Category Archives: lifestyle blog


I had a little bug again, it’s been so cold here and everyone around me has been sick. It was just a quick cold and I’m back feeling  like brand new. 

Things are really starting to look brighter here, and I’m very inspired and motivated. I know I said I would only weigh myself once a month, but I lied. I am currently 182 lbs. I was 190 around the holidays. I am so excited to see the scale dropping again. I’m really trying to work on my nutrition and portion control. The Loseitapp keeps me in check. I keep a food journal daily, it helps me tremendously. I’m 24 lbs away from my lowest weight I reached on this blog, before the loss of my Mom and our move to Houston. I’m finding my way back to myself now, finding my way back to true happiness and all of my plans and goals. 

The one thing I’ve learned in the last few years is no matter how motivated I am, I am not perfect. I really believe in eating a Whole Foods, plant based way of living. Sometimes, I may splurge though. Cravings happen. The one thing I won’t do, is cheat on my vegan lifestyle. This is something that has nothing to do with diet, it’s my moral compass and I strive to follow what’s in my heart. I’m not perfect, but I strive to be my authentic self. So when I speak of occasionally splurging, I am referencing vegan fun foods that I choose to only eat occasionally. My daily way of eating is clean wfpb with limited oil, salt and sugar. I have chosen to say limited instead of completely omitting these items because like I stated before, I am far from perfect. 

As I type this latest post I’m watching Madonna. She is probably my earliest inspiration and one of the reasons I chose to dance in college. I’m getting back to my fitness and I’m excited to say I’m taking the American Council of Exercise group exercise exam in September. My plan is to start with dance inspired group classes. I learned a lot after  being in the Richard Simmons video and taking his classes, and I plan to use all my experiences in this blog as well as my classes. I’m lucky to have real women in fitness in my life, inspiring me and making a difference with their fitness careers. I’ve decided I would like to interview these wonderful real women warriors, so stay tuned. It will be a week long series, with one interview each day for seven days. My real life inspirations. I’m nothing without my influences. 

I will leave you with a snippet of an interview I saw with Jennifer Lopez. She said she remembers seeing Madonna running in Central Park. Here was this big star, but she was working hard. So if you have a dream, a goal or a plan; start by working hard. It’s the cement of the building blocks of your goals. Go get it now, but start at the base and build upon it with sweat and dedication. Don’t forget your inspirations and influences, they are there to teach you if you are willing to learn. We all uplift each other. 

If you believe you will achieve, but you have to put the work in. Nothing of worth comes for free. Believe, Achieve, Become the butterfly. 


30 Day Challenge

Good Day to all. Today is the first day of my wellness journey 2.0. I’m really starting over this time. I choose now because a lot of the struggles and stresses are quieting down, and I’m open for change. Sometimes you must wait until you are ready to commit to change. This is that moment for me. 

I am vegan for ethical beliefs, and I do believe it’s the healthy way to wellness. With that said, I’ve been kind of a vegan junk food addict.  I am happy all of my fave vegan comfort food exists, but I’m taking on the Whole Foods plant-based lifestyle again. My plan is to eat completely clean for 30 days, no oil with limited salt and sugar. To be honest the sugar will just be in my coffee each morning, that’s it.

I have so many reasons why I’m doing a 30 day wfpb challenge. I feel ill, my stomach aches. I’m bloated. I feel for me vegan convenience food should be rare treats like any convenience comfort food. In 30 days I will have one cheat day after my weigh in and I will do another 30 day wfpb challenge. Stay tuned for what I will be eating with recipes. I’m just starting new on this blog and finding my footing again after a long time of not being consistent. I’m starting my cardio this week with yoga and stretching. Workouts will follow, and daily updates on my blog. 

One of my favorite vegan influences I follow is Tabitha Brown. She said don’t wait until you are sick to make changes in your nutrition. That really resonated with me, so let my 30 day challenge begin. It’s the perfect way to start again on my blog.

