Tag Archives: starting over


If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

Maya Angelou

That quote sums up what I need to do since I moved from my beloved West Hollywood CA to Houston, Texas. It’s time to make radical changes in my thoughts and attitude. I am starting over fresh, in this blog and my goals; to commit to posting at least every other day and to start over in my weight loss/fitness journey. As soon as I settle in I will be looking for new charities to help again. No more complaining I miss California, as I plan to embrace all of the positives of where I am living at the moment. I have landed in Texas, but I plan to take off in my goals and dreams. This is a gift of a new beginning. There is beauty when you open your eyes and look for beauty.


Since 2014, We moved from LA to San Francisco, from San Francisco to LA, and recently from LA to Houston. That is one move a year. My husband James was unemployed for over a year and my Mother passed away recently. Sometimes I am surprised we are both still standing. That was a lot of changes and a lot of new beginnings, but each new beginning is just that; a new beginning. Life happens, we adjust, we falter; and we finally pick up the broken pieces and put them back together again. We figure it out. I am doing that now, I am figuring it out.

For the first time since I began this blog I gained weight. It started with 6 lbs and went up to 13 lbs. I realized I needed to go back to #weightwatchersonline before it was too late. It’s been one week and tomorrow is my first weigh in day. Starting over again at 173 lbs. I went from 159 lbs up to 173 lbs but now the scale will be moving in my favor again. The goal is to treat this blog as brand new, with new excitement and ideas. 

Today I met with a friend I know from The Richard Simmons community who also happens to be an author. It was an inspirational lunch, and I got my copy of her book signed. She even brought me a copy of her children’s book that just came out. Her first book, An Exodus From Obesity is filled with so much insight from someone who lost a lot of weight. Wisdom, inspiration and life’s lessons. I also picked up a copy of The Alchemist. Everyone who read it said it was life changing literature. It is just what I need for my new tomorrow.



To Tomorrow, and new beginnings and life’s changes. Out with the old and in with the new.





Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot.

Thomas Moore


I used to think I was too lucky to be so happy-go-lucky.  I would wake up happy for no reason. Nothing would get me down. I was just happy to wake up, grateful for my morning breath as well as my morning cup of steaming coffee. I could say I am an optimist, but let’s be honest here. I am a part-time optimist when things are going in my favor. It is easy to be breezy when life is going well with no complications. Part of my happiness has been haunted by this little apparition standing behind me taunting me with what if’s. It is one of the reasons I avoid trips to the doctor. What if the rug is pulled out under my feet? What if this natural state of euphoria I live in is a hoax or a false reality? What if something happens to test how optimistic I really am? What if I am just a walking, talking fraud? What if?

I have been in a crisis for quite some time now. My crisis came to a crescendo when I stopped working on my goals. I just stopped in November. I stopped working out, I stopped running, I stopped eating healthy and I stopped hoping.  The stress was manageable until I stopped being me and working on everything I had been so proud of for the last few years. Stress and his sidekick anxiety grabbed me by the lapel, shook me until I was left humbled and left me with bigger problems to face. Weight gain, depression, anxiety. It is easy to indulge your inner pessimist and wallow in your woes when you surrender way too easily. The hard part is fighting back.  The biggest challenge is to kick depression and anxiety to the curb, escape their dark clutches and find your way back into the sunlight. That is where it is warm, that is where you can reboot and find the answers you seek. Hope is seen in the refection of the sunlight dancing off the pavement. Go there and try to hear the music.

I stayed home tonight to deal with some pressing personal issues, and I realized even though I am not yet doing what I love full-time, doing a job that is a means to an end is a gift and definitely not a given. I am blessed to work in a place that is lively, where the people are kind and sincere and genuinely care about each other. Staying away does not help my cause, it just hinders it. I need to face that music I spoke of, fight back my demons and be grateful for every light filled opportunity I have to better our lives. We all have a little meek in us, as well as a little mighty.  Here I am, a new published author and a waitress, both are equally important to me.

We are human, and we all face certain hardships from time to time. There is dirt below our toes that keeps us literally down to earth. I realized this as I was watching the news, and seeing people in crises far worse than my own and I felt shamed. Young and old battling diseases and health problems, tornadoes, tragic accidents. It is an old cliché’ but it could be worse. There are levels of lows, and barometers of strength.

