of misery. I will move forward with gratitude, happiness, hope and love.

This brings me again to the idea of being a weight loss success story. I consider myself a work in progress at the half way mark. I am proud of my accomplishments but I am more excited what is to come. So even though my original before pic was when I weighed well over 200 lbs, I decided to take some new now before photos to track where I am at this very minute and where I am going. I may be only 7 lbs higher than my lowest weight on this blog but the move and slacking off on my routine has made me a little softer. I am ready to work it again. I am drawing up my plans as I type. I am the architect of this so-called life, and I choose happiness and gratitude. 

Much love and light. I am off for a run and to kitty sit for my friend Mary. Along with my new before pics, here are a few photos of Noodles and Peaches. I may just sit in the jacuzzi tonight. 

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If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.

Lao Tzu

Happy Thursday to all. It’s been well over a month since I posted, things literally changed in less than a months time. I always say change comes on slow and then runs you over. We wanted to move back to West Hollywood so I decided to make it happen. Blogging had to take a hiatus so I could take the time to find a new home and move back to Los Angeles where my blog began. I decided it was now or never. Now was the time to make things happen and move in the direction of our dreams.

James and I were listening to Van Halen one night after I got home from work. I admit, I was never a fan of the band my husband adored until this particular moment. The lyrics “Might As Well Jump” resonated with me deeply. I started to think, why are we here and what would it take to make a big leap and move back to the city where we were at our most happiest? We wished to move back to West Hollywood but finding an apartment while you are living in a different city can be daunting.

James happened to find a listing and we spontaneously called and set up an appointment to see the apartment. Within hours of getting home from a long shift, I got on Caltrain to San Jose and took a bus to Hollywood. There I met my friends and saw the apartment. Not too thrilled with it, and the process took longer than I expected so I was forced to stay the night. That night  James happened to come across an email about an apartment right in the heart of our favorite neighborhood and by the end of the next day I had the keys to our new home. It was perfect in every sense, and the whole process was Kismet.  (Kismet, that moment when everything just seems to align perfectly, right time, right place, right people).  We were renting from lovely people in a prime location. I loved the apartment and already pictured us with our cats there. Flash forward to today, we have been here almost a month and we could not be happier. 

Might as well jump. It took me less than 48 hours to get to LA, find a place and come home with the keys to our new castle and future. Angels above must have been guiding me to move back to the city of angels because it all came together too flawlessly.

I jumped, took a huge leap and landed on my feet back home in Southern California where I belong. Where we both belong.

Of course moving and setting up a brand new home from the ground up does take its toll on your routine. For me I slacked off a little on my clean eating. I was happy and I indulged in foods that normally would never cross my lips. My workout and running routine was compromised as well. I knew this, so I decided to do something about it sooner rather than later. I accidentally stumbled upon a Weight Watchers Group near where I am working. I went in, I joined, and I faced the scale and my inner insecure demons. Yes, I gained 13 lbs back but that is fine. I am now in control, and really looking forward to the next phase of my weight loss journey. I hope I can meet my goal with the help of Weight Watchers and  MelissaBenderfitness.  My leader Susan is absolutely fabulous,which makes all the difference in the world. The group is supportive, loving and most of all lighthearted and non judgemental. It was hard for me to admit that I slipped but I am human and flawed. With my humanity comes a strength that urges me to pick myself up and get right back to what makes me tick. My health, my writing, the charities I help along the way. I love this blog and I will continue on even as I take one step forward and two steps back. Eventually I will have to take another step and move forward or I may find myself stagnant and miserable. I will never give up.

So, today I weigh 13 lbs higher than my lowest weight I reached on my blog which was 165 lbs. It is day two of Weight Watchers and my new starting weight is 178 lbs.  I will be blogging all about my recipes, my weight loss and fitness, my goals,  and most important my new charities. I am in contact with a local well-known charity I admire and I will be posting about my nest ten pound charity event soon. In an essence I feel like today is my new day one, and back in Los Angeles where it all began.

I have never called myself an after, and I am forever a work in progress. Learning, evolving, and becoming the best me I can be; inside and out.

Namaste’ Love and Light





5 ways to survive a crisis

“The best way out is always through”

Robert Frost

Life is beautiful, life is grand, and it is most definitely a privilege to be alive. Nothing is perfect though, and life is a series of hills and valleys. You definitely have to journey through the valleys before you are back on top of that metaphorical hill. I love that quote by Robert Frost, and I said it to myself daily for the last eight months. “The best way out is always through”

We all have our trials and tribulations, and each of our journeys are different. Our destinations may not be the same, but we are all connected through our shared humanity. For me I made sure I practiced a few steps to help me survive and not lose sight of my horizon, my goals and dreams. For me this made all the difference in the world. To be honest, I had a few meltdowns, I am human and with my humanity comes my flaws, scars and all. I make no apologies. It was through my meltdowns that I realized what I needed to do. The current was trying to bring me down, but I refused to drown and instead I chose to stay afloat and tread water until I saw the shore once again.

The dream is the bearer of a new possibility, the enlarged horizon of great hope. 

