Category Archives: inspiration. Monday motivation.



To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.

Emily Dickinson

Happy Monday, good morning world. It has been a while since I posted here, I have been updating my social media pages, but I have neglected to write more blog posts. That is changing today. Life takes over, worries and fears crushed my motivation to write anything new. We have had our ups and downs, disappointments and distractions. I decided to put my seat belt on and ride the wild roller coaster of life with the enthusiasm of a child at a theme park, instead of getting run over. I love life too much to let the problems of living take me down. 

I joined Weight Watchers Online on January 14th of 2017. I felt I needed something new and fresh to get me to that elusive goal weight of 135 lbs. Since joining, I have lost 7 lbs. I now weigh 161 lbs, I am getting so close to the 150’s. I am really loving using the app for Weight Watchers Online, and counting points. I still eat the way I have always done since beginning my weight loss journey, but with wiggle room. Today is weigh in Monday, and I have to admit I get so excited to weigh in. After, I allow a little treat with my coffee, of course I portion control it and count it in. Today I ate a portion of Russian Coffee Cake with my delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee, with zero guilt. I officially weigh the lowest I have ever been since I began this weight loss blog.

unnamed (18)

In addition to committing to posting here, I am writing out a new cardio and work out schedule. It will be geared to my rotator cuff injury. That has slowed me down, but I am going to begin doing the exercises I can do, along with running, walking, and some rotator cuff injury exercises. Of course I am working out with Melissa Bender Fitness. 

I am also looking for ways to update this blog, I added pages at the menu or the top of the blog, and I plan on adding more. Down the line when things improve I am going to get someone to really help me jazz this blog up. I added before and now photos, photos from my volunteering and my experience with Richard Simmons and Slimmons, and all the friends I met through that part of my journey. I am going to add pages of how I eat and my workouts, and races as well. I am also going to do a collaboration on a brand new book, and market my poetry Camellia in Snow. I am excited to be featured more than once in Asana Journal, and I plan to write and submit more, volunteer more etc. Lots of creative and exciting endeavors to focus my energies on.

Plus the work of life, do it all and survive. That is the challenge.

Since January I have lost 7 lbs. That is a beginning of a brand new year I wish to see more of. No more worries and stress. I will work hard and work off the worries with endorphins through exercise, of course listening to a motivational playlist.

The scale is finally moving again, hurrah.

Weight loss, worries, we got this. Are you with me?

Ready, set, Go!!




It is the second week of the new year, and I am on the mend from the stomach flu. I also gave the virus to my husband, so right now our home is all about healing and recovery. I missed a few days of Melissa Bender 30 day challenge, and today I am slowly jumping back in. I am still weak and not 100% but I can find the energy to do one round.  Positive spin of being sick, my weight is back at 165 lbs. When I get to the 150’s I plan on delivering the blankets I am collecting for the mission and volunteering. Here is the link to todays workout.

I also plan to work on my flexibility and a home yoga practice. I really want to grow my practice but at the moment I do not have the funds for a studio pass. Here is a link to a flexibility video to do along with yoga to deepen my yoga practice. When I get sick I always really start to feel it in my spine and joints, so this is so needed now.

As I grow my yoga practice I wish to write more yoga poetry and yoga articles. Two of my poems and my bio and blog info were featured again in Asana Journal, an international yoga magazine. How honored I am. My title of my poem Out of Body even made the cover. Who knows, maybe one day I can be on the cover of a weight loss magazine. One can dream big. More writing and getting down to work. I am constantly thinking about new goals and experiences, new hobbies and ways to create.12046852_10153629609803617_2085860221255069651_n


I also feel the need to catch up on clutter clearing, to get rid of chaos and break down some boxes from our move last April. My dining room feels more like storage, and when there is chaos in your home it can feel like there is chaos in life. To move forward with my goals I need to kick the clutter to the curb, hang my artwork and feel more at home. I started with this and then I just stopped. Great goal for the new year.

If you know me, you know I rarely concentrate on material items, but with that said I have a wish list to help me conquer my goals. Some things on the list may have to wait, and some things I may try to find in a more inexpensive item. This is my wish list, the tools to help me move forward in my fitness goals. What is on your wish list?

