Tag Archives: weigh in

5 reasons I went back to Weight Watchers

The journey is never over, each time you get close to your destination life decides it’s time for you to take a different route.

Rose Bruno Bailey

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My weight loss journey, my life. Ups and downs for sure, but in my heart I definitely feel I experience more ups than downs. In the beginning of this weight loss blog I began with Weight Watchers, and after some time I decided to go at it on my own. I lost about 60 lbs and then hit one major snag, a plateau that lasted about a year. When I moved up to San Francisco my weight actually went up about ten pounds. I lost that when I moved back to Los Angeles, then I got stuck at 168 lbs. I even did a six month clean eating challenge, and did not lose a pound.

On January 14th, I joined Weight Watchers Online. I decided this was it, I needed to do this again, and I planned to journey with Weight Watchers all the way to my goal weight of 135 lbs. Since that day and moment, I am loving this new route of my journey and I lost 7 lbs. I broke that plateau, and I truly am loving the ride. 

Here are the 5 reasons I went back to Weight Watchers Online.

Weight Watchers works in real life, it has been proven. You get a set of daily points, and some extras weekly points. I broke my plateau since I joined on January 14th, 2017 and I lost 7 lbs. You get live support if you attend meetings, and virtual support online if you do not. You can choose to have a coach for a little extra, and for some I am sure that is a life line. Weight Watchers works for weight loss and maintenance. This is not a fad diet, this is forever.

Weight Watchers Online is only 19.95 a month. That is truly doable. For someone on a budget I know I can make that payment. I get the app and all of the wonderful features that comes with it. I track my food, my progress and weight on the app. I get recipes and ideas and share inspiration with others on their Weight Watchers journey. Weight Watchers Connect is like Instagram and Facebook, but for all of us on Weight Watchers. So far I track everything I eat and drink, and I would never do that without the app. I love it.

Weight Watchers helped me with my food issues. I admit it, I had eating disorders. I always looked as food as being bad or good. I would get anxiety if I ate something considered bad. I was getting obsessive and it wasn’t pretty. Now I eat whole grains again, and I am losing weight. Weight Watchers keeps my portions in control for me, teaches me to love food again. I couldn’t be happier.

Weight Watchers may be a format, but I can work the plan the way I choose to, and each week I can change it up if I feel something is not working. On Mondays after weigh in, I have coffee cake with my coffee. I would never have done that before. I actually love weigh in Mondays!!

Weight Watchers is for everybody. Anyone can rock this plan, and everyone can be successful at it. I have seen people on Connect who have lost over 100 lbs with Weight Watchers, people of all ages. It can be done, and I am going to get to my goal of 135 lbs with Weight Watchers. In about ten pounds, I plan to start going to meetings, and when I get to my goal weight I can be a lifetime member. Lifetime members get to attend for free. Talk about the perfect weight loss maintenance plan. 

I am all in with Weight Watchers. All the way, journeying to my goal and beyond.







To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.

Emily Dickinson

Happy Monday, good morning world. It has been a while since I posted here, I have been updating my social media pages, but I have neglected to write more blog posts. That is changing today. Life takes over, worries and fears crushed my motivation to write anything new. We have had our ups and downs, disappointments and distractions. I decided to put my seat belt on and ride the wild roller coaster of life with the enthusiasm of a child at a theme park, instead of getting run over. I love life too much to let the problems of living take me down. 

I joined Weight Watchers Online on January 14th of 2017. I felt I needed something new and fresh to get me to that elusive goal weight of 135 lbs. Since joining, I have lost 7 lbs. I now weigh 161 lbs, I am getting so close to the 150’s. I am really loving using the app for Weight Watchers Online, and counting points. I still eat the way I have always done since beginning my weight loss journey, but with wiggle room. Today is weigh in Monday, and I have to admit I get so excited to weigh in. After, I allow a little treat with my coffee, of course I portion control it and count it in. Today I ate a portion of Russian Coffee Cake with my delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee, with zero guilt. I officially weigh the lowest I have ever been since I began this weight loss blog.

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In addition to committing to posting here, I am writing out a new cardio and work out schedule. It will be geared to my rotator cuff injury. That has slowed me down, but I am going to begin doing the exercises I can do, along with running, walking, and some rotator cuff injury exercises. Of course I am working out with Melissa Bender Fitness. 

