Tag Archives: charity

I hit rock bottom. Here’s what happened.



I hit rock bottom, landed on the scale and gained nine pounds in November.  My rock bottom came to a crescendo last Sunday night. After a month of stress and too many cheat days ( plus Thanksgiving)  I dove head first into a dead lasagna that was sitting in the window at work.  If you have been reading my blog for two years I wait tables for extra money, and lately I am working a lot more than usual. The stress of things in life finally got to me, and all of a sudden I was craving the kind of foods I only eat once or twice a year. Pasta is a no-no for me, and frankly I do not even want it and everyone is always marveled by my willpower of steel. I knew I was in trouble when I started wanting pasta  more and more in November. This is not a good thing when you work in an Italian Restaurant and have to serve it every day. One little cheat turned into another and all of a sudden I am grabbing for a lasagna that was past its prime. I was mindless eating, no joy, not a special occasion cheat that I earned and savored; but just eating because it was there and I needed to ease the pain of my temporary worries and stresses.   I came crashing down from a month of nonsensical eating like an addict after a high. For me it was my first real low point in two years after my 60 pound weight loss and all of my fitness accomplishments. I hit rock bottom, got on the scale the very next day and immediately gained my composure and will power. Being human is a tough gig.

Cue December 1, 2015 and a reality check, I  gained  9 lbs. My first weight gain since I began my project and blog. I had maintained my weight loss for two years and was working on my fitness goals and eventually my weight loss goal of 135 lbs. In November I lost control. It happened so quickly I hardly knew what hit me. I do know this, the minute I got on the scale and saw where my month of excess of unhealthy food led me, I snapped back into gear. Mind you, I have never been a overeater and I never considered myself an emotional eater. I have rarely been a binger, but for me choosing high calorie, fattening, carb ridden foods over healthy foods was all it took for me to put on some weight. My first clue is when my bra was a little tighter. Then I knew, and I knew it was time to face the music. The music sang loud and clear, you  gained 9 lbs. The scale is a cruel wake up call but a necessary bitter pill you must swallow before 9 lbs turns into 60 lbs. I caught myself before it is too late. The honesty of the scale diminished any cravings I had. I was back.

Today I begin anew. I am doing a Melissa Bender Fitness 30 day challenge and I am back to eating clean and watching my portion control. I am going to run again as well. I have not been on a run since since my 5K in October. I am also doing one charity per month now, until my scale moves in my favor. In November I collected donations for the Second Harvest Food Bank and volunteered with my friend Stan and his hiking/running/meetup group at the Second Harvest Food Bank in San Jose. Stan is such an inspiration to me, and he has run over 20 marathons. For me this blog began blending my weight loss and fitness goals with  giving back to charity, and now I continue that by doing one charity a month and get back to what works for me. I am far from over.


In life I do not ask for advice, I am always going to do what I feel anyway. I look for inspiration. Inspiration is all around us, and learning from others never gets old. Sometimes inspiration comes from unlikely sources, but you must listen and have an open heart. I am happy to say I am surrounded by inspiration always, from family, from friends, from strangers I meet on my travels. Here’s to better days ahead and the inspirational people who accompany me on my journey. Love and light to all. 

There would be no cloud-nine days without rock-bottom moments left below.     — Richelle E. Goodrich





Good Monday Morning to all. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I had an awe-inspiring Saturday with my husband James and friends on a boat cruise in San Francisco. It really was a special moment and it truly showcased what a stunning city San Francisco is. I am blessed to have the opportunity to live in such amazing cities and I am forever grateful. I try to schedule my fun days on days I take off from working out, since it just makes sense. I love making new friends, and meeting new people.




I am so determined, even with the struggles and challenges that come my way. My husband and I have decided we are going to really live and we definitely have in the past, but from now on nothing will get in our way as long as we have our health. I am definitely much healthier and stronger than I was when I began in 2013, and I am far from done. Now it is time to lose my remaining weight, get much more fit and strong and tackle my fitness bucket list. I have also contacted a charity I am interested in, and I am planning a run over the Golden Gate Bridge to raise funds for an animal rescue locally. If I do not hear back I will contact another rescue, time is of the essence because they may be another transition in the near future. I got this though, and I am not stopping. The Golden Gate Bridge is iconic, and I can say I drove over it, walked it twice, ran it twice, and now I went under it in a boat. I am so grateful for the places I have lived, and the amazing souls I encounter and make the journey such an adventure.