First thing on my list, new work shoes.  I purchased these when they were so pricey and the price has come down. I need to get these asap, they are like walking on a cloud. Great for work.

My fave running shoes. Saucony Triumph

Here is the rest of my wellness wish list for the new year, and hopefully I can get some of these things to help me get to where I am going. Some things may seem frivolous and some necessary, but I am human and sometimes I like to purchase something functional and beautiful. 

This trio just looks so lovely. I saw the planner and wanted it, I love planners, I love to make lists and check them twice. Than I saw the yoga mat and water bottle and I cannot stop thinking of them. It is pricey but it is on my life because the yoga mat is 6mm, so it is thick for the joints and I also need a new water bottle too. Check it out. Frivolous or functional?


This next thing on my wish list has been on my list for a while. I am so curious about this product. I am interested in reflexology and this product does it for you. Yoga Toes, toe stretchers. They say stretching your toes daily helps with your alignment and foot ailments. I am so curious since I have problems with my feet since I started my journey. Here is the link. There are toe stretcher socks on the market, but should I go for the real deal? 

Toesox for class? Again the idea that the toes need to be stretched intrigues me.

These four items will help with my home workouts and I think they are necessary. A stepper, stability ball, a yoga wheel, and a stretch strap to use for my workouts, and of course the perfect bag to carry my essentials in.

Down the line and gym membership and a membership to a yoga studio would be a dream, and I can start looking for specials on Groupon for when I want to take this workout journey on the road for added inspiration. No excuses in 2017.


Happy New Day


Yesterday was the Jewish New Year, and to all of my Jewish friends I wish you abundant blessings and joy. To my non-Jewish friends I send you the same love. Tonight I witnessed people sharing well wishes for the New Year to all, no matter what their backgrounds were. I was completely in awe to see the best in humanity. It does not matter where you come from or what your background is. You can always learn something from other cultures and embrace the celebration and joy of living. I am pleased to say tonight I was inspired.

New Beginnings, I admit I have always been a fan. A chance to reinvent yourself, a chance to start over and try again. Mondays, the beginning of Autumn, Birthdays, The New Year. Every new day is a brand new beginning. Didn’t have a great day yesterday? You woke up breathing today so you get a second chance at it. 

I have been blogging about my weight loss journey, my fitness journey and my charities now for three years. I believe I have experienced many successes but at the same time I struggled with some things; I am human after all, I have flaws. With all the success I had, the 60 lb weight loss, the fitness milestones, the charities I helped, sticking to a strict diet, there are also some things I feel I failed at. In life we tend to look at our failures and not our successes. In the last two years I experienced a whirl wind of change, a lot good and some not so good.  A sudden move to San Francisco and a move back to Los Angeles. I now find myself back to where I began this journey and inspired by the Jewish New Year to start again on what I consider to be one of my failures. How perfect to embrace the newness of the holiday and give myself another go at it. Every one you encounter has a lesson to share. Are you listening?


I keep up my fitness, I get out and run and walk every day. I workout all the time. My diet is on point. My failure is that I never made it through Melissa Bender 12 week Bikini Prep schedule. I somehow always get sidetracked and I end up just doing what I learned from my former trainer Mike and Melissa Bender, basically a mish mosh of exercises. I always wanted to make it through all 12 weeks. I have been going strong on my six month diet challenge with no cheating but I have come up short on this particular goal of mine. So inspired by the Jewish New Year and a brand new Monday, today I begin anew and start over the 12 week program. The timing is perfect and If my calculations are correct I should be wrapping up this goal along with my diet goal by the time I reach my 50th birthday


Today is day one. I do have an injury so I will do everything but also modify what I cannot do with my shoulder. I also have some physical therapy exercises I will work on. I admit I lost a lot of strength when I hurt my shoulder. Of course I am going to commit to running regularly and work on my yoga practice.

I am also committing to writing more on this blog like I did for the first year. I am going to document everything on this journey, the good, the bad and everything in between. I am far from an after, but a work in progress. I am planning my next charity and I will be posting the official announcement for Beach Blanket Bootcamp this week. I am collecting new blankets for the homeless and the Midnight Mission. The official date is November 12th at noon. More details this week. You can read about my project in the link below the photo. I finally made my lowest weight in 20 years. Now, that is a success.


I love Hope

I love New beginnings,

I love dreams and all creatures of the universe.