I am also looking for ways to update this blog, I added pages at the menu or the top of the blog, and I plan on adding more. Down the line when things improve I am going to get someone to really help me jazz this blog up. I added before and now photos, photos from my volunteering and my experience with Richard Simmons and Slimmons, and all the friends I met through that part of my journey. I am going to add pages of how I eat and my workouts, and races as well. I am also going to do a collaboration on a brand new book, and market my poetry Camellia in Snow. I am excited to be featured more than once in Asana Journal, and I plan to write and submit more, volunteer more etc. Lots of creative and exciting endeavors to focus my energies on.

Plus the work of life, do it all and survive. That is the challenge.

Since January I have lost 7 lbs. That is a beginning of a brand new year I wish to see more of. No more worries and stress. I will work hard and work off the worries with endorphins through exercise, of course listening to a motivational playlist.

The scale is finally moving again, hurrah.

Weight loss, worries, we got this. Are you with me?

Ready, set, Go!!




It is the second week of the new year, and I am on the mend from the stomach flu. I also gave the virus to my husband, so right now our home is all about healing and recovery. I missed a few days of Melissa Bender 30 day challenge, and today I am slowly jumping back in. I am still weak and not 100% but I can find the energy to do one round.  Positive spin of being sick, my weight is back at 165 lbs. When I get to the 150’s I plan on delivering the blankets I am collecting for the mission and volunteering. Here is the link to todays workout. http://www.benderfitness.com/2017/01/standing-buns-thigh-slimming-workout-15-minute-body-weight-workout.html

I also plan to work on my flexibility and a home yoga practice. I really want to grow my practice but at the moment I do not have the funds for a studio pass. Here is a link to a flexibility video to do along with yoga to deepen my yoga practice. When I get sick I always really start to feel it in my spine and joints, so this is so needed now.  http://www.benderfitness.com/2017/01/15-minute-hiit-core-fat-burn-flexibility-stretch.html

As I grow my yoga practice I wish to write more yoga poetry and yoga articles. Two of my poems and my bio and blog info were featured again in Asana Journal, an international yoga magazine. How honored I am. My title of my poem Out of Body even made the cover. Who knows, maybe one day I can be on the cover of a weight loss magazine. One can dream big. More writing and getting down to work. I am constantly thinking about new goals and experiences, new hobbies and ways to create.12046852_10153629609803617_2085860221255069651_n


I also feel the need to catch up on clutter clearing, to get rid of chaos and break down some boxes from our move last April. My dining room feels more like storage, and when there is chaos in your home it can feel like there is chaos in life. To move forward with my goals I need to kick the clutter to the curb, hang my artwork and feel more at home. I started with this and then I just stopped. Great goal for the new year.

If you know me, you know I rarely concentrate on material items, but with that said I have a wish list to help me conquer my goals. Some things on the list may have to wait, and some things I may try to find in a more inexpensive item. This is my wish list, the tools to help me move forward in my fitness goals. What is on your wish list?

First thing on my list, new work shoes.  I purchased these when they were so pricey and the price has come down. I need to get these asap, they are like walking on a cloud. Great for work.


My fave running shoes. Saucony Triumph 



Here is the rest of my wellness wish list for the new year, and hopefully I can get some of these things to help me get to where I am going. Some things may seem frivolous and some necessary, but I am human and sometimes I like to purchase something functional and beautiful. 

This trio just looks so lovely. I saw the planner and wanted it, I love planners, I love to make lists and check them twice. Than I saw the yoga mat and water bottle and I cannot stop thinking of them. It is pricey but it is on my life because the yoga mat is 6mm, so it is thick for the joints and I also need a new water bottle too. Check it out. Frivolous or functional?



This next thing on my wish list has been on my list for a while. I am so curious about this product. I am interested in reflexology and this product does it for you. Yoga Toes, toe stretchers. They say stretching your toes daily helps with your alignment and foot ailments. I am so curious since I have problems with my feet since I started my journey. Here is the link. There are toe stretcher socks on the market, but should I go for the real deal? 

Toesox for class? Again the idea that the toes need to be stretched intrigues me.



These four items will help with my home workouts and I think they are necessary. A stepper, stability ball, a yoga wheel, and a stretch strap to use for my workouts, and of course the perfect bag to carry my essentials in. 







Down the line and gym membership and a membership to a yoga studio would be a dream, and I can start looking for specials on Groupon for when I want to take this workout journey on the road for added inspiration. No excuses in 2017.


It’s a Journey

“You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.”
― Roman Payne

If you have followed my journey you know this is a blog a about dancer/writer poet who gained a lot of weight and decided to combine weight loss and charity and write about the process and journey. You can find my beginnings here.  http://mychangeforaten.com/about/

For me this blog has become life changing. It has literally opened up a whole world of possibilities and endless opportunities and introduced me to lifelong friends and mentors. We are only held back by the shackles we place upon ourselves. We have the key to let go of what holds us back, the fears and blocks that keep us from living the life of our dreams. Life is too beautiful not to be happy in the living.