I have been up and down, and with a new dawn and a new year approaching I am going to find my way back up to the top of the cliff. That is where I can feel closest to the sun. If you need me in 2016 I will be basking in the promise of tomorrow with my brand new sun-kissed outlook. Back to my working out and all of the goals that I chose to chase when I began this blog. I look forward to getting high on endorphins and on life.

I am a work in progress but the sun will rise tomorrow, and it gives each and every one of us another chance to start over. I will rise up with the sun and take each and every new beginning that comes my way. I may not be perfect, but I am breathing; there is coffee brewing and all is well with the world.

With love and light





I started weight watchers again, online. It will help me keep on track and lose my next 40 lbs. I sometimes do not eat enough and this should help me to eat more consistently and break my huge plateau. Losing fifty pounds was easy, now it is time to take this to another level. With my online ww tracking, my running, and my Melissa Bender Fitness workouts this should be what I need to move the scale. I will be talking about my charities and fitness bucket list once I feel back on track, I gained a few pounds on my weekend in Monterey and my plan is to lose that and start there.  Moving to the San Francisco area and my transition has not made my goals as easy as they were in Los Angeles, but I am ready to change that starting today. My first poetry book will be out in a few months and as I awaken with the sun I am reminded that life is beautiful, and I am always ready and willing to evolve and become a better version of myself.  Listening to Sirius XM Metropolitan Opera I am inspired for what is to come. It ain’t over till the former fat lady sings. 

“Recreate your life, always, always.
Remove the stones, plant rose bushes and make sweets.”
Begin again.”
Cora Coralina


The two foods I love to put on everything are Kale and Blueberries and they have zero points on weight watchers.

I eat Kale and Blueberries, a lot. I ask for them in my smoothies, and top all of my salads and sandwiches with them, This is why:

1. They are just tasty and delicious. The combo of bitter crunchy greens with sweet succulent blueberries adds a an interesting mix to my sandwiches, salads and smoothies.

2. They are quick and easy. I am all about how fast I can eat something healthy, because I am on the run and live for convenience. Kale can be found pre-washed and bagged and blueberries are easy, no pealing of a messy fruit.
3. I get instant all natural fiber.One cup of Kale has 1.3 grams of fiber and blueberries have 2.4  grams of fiber. Bam, I am getting my fiber in without trying. Making a sandwich with Ezekiel Sprouted Bread just ups the fiber content. Add a little protein and you have a clean eating, nutritious quick meal. I am all about convenience and food on the go. So I can go; go work out, go running.
4. Superfoods are super. Blueberries are little blue anti-aging wonders, loaded with antioxidants, and they reduce inflammation. They are delicious too. Kale is loaded with potassium, B6, Vitamin C. I love the crunch it adds to an unlikely combo of kale and peanut butter on Sprouted Ezekiel Bread. A wonder sandwich without the wonder bread. Wonderful!!
5. They keep me looking young, well that is my story and I am sticking with it. No, really, Kale is loaded with iron which helps with hair loss, and Vitamin C helps with building collagen for skin and hair. Blueberries are an anti inflammatory food, and we all know by now inflammation is not our friend.
This is not a scientific study of course, just my personal observation about two of my favorite foods. I find when you are losing weight, it makes sense to find what you like and stock your fridge with it so you are prepared to move forward in your weight loss endeavors with success. What are your favorite foods? Just go for it, and keep being wonderful.
Love and Light


As you know, I am a former dancer and a poet, and I have my best friend Melissa Bender to thank for suggesting I write poetry in 2005, as well as getting me dancing again when I thought I was getting too old and that ship had sailed. When I started this project to sponsor a charity with each ten pound loss, I just assumed I was speed walk and diet and eventually lose the weight and take dance classes again.

Instead I found myself with the help of a trainer Mike turned dear friend ( who I feel indebted to).  Mike gave me his support, time, and expertise and granted me the keys to fitness; which opened up a whole new world to me. My best friend Melissa continued to inspire not just me but the masses with her incredible workouts, and I used those for my home based exercise and yoga. Melissa was my biggest cheerleader and kept me going even though she was on the other side of the country.

I promised myself I would be completely authentic, and I was open about everything. I became fearless and ageless and I have so many fitness goals and items on my fitness bucket list. I may not be ready for all of my dreams yet, but I will be. When I shared with Melissa my desire to do a ambassador program for a fitness or yoga website she suggested I be her very first fitness ambassador. It was perfect timing, and a completely natural fit. 