I love life.

A quote from one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank redemption

Red: I find I’m so excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

I love Hope. Happy New Beginnings to all.


Happy New Year, Happy New Day




Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

Francis of Assisi

I am not an after, I never consider myself an after. I am a work in progress, successful at what I am doing but I am on a journey and far from my destination. People write me and tell me that I look like I have already arrived. I am half way and proud at how far I have come. I have done things that have completely surprised myself, so to me that quote by Saint Francis of Assisi hits home.

My journey has become more than numbers on the scale, it is about being fit and strong as well as reducing my weight. I have many fitness goals I wish to accomplish and many milestones I have already met.  I am only 5’3 in height and I believe a goal of about 135 lbs is completely realistic. I also have many more charities I wish to help. So here I am at my lowest weight of in 20 years, working on my fitness and last 30 lb weight loss, and planning my next charity event; all less than four months before I turn the big 50. Always moving forward, even when life’s struggles trip me up; I catch my step and continue on my merry way. I may sometimes stumble, but I always rise.

When I began I had a set of ideas I followed. I like to call them ideas instead of rules.  These ideas became part of how I stayed on course with my goals. If you are beginning a weight loss and or fitness journey these little bits of wisdom may be invaluable to you as you set out on your quest to be the best you inside and out.

  1. Be impeccable with your word.

When I started I discovered a book called The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The first agreement is this. “Be impeccable with your word.” If you say you are going to do something, than make it happen. The first week of my blog I was cast in a Richard Simmons video. I almost backed out because of embarrassment about how heavy I was, but I decided to be impeccable with my word and follow through with my commitment. No excuses anymore, no procrastination. Same with your workouts, that always say nobody ever regretted a workout after it was done. Whatever it is you plan to do, be true to your word and make it happen. The time is now, start strong.



2. Find your Dream Team

I am quite blessed. My dream team is always growing and is always evolving. But there was a time when I did not have a dream team. Back in 2002 I met my now best friend Melissa and my life changed forever. I will write about this subject and her influence on me in a future post.

At this moment you may be asking what is a dream team?

A dream team is your tribe, your friends old and new who inspire you with their own accomplishments and greatness, yet they also find time to cheer you on and believe in you and your dreams with all of their hearts. They are your best friends,occasional acquaintances that fulfill a mission, your mentors, your inspirations in life. You must have an open mind to find your dream team. They come on unassuming sometimes, in unlikely friends of all ages and sexes. I urge you, open your mind and heart, and look around for your dream team. When you do find them, remember to give as much as you get and pay it forward; and the dream team will continue to grow and grow. Trust me on this.

No man’s a failure who has friends.

Frank Capra

Some photos of some of my fitness dream team, I cannot post all of my dream team it would take all day. xo My dream team is vast and includes people from all walks of life and backgrounds.unnamed




3. Find the food lifestyle and fitness plan that works for you.

When I began I had no idea what I would do, I had just a simple plan. My plan was to begin Weight Watchers, do some speed walking and work out with my new friend and trainer Mike. (see dream team last pic with his dog Apollo)

I ended up a yogi, a runner who completed a few races, and I beat my trainer Mike at a planking contest. I am now much more confident at fitness than I was when I began, and in the future I may become a trainer myself. I have a lot of fitness goals that I would have never dreamed of making when I began in 2013. I continue to challenge myself.

click here for free amazing workouts, yoga etc.

Weight Watchers is a great way to begin if you feel lost about food and you are not sure how to eat. I did it for the first six months and it really helped me begin. As my journey continued I found what works for me, clean eating and lower carbohydrate and low gluten. That does not mean the way I eat will work for you. It is trial and error. Same with fitness, walking is a great way to begin, and working out with a trainer is a safe way to learn about fitness. As you evolve you may find your new brave self craving new ways to work out and new classes to take. You may even find yourself running in races. It is amazing what fitness does for your confidence and your energy levels. Start at the beginning, and do not be afraid to experiment. Learn what works for you and stick to it. Trust me, you will not miss that pizza when you are trying on bathing suits in July or when you are running circles around people who are falling down because they lack energy.