This is a weight loss/fitness blog where I sponsor charities as I lose weight and it will continue to be that as I continue on my journey. I am 30 lbs away from my goal weight and on my six month challenge of no cheat days until I arrive at my 50th birthday on The Winter Solstice on December 21st. Here I am now proud of my accomplishments but always moving forward. I lost over 50 lbs and helped numerous charities and found a love of fitness and yoga similar to my love of dance and the written word. I am on a fitness quest as well as a weight loss journey, a quest to be the best me inside and out. This will not cease when I hit my goal weight. Lifestyle equals a life journey.unnamed-2


I will continue to share my fitness goals and my mentors and role models, my weight loss journey and diet including more recipes.I am in the process of planning my next charity event. I plan to start writing about a subjects that are related to my journey, subjects about inspirations of life and living. I have slacked off writing here because I let life get in my way and got lazy with my writing and overwhelmed with the nuances that sometimes stop us in our tracks. I plan to write more often like I did when I began, and be more transparent in the process. I am painfully emotional and human, and from now on I will write more and stress less about life’s issues.

My life is beautiful because I am in love with living and all creatures of the universe. With that said a beautiful life is not a perfect life. I have issues like every other human that walks the earth. I am too far from family, and finances are a struggle but I am living despite of my problems and always moving forward. One of my favorite quotes from the film The Shawshank Redemption is

“get busy living or get busy dying”

I am living, loving life here in LA. Almost 50 and grateful for every single person in my life and every single moment that got me here. Are you getting older or living a beautiful life? You have the power to choose.










Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

Tony Robbins

Hello to all and a very Happy Wednesday. I have been thinking a lot about this blog, my goals, and what I wish to accomplish as I move forward. This summer is my three year Anniversary, I have lost a lot of weight and kept every pound off. I have helped numerous charities, and started a fitness journey that has taken me beyond anything that I could have expected. My book was published, I was in a Richard Simmons video, and my story made it into a few websites. In the process I met lifelong friends and have been inspired by all the stories of people crushing their personal goals. I have done all this through a move to San Francisco, and back to Los Angeles and kept my optimism through a tough personal crisis. I could never have done any of this alone, and a huge shout out to all of my mentors, friends, and family.

Here begins the new chapter. I am all in my 6 month clean eating challenge with no cheat days until my 50th Birthday which falls on December 21. Summer solstice to the winter solstice. I admit there have been a few days when all I wanted to do was drown my sorrows in a tub of cake batter, but I have resisted. I have broken my plateau and my weight is now 166. 



I have really exciting news to announce, but I am trying to wait until it happens before I say what it is, but I will say it is a milestone in my life. A personal goal was accomplished, and I am giddy as a school girl. 

I have a giving friend who has been down lately, and I hate to see her sad. I suggested we meet once a week to have coffee, write down our goals for the upcoming week and discuss how we feel. We have been doing this for three weeks now and I can honestly say it has worked just as much for me as it has for her. She has started a new opportunity and she has also returned to playing a sport she is passionate about and has missed dearly. For me it has helped me set new goals as I move forward. I am still in a personal crisis, but it is much better now that we are back in Los Angeles. I am crushing my weekly goals and I feel extra motivated and inspired.

Two months in my clean eating challenge and here is the workouts I will be doing for the next six weeks. Thanks Melissa Bender Fitness for always pushing and inspiring me and the masses. Today is day 3 for me. Melissa is a new Mom to baby Maverick and I could not be happier for her.   http://www.benderfitness.com/2016/08/postpartum-beyond-6-week-workout-challenge-week-1-day-3-cardio-day.html

I also am knee deep in planning my next Charity. I will explain all in a future post but here is who I am helping next. I am planning an exciting event. https://www.facebook.com/TheMidnightMission/?fref=ts


It makes sense since this charity is very similar to my first charity back in October, 2013 with The Monday Mission. I went to skid row with My trainer Mike, his girlfriend Maria, and my friend Courtney and her boyfriend to feed the homeless.  We donated food courtesy of Chef Jessica of Seasons 52. This photo was before I lost my weight, and the beginning of my journey. You can read about that experience here. http://mychangeforaten.com/middle-of-the-night-monday-night-mission-musings/


So that somewhat catches me up to today, almost the end of the summer 2016. One of my goals is to get back to posting daily here. You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook. Have a wonderful day, Namaste’ and keep crushing those goals.