Here is week two of Melissa Bender Fitness Bikini Competition workouts, a 12 week program. I am on week two, and I am tailoring the workouts for my schedule so it may look a little different here than on her site. Tomorrow is week five of my Weight Watchers Online experience and I am also loving that as well. I weigh in tomorrow. So far I have lost an additional 8 lbs since beginning Weight Watchers Online. Taking photos on special occasions is so much more fun when you feel good about yourself, no longer do I avoid the camera like I did in the beginning of 2013.

Here is my schedule for the week. Namaste’ and go get it!!

Monday Day 8 Quick Fit Full Body Workout

Tuesday Day 9: 30 Minutes Cardio (run)

Wednesday Day 10: Abs On Fire Workout

Thursday Day 11: HIIT 15 Minute Home Fat Burning Cardio, 2 Mile Run

Friday Day 12: Fitness Transformation: Workout 3

Saturday Day 13:  DAY OFF

Sunday Day 14: 30 Minutes Cardio (run)



When I lived in Connecticut I had a manager where I worked, he told me I was a butterfly and I needed to slow down and stay put. It is obvious that I have not headed that advice because since then I have done anything but slow down. I have lived in so many interesting places, never slowing down. NYC, LA, now the San Francisco Bay Area. These places have shaped me, my writing, and my whole world. Of course it is my partner in life and husband James who has made all of this possible, that never goes unnoticed.

I have been so  overwhelmed with a lot of things in my life, good things but even so a bit overwhelmed. I have slacked off on my daily posts on this blog and that is going to change right this minute. My book Camellia in Snow is in the process of being completed thanks to FinnLady Press back east, and there are details that have been a little all consuming. Now I am going to make the time for both my loves, my blog and my book. They are not one in the same but in a way they are, they are the essence of my being. Without this blog and my weight loss my confidence would have never returned. I had the chance to have my poetry book published back in 2010 and I passed because of my move to Los Angeles. I had a second chance in 2013 and I passed again when I saw my photo from the open mic. I just had lost all confidence and I needed to find myself again. 

Here I find myself, in 2015 and 50 lbs lighter with a lot of help from my friends and mentors in life. My friends are my teachers and I am eternally grateful.  I am a former dancer who hated running, and now I absolutely love it. I am a fitness buff and ambassador to Melissa Bender Fitness and clean eater. I love my blog which combines weight loss/fitness with philanthropy and I am looking into ways to make it grow and do a lot more good in the communities I live in, now and moving forward. I am planning all kinds of fitness milestones like surfing and running the Golden Gate Bridge, this time four or five times. All of this with my first poetry book coming out in a few months, along with book events to do locally and in LA and back in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. I still also play waitress in the evenings. Yes, I have been busy but I would not have it any other way. My motto is you can do anything at any age as long as you believe. All you need is a strong desire and belief in yourself, and maybe a little morning coffee. You deserve everything you dream of and more. Namaste’ Love and Light to all. 






Best Foot Forward

I am on day nine of my workouts that I am doing since I became a fitness ambassador for Melissa Bender Fitness.I am doing the 12 weeks of bikini competition workouts and feeling great. http://www.benderfitness.com/2013/02/my-first-bikini-competition-prep-month.html

I ran to the running store yesterday, since I do have my share of challenges as I progress. I have a foot/toe injury and I feel so much better when I have inserts from a running store. It takes the pressure of the front of my foot and it really makes a difference how my feet feel all day. I am now putting my best foot forward and chasing after my goals pain free.
My diet is on track and you can find my food journal on my facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/MyChangeForATen
When I work I usually eat the same things in the am and afternoon, to make it easier to plan.
Week two is underway, and I am so happy to be back in the swing of things. I had two months off from the move and it really depressed me, I need those endorphins.
I am looking into doing a raffle for my next charity, and raffling off something exciting. The photo on this post holds a hint of what I will be raffling off. I have not been on the scale in a while, since I have been focusing on my fitness and clean eating and trying not to obsess. I will do another weigh in soon and I am purchasing a new scale tonight since mine broke in my move.
Off for my day, I admit I am a little sleepy this morning, it is that darn San Francisco fog. Much different then the LA sun I am used to.
Happy Transformation Tuesday to allplaystation


The last few months have been challenging, navigating a new city and a new job.  Now that 2015 has arrived I feel ready to begin anew in my project. I will be announcing exciting news soon. I also plan on doing an event/raffle and raising money for a non profit who really needs funds. I am going to raffle off a prize that I feel people would love to win.  