Rose Bruno Bailey Weight Loss


4. If you get a flat tire, will you slash the other three?

That is a quote from my dear friend Dawn and a member of my dream team. It is so true. You may falter, you may stumble. You may find yourself after a bad day diving into a vat of cake batter head first. If you do stumble, forgive yourself and begin again. Do not let one cheat meal or cheat day become a cheat week. Get back on that horse and keep galloping towards your goals. Forgive yourself, and forge forward.


5. Love your body and be grateful

We all body bash, hell I think I may be the queen of body bashing. I have learned to look at my body as a temple and not a trash can. This body has surprised and astonished me in ways I never thought it would, especially as I am on the verge of turning 50. I am grateful to this body, and I bow down in reverence for the gift of living and the chance to make my body stronger so I can continue to grow gracefully. So begin anew, and remember you are not growing old you are just growing and graceful as you embark on your journey to be the best you.

6. Do not look through other peoples windows.

There is no competition, except with yourself. If you wish to compete, make it with the you from yesterday. Do not body compare, or body shame yourself or others. Be a person who walks in kindness. Cheer on other people’s accomplishments but keep resentment and jealousy at bay. Those human emotions will sideline you. We are all one, and in this together. No matter how long it takes, or how slow you run, you are faster than you were when you were sitting on the couch. Soon enough people will be congratulating you on your accomplishments. You are beautiful the way you are, you are just going to become stronger and healthier and inspire others to do so.


Walk in light







With but few exceptions, it is always the underdog who wins through sheer willpower.

Johnny Weissmuller

                                                     Ready to run and work out.

Happy Summer solstice to all. Today is the day I begin my six month program, and since I am from Cleveland Ohio I will use the slogan of the underdog championship Cleveland Cavaliers. #All in.



Today is the day I begin my six month challenge and countdown to my 50th birthday. I was born on the winter solstice, and that is six months away. The last year and a half has been a series of ups and downs, transitions and new beginnings. My plan is to get to my 50th birthday being the best me inside and out. I have a lot of work to do. My husband James does not think I can pull it off. So I will take inspiration of the underdogs of the world and work even harder and with more heart to make it happen. 


The plan:

My diet will be completely clean. I can tell you now, there will be no cheat days. Quick overview of my diet will be almost gluten-free, lots of fruits and veggies, minimal grains and lean protein. I will not be consuming sugar and I will not be eating sweets of any kind. The only grains I plan to eat are oatmeal and Ezekiel bread in moderation and occasional beans. I will eat healthy fats and no processed foods. I will still consume dairy but rarely will I eat cheese. I will do separate post on diet. My protein bars will just be an occasional treat and not my daily breakfast.

Here is a sneak peek at my grocery haul.



I am following the Four F’s. Frugality, Fitness, Food, Fashion.  It can be done and I plan on making this next six months count and I plan to make it happen on a budget. Being financially strapped should never hold you back.  We are f’n fabulous.

This running jacket was less than 20 bucks and found at Marshalls.


The fitness.http://melissabenderfitness 

Melissa Bender Fitness is fabulous and free and I will be sharing my workouts as I go. Here is month one, today is day one.



I am also beginning my running training again.



When the scale starts moving, I will be doing charities again.

and again….NO CHEAT DAYS

My husband James doesn’t think I can pull it off. He thinks the summer, the fall and all the special occasions are occasions to eat. Whatever, the more you doubt me, the harder I will work.

I am all in. I am after all from Cleveland Ohio. Congrats to my hometown Cleveland Cavaliers.

Happy Summer Solstice






Music inspires, it invigorates. It heals a bad mood and can remind you that someone broke your heart just as you were starting to forget. I was a dancer in the past, and music motivates me to run instead of to walk, to pick up my pace just a little more, and to keep going when my energy is starting to falter. Before I even started to workout, to speed walk, and to run I made a playlist to prepare myself to make it joyful and fun. Music keeps me going then, and today music motivates me to begin anew.

Duran Duran just happens to be on my running playlist, and when I first began this blog I would practice my burpees to New Moon on Monday.  ( I practiced burpees. Have you done them?  Don’t judge) My former trainer Mike and I worked on them over and over. I tried not to be embarrassed because I was a beginner. Here I am after my move and it feels like I am a beginner all over again. 

