My coffee is life to me. I tried to use plain soy milk in my coffee but it just tasted watered down. I decided to have my soy creamer as my one treat.

Vegan Protein Bars are delicious and my go to breakfast. I first learned about them from Melissa Bender Fitness. Since I’m doing Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen I wanted to make my protein bars in portion controlled servings, so I know which boxes to tick off. Mine have three ingredients and they make one serving, four protein bars are 1/2 cup oats which is 1 grain and 1 TBS nut butter which ticks off the nut box. I add a few raisins but you could add any dried fruit or chocolate chips. They are perfect accompaniment with my coffee.

You will need.
1/2 cup oats, 1 tbs nut butter, preferably no salt and no added oils. 1 tablespoon raisins or chocolate chips, or any dried fruit. In a bowl add oats, then spoon in nut butter. I chose a runny nut butter which makes assembling the protein balls much easier, or you can microwave it for a few seconds. I add the raisins and mix. Chill for at least a half hour and then you should be able to form 4 protein balls.

Above is Dr Greger’s Daily Dozen chart. I find it’s the best tool for me to get all of my nutritional needs in. I follow all the plant based Dr’s and I take what works for me. I’m definitely sticking to no oil and only a dash of sugar or molasses in my coffee. No sodium and that’s it. A very clean vegan diet going forward. My health is my why.

Change begins when you decide there is need for change. When you are ready you will show up. It’s time for me, I’m here and committed.

Happy Tuesday to all. Love and light, Rose


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