I navigated a move from Los Angeles to San Francisco and I will be beginning anew as a Benderfitness ambassador with the iconic Golden Gate Bridge as my new backdrop. I will be sharing every detail of the next three months. I plan to do Melissa Bender Fitness three month Bikini prep workouts and yoga videos to build a solid home practice, cardio and I plan to follow her diet plan. She used the plan to prep for her bikini competition.

 I also just found out Melissa plans to come my way at the end of the three months and we are shooting a video and tackling one of the items off my fitness bucket list, Trapeze Classes. Now I have to become stronger than ever, since I am not near ready to take a class. I am so excited and thrilled to take on this challenge, and happy I have Melissa to train me and help me go into 2015 with a bang. I also plan to do raffle for charity on my site, and I am looking into non profits who do not get a lot of funds. Helping others as I help myself, with a little or a lot of help from my best friend.


Melissa who won trophies for her bikini competition

I am in good hands







Love and Light





The last few months have been challenging, navigating a new city and a new job.  Now that 2015 has arrived I feel ready to begin anew in my project. I will be announcing exciting news soon. I also plan on doing an event/raffle and raising money for a non profit who really needs funds. I am going to raffle off a prize that I feel people would love to win.  

For the beginning of 2015 I am going to focus on fitness and not be a slave to the scale, yet still helping charities and others along my journey. I have so many fitness goals and of course a fitness bucket list I wish to tackle. The idea of this project and blog is to help myself and help others in the process. I have been successful so far but that was just practice, it is on now. I am so ready to be the best version of myself.

Love and light to all




Happy Sunday. I am in the Holiday spirit, my town home apartment is a work in progress but feeling more like home. I am getting adjusted to my new place of living. San Francisco is an amazing place to be and I choose to embrace it with both arms.

I have exciting news for this project, which I will be announcing a day or two before the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve

In the meantime I am out for now. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Love and Light to all.






Here is a poem I wrote when I began my yoga practice a few years ago. Happy Weekend to all. xo

Coming from me, a poet and former ballet dancer,
yoga combines the cerebral aspects of my brain with the physical reality of my body;
stanzas gesturing in motion.
As I transition from asana to asana, my mind poses that
age old question; am I one with the universe?
The answer is always a definite yes.
I feel as if I am the salt of the earth below my toes, the clouds hovering above my head.
I realize not only am I one with the earth and the universe, I am so with all creatures;
and one with my sometimes puzzling psyche.
By the time I reach the elusive state of savasana I feel as if I am floating above my body.
I finally return back to earth in prayer pose to recite that final namaste,
in that belated moment of clarity I am reminded of the gratitude I have for being heaven sent yet earth bound.
Rose Bruno Bailey


Good morning to all and Happy first day of March. I had an off day yesterday, it is that time of the month and I was in a rare crabby mood. Mike my trainer had to reschedule which was fine with me since I was not feeling great to begin with. I skipped my own workout as well. It was raining cats and dogs and did a little wallowing in my woes, something I never do. James my husband thinks it is strange when I am cranky, since my personality is on the opposite spectrum of crankiness. I blame hormones. My day at work was off too, and my friend  and co-worker brought me in another kale drink.  He even noticed how off I was and I realized once again I need to eat more. I totally blanked out at work, and it was good I got out early.

Today is a new day, new weekend and a new Month. I have been going at this since July 2013 and I am so happy and grateful for my results and the support I have in my corner. I am also humbled I can do a little and give back by helping others. With that said, I am human and once in a blue moon I will have off days. Days, not weekend, weeks, or months. I nip the bad mood in the bud and now I am back to my jovial self. Ready to take on the universe once again. The clouds always part revealing the radiance of the saffron wonder above.

So, I weighed in and even with my monthly water weight I lost 1 lb and I will take it.  Weight is at 173 lbs and I am so close to the 160’s. I feel light and less bloated today. I am going to begin this month by journaling my food, and not skipping meals. I am going to do my 25 burpees a day and make sure I am getting my yoga and cardio in five to six days a week. I work out with my trainer Mike 2 days a week, and I am going to do the first thing on my fitness bucket list. My book drive is underway for kids, and I will write about that more later. This is my plan, and I got this.

Happy March, Spring Awakening is here
Love and Light