Starting over after my move is not easy but my commitment begins today. I have no shame, here I am and ready to run.  I really missed my regular scheduled workouts and running, and my body feels it.  My weight is dropping again, and now I add my workout and running schedule since things are starting to revert back to a routine here in Los Angeles. My next charity will occur when I hit 164 lbs, and I will announce what I plan to do soon. Back on track, back on track. Have you ever slacked off for a few months and found yourself a little slower and softer?  Mondays are perfect for new beginnings.

Here is my plan for the week.

 This week I will run 3.1 miles three times a week. If I am not running, I will be speed walking and getting plenty of cardio in. My day off will be Sunday.

I will do melissa bender fitness workouts three to five times a week depending on time but at minimum I will get it in there times a week.  I am doing her Bikini Prep Series. Each week I will do three to five workouts, starting with day one.

Today is a new day, my new moon on Monday. Coffee first!! That was non negotiable in the very beginning as it is today.





“Your real life starts the moment you start questioning everything you thought was a constant.”
― Mark Fahmy

Good Monday Morning World, Monday you have come a calling again. I woke up today contemplating change, and new beginnings. I have decided to begin anew on my blog and start as if this is the very beginning. This time it’s not going to be as effortless. I am at the half way mark, and I lost my way somewhere along my journey. Admitting this is far from easy.

In my last post I mentioned I gained over ten pounds during the transition of my move from San Francisco to Los Angeles.  I have been through a lot of change in the last year and a half, and I believe I swam the murky waters and landed clean on the other side. But with all changes comes new challenges, and this time around I have some financial burdens to deal with along with my weight struggles. I am much better off than I was in the San Francisco Bay area, but I still have those nagging money issues that hold so many of us back. I promised myself even though I have these challenges, I will start again on my weight loss/fitness/philanthropy journey. I will be much more consistent and never give up. I admit my the last few weeks I have been depressed, and I am here openly admitting this and trying to overcome what holds me back.

If I keep stopping every time life throws me lemons I will never have fresh squeezed lemonade when summer arrives. I need to get back to being optimistic and hopeful. I started this blog in the summer of 2013, and here I am again in May 2016 picking up the lemon rinds and trying again. How many of you have done this exact same thing over and over?  What is it about daily life issues that derails us?  My plan is to start again and keep going despite what happens in my personal life. I am making myself accountable here and now.

Speaking of lemonade, my next ten pound charity will be a lemonade stand for a wonderful organization here in Los Angeles. I will announce who I am doing this for in a future post. My current weight is 175 lbs. My lowest weight I achieved on this blog was 165. I plan to do this charity after I lose another ten pounds. I actually plan on waiting until I weigh 164 lbs, so I can get to my lowest weight so far on this blog. That is my next goal and I intend to make this happen. I am a forever work in progress, but I will hike over this hump and get back to doing what I do best. 

Tomorrow I weigh in, and Tuesday’s will be my official weigh in day for now.I am going to be incredibly honest about the scale, and also post new full length beginning photos. This is exactly like it was in 2013, I just weigh a lot less than I did then. I guess I am not a complete failure. 

I have been running but not as often as I should, so I plan to post my running schedule and workout schedule soon. I am working, but looking for something closer to home. My intention is not to let my job and possible transition affect my plans. To keep going and going and never stop. I have lost a lot of strength so this is really like beginning again.

Ready, set, go. Today is a new day in my new home, and today is a good day. Much love and light to all. I am ready to come out of the darkness and face the warmth of the light here in sunny LA.525109_10151430247528617_1780460651_n

“All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.”
― Shannon L. Alder








Sometimes it is so easy to get side tracked, everything just seems to pile up and there is little time to do what you want to do because of adult responsibilities and pressures.The good news is my Mother is home and on medication and feeling well. I made my best time at my 5k and now I am looking for a 10k to do before the year ends.

I am wearing so many hats of late; wife, waitress, author, weight loss/philanthropic blogger, fitness enthusiast, yogi, not to mention I am a poet and writer and I prefer to have some alone time to get out of my body and into my head to translate my thoughts into words. My book is getting great reviews and it is low on stock at Bookshop Santa Cruz, so I am incredibly grateful. There is a lot more work to do on the book front, (marketing wise) but I am taking it one day at a time. I will be heading back to Santa Cruz soon, and soon to LA as well. 