This blog will be all about wellness, weight loss, veganism, plant-based life, workouts etc. Charities and giving back won’t be featured here anymore. I’m launching a brand new sister blog for all of that goodness. 

Let my challenge begin. 

Happy Brand New Beginnings 

Love, light, and good health to you






Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

Tony Robbins

Happy Saturday to all. I am here after a long hiatus in blogging, and a few failed attempts to restart and reinvent my blog. I am a work in progress, at the moment I am just doing it despite some improvements I need on this website.

If you are new here I am a weight loss blogger, sponsoring a charity with each ten pounds. I started my blog in Los Angeles, moved to San Francisco and eventually back to Los Angeles. My weight went from well over 200 lbs to the lowest I achieved which was 159 lbs. We soon relocated to Houston TX, and after a few losses in the family my weight went up to what it is today, 191.8.

I own the slip up and how I stopped eating healthy and working out. Funny how we stop doing the hard work and we are surprised by the numbers on the scale.

My plan going forward is to document this brand new journey, a journey I am doing differently the second time around. I am a vegan now, for the animals and the environment; and I am learning how to eat best for my health. I started fresh this week with more of a whole foods/plant-based diet low in oils, sugars and salt. I do not promise to be perfect with the last part but that is what I am striving for. 

Learning fitness again is not easy, and I find myself out of shape and starting over. That is ok with me, if not today when? The hardest part was coming out and admitting I stumbled. I will be sharing every aspect of my new journey, the good and the bad.

I believe in a mind-body approach to life, and I am also a poet/writer so I will be sharing my thoughts on life, inspiration etc. A lot of the content on this blog will also be more lifestyle and wellness related.  I also plan to share all of my resources with you, what I am learning and where you can find the resources if you are ever inclined to do so.

I hope to start a YouTube Channel and a separate website for my writing and books. I say books because I am currently working on my second book.I have a lot to learn the second time around, blogging changes as technology changes. I am catching up though, and I am not waiting until I get the perfect computer, video camera, or updated website. The time is today.

I welcome you to join me as we are always reinventing ourselves and striving to be the best versions of ourselves. That is one of my main goals, to write content that inspires us all to live happier and more fulfilled lives.  No comparing ourselves to others, we inspire each other but we are each on our own unique journey. Join me on my path to wellness and happiness and I will join you on yours.

There is no yesterday and there is no tomorrow, today is the day I get it right. That’s my new formula. When I wake up on a brand new day I will repeat that mantra. Rose Bruno Bailey

every single day!




Happy Tuesday to all. Today officially begins the second round of my weight loss journey and this blog. It is a brand new beginning. I am not looking back, I am looking forward. There are a lot of thoughts that occupy my mind but I refuse to let the negative ones take up my precious mental space. One thought that comes to mind is that blogging has changed so much since I began in 2013. Everyone seems to have professional blogs and sometimes I feel like my little weight loss blog doesn’t seem to fit anymore. I do not have professional equipment, heck I need a new computer and a new phone. When I began in 2013 I didn’t even have a cell phone. That didn’t work out for me so I decided to venture into the modern world and I have not looked back. I have noticed a lot of blogs and their Instagram pages seem to also have professional photos. So, what am I to do, wait until I have all of these material items or like my Mom would say, “suck it up kid and just do it.”

No negative thoughts, this is my blog and my journey and I do not like to put things off. Life is too short. So Here I am, day one with a lot of blessings that I have to be able to begin a brand new healthy lifestyle. Instead of looking at the negative reasons I do not fit, I am listing the things I am grateful for. These things help me as I begin my healthy lifestyle again. Weight loss journey 2.0

