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Sometimes it is so easy to get side tracked, everything just seems to pile up and there is little time to do what you want to do because of adult responsibilities and pressures.The good news is my Mother is home and on medication and feeling well. I made my best time at my 5k and now I am looking for a 10k to do before the year ends.

I am wearing so many hats of late; wife, waitress, author, weight loss/philanthropic blogger, fitness enthusiast, yogi, not to mention I am a poet and writer and I prefer to have some alone time to get out of my body and into my head to translate my thoughts into words. My book is getting great reviews and it is low on stock at Bookshop Santa Cruz, so I am incredibly grateful. There is a lot more work to do on the book front, (marketing wise) but I am taking it one day at a time. I will be heading back to Santa Cruz soon, and soon to LA as well. 

Yoga and working out gets me out of my head and into my body, and my writing takes me deep within. When I have to work extra hours waiting tables, it takes me to a place of chaos and stress. Do not get me wrong, I am appreciative of the ability to make some extra cash since we live in the most expensive city in the states, but to say I am burned out it is an understatement. I do not get home usually until 11 pm and i have felt physically exhausted. I had a mini meltdown last Thursday and I ate a bowl of pasta Alfredo. My first pasta in one year. I deviated from my workout routine and I was beginning to feel out of control. I spoke to Melissa from Melissa Bender Fitness and she suggested I just pick up where I left off.

It took that phone call and  a beautiful day in the city along the coast with my husband James and our dear friends Sara and Tor to help me regain my balance. When I am in nature and with amazing souls, I find my zen and my meditation place.  I also realized no matter how late I get home, I need to be in bed within the hour. It has made all the difference and today on this brand new Monday Morning I begin anew. 


I went to bed I believe before one am, and I woke up by ten am. I am now writing and having my coffee and ThinkThin bar and soon I will do my workout. I have plenty of time before work and I feel like this week I may regain my center. I have chosen to really focus on the fitness after my first over 50 lb weight loss, since my weight has been forever stuck in the 160’s. I recently found out all the female members of my immediate family are on medication for thyroid issues, so that is something to explore in the future. As soon as the chaos and money issues quiet down and I am able to slow down I will be deciding on my next charities.  In the meantime, eat healthy, workout, work, do yoga, run off the stress and repeat. One day at a time is not a cliche’ it is the best way to get through any difficult situation. Keep going and never give up!! 

Namaste’ love and light

This week I am repeating week five.

So here is week 1 Month 2 of BenderFitness Bikini Prep Workouts

Tuesday Day 2: Bikini Ready Tummy Workout and Body Definition Workout (Body Definition Workout was done interval style, 2X through. The breakdown is listed in the information above the Bikini Ready Tummy Workout). 
Wednesday Day  3: Strong and Toned Lower Body: Legs, Thighs, and Butt and 30 minute run on the treadmill. Day off from work
Thursday Day 4Ab Exposure Workout