Yoga and working out gets me out of my head and into my body, and my writing takes me deep within. When I have to work extra hours waiting tables, it takes me to a place of chaos and stress. Do not get me wrong, I am appreciative of the ability to make some extra cash since we live in the most expensive city in the states, but to say I am burned out it is an understatement. I do not get home usually until 11 pm and i have felt physically exhausted. I had a mini meltdown last Thursday and I ate a bowl of pasta Alfredo. My first pasta in one year. I deviated from my workout routine and I was beginning to feel out of control. I spoke to Melissa from Melissa Bender Fitness and she suggested I just pick up where I left off.

It took that phone call and  a beautiful day in the city along the coast with my husband James and our dear friends Sara and Tor to help me regain my balance. When I am in nature and with amazing souls, I find my zen and my meditation place.  I also realized no matter how late I get home, I need to be in bed within the hour. It has made all the difference and today on this brand new Monday Morning I begin anew. 


I went to bed I believe before one am, and I woke up by ten am. I am now writing and having my coffee and ThinkThin bar and soon I will do my workout. I have plenty of time before work and I feel like this week I may regain my center. I have chosen to really focus on the fitness after my first over 50 lb weight loss, since my weight has been forever stuck in the 160’s. I recently found out all the female members of my immediate family are on medication for thyroid issues, so that is something to explore in the future. As soon as the chaos and money issues quiet down and I am able to slow down I will be deciding on my next charities.  In the meantime, eat healthy, workout, work, do yoga, run off the stress and repeat. One day at a time is not a cliche’ it is the best way to get through any difficult situation. Keep going and never give up!! 

Namaste’ love and light

This week I am repeating week five.

So here is week 1 Month 2 of BenderFitness Bikini Prep Workouts

Tuesday Day 2: Bikini Ready Tummy Workout and Body Definition Workout (Body Definition Workout was done interval style, 2X through. The breakdown is listed in the information above the Bikini Ready Tummy Workout). 
Wednesday Day  3: Strong and Toned Lower Body: Legs, Thighs, and Butt and 30 minute run on the treadmill. Day off from work
Thursday Day 4Ab Exposure Workout

MY NUMBER ONE INSPIRATION ( in the black bathing suit)

That’s my beautiful Mother in a black bathing suit and the age of 15. 

A lot has been going on here. My book Camellia in Snow is out and getting great reviews and feedback.  I am working on my Benderfitness workouts and my diet and my running training. I did a 5k and beat my best time.  My weight is still in the mid 160’s but I will keep going and get to goal. I am looking for another 5k and a 10k to do before the year is out.  I have a lot of book promotion events and to do’s on my list. We are probably moving again, there is a lot happening on that front but we decided moving during the holidays is not an option.

Through it all I am looking for charities and volunteer options and I am also working a lot more than I wish to, but I am grateful for the opportunity to make money and get ahead. I feel lately I am wearing too many hats, and sometimes it feels like those hats are too tight, cutting off the circulation to my brain and causing my muddled mind to go a little insane from the chaos of everyday life. In those moments I try to meditate, do yoga and breathe. I  go running, removing the metaphorical hats and I get lost in the music and the beauty of the bay. Exercise is the best way to let go and let your problems be. As my friend Linda said, run it off.

Today I was going to post race photos, but those can wait for now, Some are on my Facebook page. I beat my best time and I am so proud of the accomplishments I am making and goals I am working on.

My dear Mother was admitted to the hospital today, she is either having a stent or bypass surgery.This happened suddenly and  I will know more tomorrow. I decided since I am always talking about inspiration I would share my number one inspiration of strength and survival, my Mother Shirley. I wrote this in 2005 the year she had her first triple bypass, join me in healing thoughts and prayers that she comes through with the same fighting flying colors she did in 2005.  Mom, I always love you more.


My Beautiful Mother in black with a friend and my big sister Dona Tony.

Dedicated to my Mother Shirley Bruno. Below is my Mother in black.


My sisters and I used to love to go to the grocery store with my mother. We would follow like little disciples, contributing our wish list of meal choices for the family dinner. This was the one thing that kept us together, the family meal; the one thing that protected us from the ominous storm that was about to brew.