For the beginning of 2015 I am going to focus on fitness and not be a slave to the scale, yet still helping charities and others along my journey. I have so many fitness goals and of course a fitness bucket list I wish to tackle. The idea of this project and blog is to help myself and help others in the process. I have been successful so far but that was just practice, it is on now. I am so ready to be the best version of myself.

Love and light to all




This is the lovely flyer my friend made for my book drive for Reading to Kids. I am so excited to start collecting books, books the children earn through reading clubs. I love books, all books. 

I believe a book can take a child and transport them to a place where dreams come true, when they are unable to travel beyond the four walls of their own dwellings.

Off to have coffee and do a little poetry writing, work out later. No rest for me. 
Happy Sunday to all, much love and light.


Today is weigh in Saturday, and I did a gluten free experiment all week. I swear I feel less bloated and my face looks less puffy. I lost one pound, and I am completely happy about that. That brings my weight to, drum roll please, 170 lbs. I am so close to the 160’s.
I am loving this ride, and I am making it happen. I worked out every day of this month but one, and I am reaching fitness milestones and well as scale wins. My girl push ups are so easy now and the boy push ups are coming along too. 

My charity I am working on is a book drive for children for an organization called Reading To Kids. I will write more about them soon, and include links. I am still a few pounds away but I have started the ground work to this ten pound charity project. I am collecting books to donate and I also plan to volunteer and read to the children. I believe children, especially under privileged children can learn that there is adventure and beauty outside of the four walls they reside in. Books take you far away when you are unable to do so physically, and will inspire when you are old enough to adventure out on your own. The best education and escape can be found in a great book. 

I am off for now, it is the weekend and it is going to be 80 today.  I was supposed to volunteer with Two Hands, To Cans this morning but my co-worker who I was going to ride with had to work this morning, and it is farther than I thought it distance. This is not one of my chosen weight loss charities, just another chance to give back and help the community. I am trying not only to help my chosen charities, but give a little of myself through extra volunteer work here and there.  Two Hands, To Cans has opportunities for volunteering  weekly so I will have another chance to assist their wonderful organization.

I have not driven in years because of fear, and maybe, just maybe, once I tackle all of my other goals I may have to get over that and drive again. It is in my thoughts and one day I might just go for it and leave my fears in the dust. After all I  have decided to be fearless, so this I will have to work on in the not so distant future. 
Fear is the antithesis of everything I stand for.

Love and Light


I am a poet and a writer, and I love to blog. I had started two previous blogs before but I seemed to lack a direction or theme. At the same time I was unhappy with my weight, and I questioned why I lacked commitment with losing weight. I lost and gained the same ten pounds over and over. When I do something for charity I follow through. I needed to give myself the same care and respect that I gave to others, I needed to learn to follow through and make a promise to myself. 

In beginning of the summer 2013 it was time to begin anew. The year had a rocky start and I was ready to pick up the pieces. I had an idea and it was like I was hit by a virtual lightning bolt, what if  I sponsored a charity with every ten pounds I lost. I could blog about my experiences of weight loss and fitness and also blog about the charities. I could make a difference in my life as well as the life of others. It would be about making a difference in the world with the added bonus of losing weight and finally getting healthy. I loved my idea and was excited to share it with others and get started. I decided to name my blog MY CHANGE FOR A TEN. I set up a Facebook page so I could link my blog, 

The minute I started to tell people they were incredibly supportive and motivating. My best friend Melissa Bender from Melissa Bender Fitness has been my number one cheerleader and inspiration all along. She loved the idea. 

The first week of my blog I was in a Richard Simmons video. I started to attend his classes and now I am a member at Slimmons Studio in Beverly Hills. Richard Simmons is a fireball of inspiration and fun and I am honored to know him. I have made many dear friends from my experiences of the video and Slimmons classes. 

I used to do his dvd’s and tapes, and I was in his video.

New bestie Francie, day of video shoot

I started to tell people at work, and I met a new yet unlikely friend named Mike. He knows how grateful I am to him for the training, support and friendship.
Mike and I worked together at Seasons 52, but I did not know him personally.  He was a bartender and worked nights, and I worked days. One afternoon he was working a lunch and I happen to mention my new idea.  He offered to train me and help if he could with my charities. It seemed that everything was coming together at the exact time and place. There was no way I could fail, I was extremely motivated and inspired and thankful for the support coming my way.