“Life is like music on a scale, shifting up and down. When your life is over, your song has been written.”
― Peggy Toney Horton

This quote is not about the same scale I am talking about, but it is a true example of the ups and downs of life and living as well as the ups and downs of weight loss. How do you measure your worth? Are you unworthy on days when the scale tips upward? These are the questions I often ask myself as I continue on my quest of weight loss and fitness.

Today is weigh in Wednesday, and I gained three pounds. Does that mean today I am a failure?

I could go on and on about the fact I ate more sodium than usual over the holiday weekend, or the fact I got a nasty virus from my husband James that sidelined me for almost a week. I could go on and on about that one piece of cake I decided to indulge in, or the fact that I work nights and sometimes I find myself skipping meals.

I could go on and on for the reason I gained the dreaded three pounds. Or I can just say my scale is a fickle bitch and toss is aside. 

I would like to believe I have many more lyrics to compose in this life of mine, many more stanzas to the poems that make up my purpose as I walk this planet. My weight has no bearing of the reason of my existence. It is easy to self sabotage,  to self bash and follow a pattern of self destructiveness. Or I can choose the other race course, lace up my hot pink running shoes and just keep running towards my goals; even though my flat surfaced race course sometimes feels more like an extreme obstacle with barbed wire hurdles to jump over.

Am I a failure or a fighter? 

This week I begin again, as it seems I am constantly doing as of late.  My elusive weight goal is far in the future. I will fight my mythical hurdles, take them on one step at a time, one mile before the next and try to get there even if it seems to be taking forever. Barbed wire? Bring it on.  I will get there.

After all my song is far from over.

Jump that wall, run that mile, the scale does not get to decide how far you will go. Numbers don’t hold you back, only you can do that. Keep running towards your goals.


Rose Bruno Bailey


I saw this unknown quote today and it made me laugh.

I put the scale in the bathroom corner, and that is where the bitch stays until she apologizes.

Author unknown

Good Morning. I woke up with a scratchy voice and it is taking me some time to get moving. and on top of that my computer is fighting me this morning. Doing a simple blog post is a challenge, so this post will be short and sweet.

I got on the scale, and my weight remained the same. I will take it, it is better than gaining weight. Weight loss isn’t a fluid process, there are a lot of ripples on the way to your ultimate weight. I did a calculation yesterday on my weight loss app lose it, and it said I can hit my goal weight of 140 by September 2016 if I only eat a thousand calories a day. Yeah, I doubt that’s happening.

But I still feel great. I am back on track and again today is my second run of the week. I posted the link to my running schedule from Benderfitness.com on my Facebook page. This computer is not cooperating today.

I promised to write about all the resources to help you lose weight and get fit when you are financially strapped, and I am working on that for a future post.

Yesterday’s run was amazing, and I love that runner’s high you get. Yes, my throat feels scratchy and my lymph node a little swollen, but I think I can fight whatever bug is trying to bite me. Coffee first, always coffee first. Today may be a second cup kind of day. You run the day, even if you have to run it on a little caffeine. xo2d8bb3d203079c6b72bc2705f6ff1412


Love and Light





Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.

Oprah Winfrey


Good Afternoon, hello sun!! Wednesdays from now on are going to be called weigh in
Wednesday. I have lost another 3 lbs and that brings my weight to 172.6. If you have followed my blog my lowest weight I achieved was 165 lbs, so I am still up a little from that number. I have decided to do things my way, after all I know what I am doing, I just needed to find my way back. I am going to combine my usual clean eating ways with Weight Watchers Online. It is a good way for me to watch my portions and to track everything I eat. I will feel in control and if I slip up a little on my program, I will just track it and be done. I am eliminating most processed foods like I have done the whole time, but I will not kick myself for the occasional slip up. Food is not bad or good, it is just food. With that said, I know what makes me feel good and look good, I know what works for my body type. I am happy to be back on the weight loss route again. 


I am doing this despite my challenges. We all have challenges, I am trying to rise above mine and work towards my goals and at the same time tackle my personal challenges. My next charity will be announced as soon as I work out the details. I plan to do it in June, when I finally get to my next goal of 164 or less. I am also going to do a future post on Grocery shopping when your funds are very limited. Now, this may not work for kids but for adults who wish to make a change and fear they do not have enough money for healthy groceries this post will be for you. I will also post my workout and running routine as I get back at it.

Each day I get a little better, and the consistency is helping. Today I am off from work and I am Siamese sitting for a dear friend, and I plan a getting a run in and perhaps some swimming. Next week as I shift to getting back on track I will go back to incorporating Melissa Bender Fitness workouts. I am so grateful to be back in Los Angeles and now I must move forward and get going to my goals. Change can be good, but it can slow you down. The key is recognizing it and starting again. There is no shame in starting over. Get those endorphins going with some upbeat music and soon it will seem like second nature again. That is my plan.