Growing up in Cleveland Ohio was not an easy feat, with my fathers disappearance at the age of ten, well lets just say things were bleak to say the least. After that fateful day, memories of that time are a mish-mash in my head. My father was an Italian Restaurant owner, and the one thing he did well before he vanished was to pass on one last gift to my family; he taught my mother to cook with passion. We were far from well off, and we had many tough struggles, but there was always something delicious waiting for us at the end of the day; comfort food personified.

When my mother was growing up, she had artistic abilities, talents that she never had the opportunity to fulfill. She could pick up a pencil and sketch a portrait, and sing like a songbird, but her mother taught her dreams were unrealistic and unattainable. Over the years those dreams were left at the wayside, replaced with children to raise, and the constant need to just get through a day and survive. When my father first met my mother, her cooking skills were so lacking, she could not even boil an egg. I believe when she picked up that wooden spoon for the very first time, the artist in her was reborn; the wooden spoon was her pencil, and the food she created was her masterpiece. Her cooking would be the light that kept us from despair during those challenging years of childhood, and I believe her culinary talent became the basis of her identity and our lives together.

Our home did not have many creature comforts, and we lived in sparse spaces lacking color and light. However, our humble kitchen was my mom’s oyster; and a place we all came together and connected, a place where we all came alive. I can remember coming home from a long day at school, pre-teen angst causing confusion within, and my mother would whip up my favorite meal, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, broccoli and homemade biscuits with butter. Suddenly all the grief I felt from not belonging disappeared, and was replaced with something that would stick to my ribs along with the meal; my mother nurtured and loved me, and showed it through her passion of cooking.

My mid age school days were turbulent to say the least, yet I always knew no matter how my day went, as soon as I walked in the door my mind would clear. My Mother would whip up something fabulous, even if it was incredibly simple. She had a way of taking whatever ingredients she had on hand and turning them into a culinary work of art. Home was a place that may have been lacking material possessions, but we made up for them in love and spirit and there was plenty of laughter and love to go around. We were nourished in more ways than one.

As we grew into our teens, birthdays meant big meals with spaghetti with meatballs, and all the accompaniments that go with a a huge Italian meal. Our friends were always welcome, and there was always enough food to share with anyone who stepped on our doorstep; kindness to others always came first. We might not have had much, but there was always enough to share. Through my mother I learned it is so much more important to give than to receive. A value I believe has shaped me through the years.

As the years went by I never took a liking to cooking, I was always off doing my own thing and lets face it; who needs to cook when you have someone always doing it for you. I could never compete nor did I want to; that was her arena. Then the day came when I wasn’t within driving distance of my mother. My husband had an opportunity too good to resist and we had to relocate to Hartford Connecticut. It didn’t dawn on me until  that Thanksgiving when I found out my husband had to work that first holiday away from home. I had an ethical dilemma, do I go home and see my family or stay and attempt Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings? I decided on the latter, I could not leave him alone, that would be wrong; but what to do now? I had not the slightest idea what to do with a turkey, let alone a whole Thanksgiving meal.

I consulted my mother and through the phone she guided and taught me how to cook my very first Thanksgiving dinner; and oh what a challenge it was. She always made it look so easy and simple. I was a wreck that day, literally calling home every five minutes. It was like a comedy, me with flour in my hair totally clueless. The first challenge was when my Mother told me the first step, to remove the neck from the main cavity.Excuse me? I was totally repulsed, I had been a vegetarian for almost ten years and here I was removing a neck from a body cavity…I took a deep breath and conquered the cleaning the turkey; next I had to baste it and place it in the oven for hours. I mastered the stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, yet I burned the sweet potato casserole. The last step was to remove the turkey and make sure it was cooked thoroughly and finally make the gravy. To this day gravy is not my forte. Both my sister and mother in law called to check on me, and asked if I remembered to remove the other bag from the other crevice. Pardon Moi? What other bag from what other crevice? I cooked the bird with the bag of giblets in tow. The bag burned, I removed it and the turkey was no worse for wear, but I could not say the same for me.. I questioned myself how she made it look so effortless.

The meal was on the table when my husband finally walked through the doors at seven pm tired from a long day at his new job. The table looked lovely, I on the other hand, well I was a disheveled mess.. How do women time and cook such a large elaborate meal and find the energy to make themselves presentable and pretty? He didn’t care about my unruly hair nor the fact I was wearing sweat pants, he just wanted to sit down and eat Thanksgiving dinner with me, his family.