Howard Thurman

These are the steps that kept me sane and working towards my goals. Now that the murky water is clearing I can say I did not regress, I grew and I am in a better place than I once was last summer. I did not falter, I persevered. You can too. Keep your eye of that horizon and never give up. Hope is a beautiful state to dwell in. Love and light to all. Namaste’ Rose


  1. Assess your situation, breathe and take stock on what you need to do to make it better. A crisis can hit you hard and leave you feeling wounded and torn. Have your meltdowns, cry your tears but choose to live in hope instead of despair. After your initial fall stand back up, straighten your back and tell yourself I got this. Make a plan and take flight.birdie
  2. Do not stop working towards your goals and keep your exercise routine, trust me on this one.  I ran a 5K in October with my manager at work Josh, who inspires me. He has ran over 32 marathons and he actually started running because of a personal crisis he was experiencing. I met some amazing friends who have made an impact on my life running in that race, my inspiring friends Stan and John.  If you make plans, stand by your word and follow through. It is not easy but it is very rewarding. We are now planning another 5K in San Francisco on May 1st, and this time we are building a team of other co-workers who were inspired to join us. If I would have quit I would be starting all over now, and even more depressed because I let my crisis win.  I had to work a lot more hours than I would have liked, but I chose to walk on my breaks and take every opportunity to move as much as possible. I was averaging up to 25,000 a day. A motivating playlist made it fun. Start downloading music and get moving. Get high on those wonderful endorphins of yours. 27472617-2af2-40e7-adb0-7b717f69ec935k35k4
  3. Eat clean healthy food, drink a lot of fresh water and please rest your body and get out in nature.  Last thing you want is to do is gain weight and feel sluggish through your crisis. You need to feel healthy in mind and spirit to tackle the enormous task in front of you. Dealing with fears and the feeling of uncertainty is a lot worse when you are putting trash into your system, dehydrated and running on next to no sleep.  Would you litter? Pour oil into the ocean? Treat your body like you would the earth. Nurture it, water it, and let it grow. You need all the energy to get through this. A clean diet, lots of water and rest and recreation in the outdoors is the way to go. Like Nike tells the world, just do it.  I lost almost 15 lbs since the new year began. Below is my before and now.  2013, and 2016. Get outside and let the cool wind blow through your hair, it is the best therapy. We go to the coast to find our center, find your beach and breathe.pescadero212742839_1088819611163504_1748115292959977888_n
  4. Have a positive mantra. I have a few mantras that I said in my head over the last few months, and one my husband and I shared with each other daily. Of course I kept saying my favorite Robert Frost quote ” The best way out is always through” I also had a song that was my mantra, its a silly song but I love it. Remember the band Chumbawamba? They are a British alternative band most famous for their positive and uplifting song Tubthumping.  It’s title you will may not remember, but the lyrics will bring it all back. “I get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me down.” I sang this song in my head, I ran to it, I listened to it during my commute. The last mantra my husband James started in the new year. He began each day with “Today is a good day” and ended it with ‘Today was a good day and tomorrow is a good day.” I am a firm believer in the law of attraction, and he attracted positive energy our way. He focused on the good even on the rough days. We are all magnets, so attract the positive into your life. Today is a good day. Say it, believe it to be true and it will be.12715355_10153861692433617_9154185607114484018_n
  5. Be extra kind to others, smile a little more, exude happiness, giving and love. This is so true, I went through my days being kind to strangers despite my despair and you know what, it helped me more than it could have helped others. I went to work happy and smiling when it was the last place I wished to be. If you are grumpy you will only attract that negativity back at you. I smiled more, shared more of myself, and I gave back a little more. I continued to volunteer and donate through my own personal struggles, and I met some awe inspiring people doing it. If you are kind and happy you will attract kindness and happiness. Such a simple step to the path of happiness and to help you bear your crisis with a little more grace. Be a Susie Sunshine even if you are surrounded by Debbie Downers. You may find your uplifting attitude changes those around you. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Gandhi charity





Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?

Frida Kahlo



Happy New Year to all. If you have been following me in the last six months I have been in a crisis, and I let that crisis get in the way of all of my goals. I gained about 15 lbs in two months just by not working out and eating unhealthy. It was a lesson learned, and now I am back on track with a vengeance. I will no longer have crisis complaints, instead I am going to look at my crisis as a challenge. I am working a lot more hours to make more money, but I am now finding time for my workouts and healthy eating.

When I am on my half hour work break I choose to go power walking and run stairs instead of sitting around. I am packing healthy meals and snacks, and I am totally back to clean eating. My Benderfitness workouts will be timed in the morning before I get ready for work. On my first day back I aimed for over 25,000 steps and I made my goal. I also signed up for a diet bet hosted by Melissa Bender Fitness. I win money if I can lose 4% of my body weight by the end of January. I got this, no more crying in my coffee.

I have decided this will be the best year ever, and I am tackling a lot of different goals and resolutions which I will write about in future posts. This week is a full week of work and workouts, plus I am volunteering Wednesday at the Second City Harvest in San Jose, and I am delivering more donations my co-workers kindly donated for the less fortunate. No matter how bad things get, there is a way out back into the light. Helping others is a way to see the bigger picture of life. I like to step outside of my own little world and see what is happening in the universe around me. It is humbling and enlightening. New Year, New Attitude. Everything is a blessing, and I am going forward with gratitude and a good mood. My feet feel like wings when I am flying high on Endorphins.You can fly too. 

Happy New Beginnings to all.

Love and Light,