I started to take Yoga classes with Nicole at Pink Iron, and I join Yogaworks West Hollywood. I worked out with my new inspiring friend and trainer Mike once a week, went to yoga 3-5 times a week. I speed walked, and I even began running and now I am training for a 5k. I cleaned up my diet and my attitude and I was able to lose that 10 lbs plus 20 lbs more since July. I have fed the Homeless at Skid Row, and I planned a toy drive for Alexandria House, a transitional home for women and children. I did all this with the support and help of amazing friends, mentors, and the management and staff at Seasons 52. I could not have done any of these things alone, and I am full of gratitude and love for all those who have helped and inspired me. I have made so many new beloved friends.  My husband James has been my biggest fan all along, and I thank him for believing in me always. I am a better version of 
myself now. James and I stole another get away in Palms Springs. We definitely decided life is too short not to live. As the New Year approaches, I am so grateful for all of the people in my 

Yogi and teacher Nicole

Mike looks on making sandwiches

With Mike, Maria, Courtney, Danny and The selfless souls of The Monday Night Mission
My friend Meagan, Judy and Carlita
With the young residents of Alexandria House. Thank you to Judy Vaughan for all that you do.

This Birthday on December 21st was an amazing day. I decided to always chase my dreams and take the time to make a difference by giving back to others. I have decided no number will ever define me. Not my age, weight, or size. I attended Richard Simmons holiday bash class in the morning. Later that evening we had dinner at the Hollywood landmark Musso and Frank’s and we took a ton of photos. My husband lost 16 lbs and I am down 30, so we were excited to finally take some new photos together and feel good in the process.  Musso and Frank’s was on our LA bucket list. We were not only celebrating my Birthday and the holidays, but life and all of its endless possibilities.

Richard, me and my wonderful friend Dawn

My girls Susan and Joanne

Best Birthday experience ever

Jamesy and me

In July when I began this project I promised if I would follow through with everything I say I plan to do. I have kept that commitment and more. 2013 started off with a sad start, but I did not wallow in my woes. It may have taken me six months to pick up the pieces and follow through with my goals, but better late than never. I have only just begun, I am not even half way done. Bring on the beauty and possibilities 2014. My dreams precede my steps, but I need both to get me to where I am going and I am not looking back. 

Love and Light
Happy Happy 2014


Yesterday I went to buy tuna and some healthy vegetables at Trader Joe’s and everything there is decked out for Christmas. The temptations are endless. I am splurging at Christmas but it is not easy. The holidays are such a weak spot, but I am staying strong and not giving in. They have these delicious Christmas cookies I want to buy, and I am hoping they are not sold out right before Christmas because I am holding off. Bring on the New Year and a drop in the scale.

Tuesday I did my workout with my friend and trainer Mike, and today I am feeling the after affects.  I am so sore. It is good though, I know I need to be a little sore, and move new muscles. It was a great workout, challenging. I got a little cocky on one of the exercises and Mike could see it was just to easy and he nipped my cockiness in the bud by making it harder on a higher bench. There I was, awkward moves and all. I always say you can be humbled in a second, and in my case it was through exercise. Mike is leaving to visit family until after the New Year so I need to be up on my workouts, and make sure I do what he has taught me so I do not get soft. Motivation, and the holidays but I will hang in there and make it happen, with maybe a cookie or two.

I have not posted in two days, my allergies are bothering me and I slept in too late. This weekend I will do a post about my 20 lb charity. I am really excited.

Off for now, I am in dire need of coffee today. Love and light to all.


I am so late posting, I have had a relaxing day at home but I definitely got my workout in. I went for a walk/run and I have to admit it was cold outside today. My diet is going strong and I am so happy I lost the two pounds of water weight.

I have a dilemma, not a bad one but a dilemma just the same. I have been invited to a party in Beverly Hills by my regular guests at Seasons 52. It is Monday night, a holiday party with a performance by a Prima ballerina and her partner. I would love to attend but after losing 30 pounds, I literally have nothing to wear and not sure I will be able to find the time to go shopping by Monday. I have to buy an outfit for my birthday in two weeks and not sure I feel like rushing tomorrow to find something for Monday. Plus I really want to go to yoga and stay on track. Up until now I have only been purchasing workout and work clothes, knowing my body is changing and I am losing weight it does not make sense to buy a new wardrobe.

This party would be amazing, I meditated on it and I think I am going to pass. I do not need the distraction of food and missing a workout and yoga. I am so honored that I was invited and I truly love the ladies who asked me to go but I must stay on schedule.

On another note, I will post my 20lb charity soon. I am just waiting for confirmation from the organization. It is the perfect idea for the season of joy.

Wishing you sweet dreams.