It was just the two of us, and it was a bit melancholic being so far from our family and loved ones. Traditions are so hard to break, and you can either wallow in your woes or find ways to remember your far off loved ones. We chose the latter, sat down to try my very first culinary feast courtesy of my mothers teaching via the phone. I sat nervous wondering if I had pulled off a success. The look on his face when he took the first bite said it all as he proclaimed ”this tastes like Cleveland Ohio.” I smiled wide, took my first bite and giddily. agreed, I had cooked a replica of my Mothers famous Thanksgiving dinner and did so on my first try.

Lights went off in my head. I cooked much more than a meal. I cooked memories of Mom and I realized what I had learned that very first Thanksgiving away from home, and it was priceless; I would have my mothers traditions for the rest of my life and the lessons that came with them. My mother taught us to be kind to others, to share your gifts even if you do not have much, because it is far more important to give rather than receive. I could not have had a better teacher of life and I am grateful for my treasured upbringing. I wouldn’t trade those memories for all the money in the world. Those teachings have been the basis that has shaped my identity as cooking shaped hers.
In the years since that first Thanksgiving away from home I moved to NYC and now I reside in Los Angeles California. I have mastered most of my mothers beloved recipes, with her famous spaghetti and meatballs to be my next challenge. Everything I have cooked and learned I did on the phone with my remarkable mother who could put even the food network to shame, and I do so with love and gratitude. I am farther than ever from my mother in distance, yet I feel closer in heart because of the new connection we have formed. We bonded over cooking,sharing, and the blessings of life. We are two very different individuals yet we found such a common ground built of tradition, family,giving, and love.Tomorrow I think I may cook Sunday dinner, roast beef with all the trimming ala Mom, and sit down to a meal and be transported to a modest yet magnificent kitchen somewhere in Cleveland Ohio; never forgetting to make enough in case someone shows up hungry on my welcome doorstep.



Don’t cry over spilled milk, or in my case spilled coffee. I woke up, late as usual as on par for my life these days. I decided before my workout to blog in bed.  I thought drinking coffee in bed was a grand idea until I spilled it all over myself and my blanket. It seems to be indicative of my murky mood. The last few months have been a little chaotic, a lot of good and some not so good. I will not get into the details of the not good part, but I will say I have my health, and those I love do as well so it is nothing that cannot be figured out. Crisis can come on in all ways, it can burn you like hot coffee if you let it. Or you can stand up, wash it off and get on with your life and your dreams. That hot coffee is not going to ruin your day, nor should a minor life crisis singe your dreams and goals. Make a wish, and it will come true if you believe. 


I promised myself I would move forward each day, taking one moment at a time. Coming from an impatient person as myself that is probably the most difficult task. I want everything now, and I tend to get a little cranky when things move too slow for my liking. I understand that is a flaw in my personality and I am constantly trying to evolve and become a better version of myself. I have stuck to my workout schedule even when things became difficult. Last week my body was slower than usual. My injured toe seemed to be hurting more than usual, and doing some of the exercises proved difficult. I took my rest day Saturday and now I feel better. I understand my toe will probably eventually need surgery, but I am just trying for now to keep moving forward and keep on the road to goal. 

With that said, I have decided to repeat last weeks schedule. Here it is, and this week I am feeling better physically and I hope I come out of this repeat week stronger. That is the goal anyway, To be stronger, more fit, healthier and to be leaner as I achieve my goals. Thank you to Melissa Bender Fitness for amazing workouts and helping me motivate and stay on the right track. The photo above shows my progress. Far left 2013, middle four weeks ago to date, and far right is current. I am making progress, I just have to be patient with myself and trust in the universe that everything will be fine. Love and light to all.


Happy Monday


Melissa Bender Fitness Week Four Bikini Prep Workout (repeat)

Monday: 15 Minute Home Workout

Tuesday: 3 mile run

Wednesday: 10 Minute Fat Burn

Thursday: Flab-U-Less Arms and Abs, 30 Minutes Cardio

Friday:Fitness Transformation: Workout 5, 30 Minutes Cardio

Saturday: Off 

Sunday: Mix It Up Workout, 30 Minutes Cardio