  1. I learned so much the first time around, my best friend is fitness blogger and I can do her workouts at home anytime. Check her out at
  2. I know my body, and what it needs. I simply stopped doing it, but I know the ins and outs of nutrition and how to live a healthy lifestyle. I live a plant-based lifestyle and I really have learned in the past to treat my body like a temple and not a trash can. I am just relearning my former healthy habits.
  3. I may not have all the fancy equipment, but I do have a phone, a computer; and I live in an apartment community that has a two level gym, a pool and a jacuzzi, a computer room among other amenities. I can utilize these gifts for my blogging experience. I also live in an area that is amazing to run in. The weather is mostly warm and I should have no excuses going forward. Gratitude before grumpy excuses.
  4. Plant based and transitioning to Veganism in Houston sounds crazy, and in a way it is. HEB is the best grocery store with so many healthy options. I cannot say how happily surprised I am with their selection for so many types of healthy lifestyles. Vegan in Texas?  Heck yeah, with the help of HEB. 
  5. My husband James. Having someone on board is huge. He is really into working out and cardio, and is open-minded to transitioning to a plant-based diet. He walks the walk, and we work out together. He even paid for me to get my group exercise instructor Certification with The American Council of Exercise. I passed my CPR and my exam is on August 27th. I am so grateful to be married to my best friend and that we mirror each other’s stride.

So, excuses be damned. I am in it to win it, and my prize is a healthier me. Day one done and done. Here we go!!

Love and Light


Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all. Thank you to the men and women who have kept us safe through the years. We remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. 

I work tonight, but I am off tomorrow. I am enjoying the weekend when I am not working with my husband James, and we are having what he calls summer fun food. I eat plant based so for me that means vegan hot dogs. It is not exactly a healthy weekend though, I do indulge in buns with my vegan hot dogs. I love our time together.

After having bronchitis I am ready to resume my workout schedule, so I decided Tuesday is the perfect day to jump back into my healthy lifestyle and routine. I did weigh in today and I am starting this weight loss journey at 187 lbs. Soon I will be visiting the Dr and seeing about Thyroid medication. I have done the hard work before, and I always felt wonderful so I am ready to begin again. I will share everything I am doing to lose weight again, and resume the wellness lifestyle that is the best fit for me. I am the creator of my life. 

For today, there is work and a holiday tomorrow. See you Tuesday when I begin to live my best life. Past weight loss or gains don’t matter to me. I am only traveling forward.

Happy Memorial Day

Love and light



Happy Saturday to all. It took me a while to get here, exactly one year. I have put all the hardships and struggles behind me and I am focusing on the present and future. I was a little less than eager to start blogging again, I needed to find my way back naturally so when I did start blogging everything I shared would be truly authentic. I am at that place now. Here I am on my lovely balcony, listening to the fountain below and ready for new beginnings.

This is my weight loss blog, if you follow me you know I help a charity with each ten pounds. If you follow me on Facebook and Instagram you also know I had success at weight loss, helped several charities and lost sixty pounds. You probably are also aware after moving from Los Angeles to Texas I put on twenty-five pounds. I stopped blogging when the scale stopped moving. I got so frustrated I felt like I had nothing to say. Recently I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and with that diagnosis came my aha moment. Everything made sense. I worked so hard and the scale didn’t reflect my hard work. Soon I will be starting medication and sharing that aspect of my journey.

This blog going forward is still going to be my weight loss journey, but so much more. I would like to put myself in the wellness/lifestyle blogger category. I plan to continue my weight loss struggle and journey, but also incorporate many subjects that inspire me to live my dream life. Nothing will be off-limits but negativity. I will share my struggles but my voice will be positive and inspirational, as I gain inspiration from my mentors, readers, friends, family and the people I cross paths with. I have often said there is inspiration everywhere and I believe that. I also have plans to update this website to be more user-friendly and start a YouTube channel when I am able to purchase equipment to do so. For now,here I am with no thrills, beginning again. 

Summer has arrived, and I started this blog exactly 5 years ago in July. I cannot think of a better time to reinvent my blog and rekindle my healthy lifestyle and help others along the way.  I’ve missed you.

Love and Light

Rose Bruno Bailey