I may seem a little more melancholic than usual, but trust me I am on the road back to my usual optimistic self. I am taking baby steps and learning balance. 

Much love and light to all,





“Your real life starts the moment you start questioning everything you thought was a constant.”
― Mark Fahmy

Good Monday Morning World, Monday you have come a calling again. I woke up today contemplating change, and new beginnings. I have decided to begin anew on my blog and start as if this is the very beginning. This time it’s not going to be as effortless. I am at the half way mark, and I lost my way somewhere along my journey. Admitting this is far from easy.

In my last post I mentioned I gained over ten pounds during the transition of my move from San Francisco to Los Angeles.  I have been through a lot of change in the last year and a half, and I believe I swam the murky waters and landed clean on the other side. But with all changes comes new challenges, and this time around I have some financial burdens to deal with along with my weight struggles. I am much better off than I was in the San Francisco Bay area, but I still have those nagging money issues that hold so many of us back. I promised myself even though I have these challenges, I will start again on my weight loss/fitness/philanthropy journey. I will be much more consistent and never give up. I admit my the last few weeks I have been depressed, and I am here openly admitting this and trying to overcome what holds me back.

If I keep stopping every time life throws me lemons I will never have fresh squeezed lemonade when summer arrives. I need to get back to being optimistic and hopeful. I started this blog in the summer of 2013, and here I am again in May 2016 picking up the lemon rinds and trying again. How many of you have done this exact same thing over and over?  What is it about daily life issues that derails us?  My plan is to start again and keep going despite what happens in my personal life. I am making myself accountable here and now.

Speaking of lemonade, my next ten pound charity will be a lemonade stand for a wonderful organization here in Los Angeles. I will announce who I am doing this for in a future post. My current weight is 175 lbs. My lowest weight I achieved on this blog was 165. I plan to do this charity after I lose another ten pounds. I actually plan on waiting until I weigh 164 lbs, so I can get to my lowest weight so far on this blog. That is my next goal and I intend to make this happen. I am a forever work in progress, but I will hike over this hump and get back to doing what I do best. 

Tomorrow I weigh in, and Tuesday’s will be my official weigh in day for now.I am going to be incredibly honest about the scale, and also post new full length beginning photos. This is exactly like it was in 2013, I just weigh a lot less than I did then. I guess I am not a complete failure. 

I have been running but not as often as I should, so I plan to post my running schedule and workout schedule soon. I am working, but looking for something closer to home. My intention is not to let my job and possible transition affect my plans. To keep going and going and never stop. I have lost a lot of strength so this is really like beginning again.

Ready, set, go. Today is a new day in my new home, and today is a good day. Much love and light to all. I am ready to come out of the darkness and face the warmth of the light here in sunny LA.525109_10151430247528617_1780460651_n

“All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.”
― Shannon L. Alder







Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?

Frida Kahlo



Happy New Year to all. If you have been following me in the last six months I have been in a crisis, and I let that crisis get in the way of all of my goals. I gained about 15 lbs in two months just by not working out and eating unhealthy. It was a lesson learned, and now I am back on track with a vengeance. I will no longer have crisis complaints, instead I am going to look at my crisis as a challenge. I am working a lot more hours to make more money, but I am now finding time for my workouts and healthy eating.

When I am on my half hour work break I choose to go power walking and run stairs instead of sitting around. I am packing healthy meals and snacks, and I am totally back to clean eating. My Benderfitness workouts will be timed in the morning before I get ready for work. On my first day back I aimed for over 25,000 steps and I made my goal. I also signed up for a diet bet hosted by Melissa Bender Fitness. I win money if I can lose 4% of my body weight by the end of January. I got this, no more crying in my coffee.

I have decided this will be the best year ever, and I am tackling a lot of different goals and resolutions which I will write about in future posts. This week is a full week of work and workouts, plus I am volunteering Wednesday at the Second City Harvest in San Jose, and I am delivering more donations my co-workers kindly donated for the less fortunate. No matter how bad things get, there is a way out back into the light. Helping others is a way to see the bigger picture of life. I like to step outside of my own little world and see what is happening in the universe around me. It is humbling and enlightening. New Year, New Attitude. Everything is a blessing, and I am going forward with gratitude and a good mood. My feet feel like wings when I am flying high on Endorphins.You can fly too. 

Happy New Beginnings to all.

Love and Light,

