Tag Archives: beginning running



Good Day to all. I am so sore from my first two days of training with Melissa Bender Fitness. You can find her workouts at www.benderfitness.com. I have so much going on, but I realized I have goals and I need to get there. So I decided to tailor her workout schedule to my schedule, and this is week one. Here is today’s breakdown of my Wednesday workout. I have lost 8 lbs in the last four weeks and I am definitely on the road to goal. As soon as I get to 165 lbs I am picking a new charity and plan to get to 155. I am not slowing down no matter what comes my way. Here is my workout I am doing today. I am also running and walking for cardio. I have a 5K in September and I plan another run over the Golden Gate Bridge here in San Francisco.

unnamed (4)

I am breaking her schedule down, so this will look a little different since I am tailoring the first month of the 12 week program for my Monday-Friday Schedule with days off falling on the weekend. I am currently on day three and I am so sore. I am about to do my workout as soon as I have a little coffee to get going. My day off will be Saturday and that is perfect because James and I are spending the day in the city. We are having Brunch on Hornblower’s Cruise in San Francisco. It should be an amazing experience and perfect timing with my day off. 

I hope you are chasing your goals and that you know how fabulous you are.

Love and Light




This is my week one August 3-9th.

Day 1: Monday Full Body Fitness Makeover done

Day 2: TuesdayFull Body Shaping Home Workout done

Day 3: Wedensday Fit Test and Fitness Transformation Workout 1 today

Day 4:Thursday  Lower Body Fat Blaster

Day 5: FridayTummy Toning Fat Burn

Day 6: Saturday OFF

Day 7: Fitness Transformation: Workout 2 and Booty Bump Workout


5 Things BenderFitness taught me about running



1. Pace yourself, and start slow. I used to fear running even though I did a 10K last year. It was such a proud moment for me but I had to stop and walk/run. I never fully embraced running like I am now. I want to keep going and see how far I can go. Run a marathon someday? Why not. It is all in the pace.
2. Listen to your breath and turn off the tunes. Ok this was a hard one for me and I resisted. I am a dancer and I love my music, It motivates me. Now I find I am motivated by running for the sake of running, not drowning out the sensations with music. There will be a time when I become a seasoned runner when I can listen to music as I run, but for now I run and listen to my breath.
3. Keep Moving, sounds so simple and so difficult, but honestly if you just keep moving you can do it.
4.Dress for the weather, and have on layers that can come off if you get hot. Here in the Bay Area it can feel cold with the wind but as you get moving you become warm.
5. Start with a small race. I am signing up for a 5K in a few months. I can already run over 3 miles and I will definitely be ready. Once I have a few under my belt I will graduate to a 10K and then maybe a half marathon.
I am really loving running now, and I am so grateful she taught me how to run the correct way. Now I feel like the sky’s the limit. I also discovered after I run I have this incredible zen like euphoria that relaxed my whole mind and body. It really is helping me handle the day to day stress.



Summer 2014 and now. New pics from Arizona in a few weeks.
Where I was last year. I will never let myself go again.

Good morning to all. I am up and drinking my morning coffee and contemplating a lot of things. Yesterday was my Tuesday workout with Mike and it was a lot of fun. We did push ups, core work, and a lot of boxing and kicking which I actually find to be a blast. I planked for one minute and a half. I need work with my punches, but hey I am a work in progress.

I ran around the track once and walked once. Mike told me our goal is to get me to be able to run around the track four times. I am still very intimidated with running, but with my new ipod it is a lot easier. It was cool and my lungs felt irritated because of the weather and allergies, so I did not push it. I am always careful with my joints and I listen to my body. I told him I am with him on this goal, and I believe I can make it happen even if I have been somewhat of a timid runner. A big thanks to Mike for being so patient with me and for being a great trainer, but also for being one of my first motivators.  I wonder if we had not started working out if I would have been so dedicated. Sometimes it just takes one or two people to say you can do it to make it a reality. The other person is of course Melissa Bender, my best friend and a fitness dynamo. She tells the masses they can do it, and she always pushes me even when I do not see it in myself. Melissa is the first person who made me believe age is just a bunch of digits and it does not define you. A big thanks to all of my friends, family and followers for always cheering me on in this quest, supporting me with the charities and being there for me. I never wish to forget I am not in this alone.

My 5K is two weeks from this Saturday. This is the first item I am crossing of my fitness bucket list, which keeps evolving as I move along in this journey. I have changed it a bit, so this is the new list.

I saw a ballroom dance opportunity back east, something I have said to my friends I wish would happen, and it has but I am no longer living in NYC. This got me thinking and planning. I want to dance Ballroom bad, get shoes, get a partner and compete. I am going to find a way to make this happen. Last night James downloaded a lot of music to inspire me on this quest. One of the biggies on my fitness bucket list and the music inspires me to run too, so I can listen to it on my 5k.

Tonight I am going to do some serious cardio. I am trying to step it up so the scale reflects my hard work. I am almost in the 160’s. Pushing forward yet looking back.

FITNESS BUCKET LIST  REVISITED…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to continue on my journey. Part of my fitness journey is conquering my fitness bucket list. I may add things as I go along. My first 5K is in a little over two weeks,I am doing The Seal beach 5K on April 5th 2014. I will run/walk it so I put on this list I want to be able to run around the park 4 times. I am working on my distance. 
Happy dreaming

1. Trapeze Classes at the School of Trapeze in Santa Monica   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trapeze-School-New-York-TSNY-Los-Angeles/252082627475

2. Synchronized swimming classes at Aqualillies in Los Angeles   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aqualillies/315260815022

3. Michael Cornell Ballet Classes at   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Align-Ballet-Method/132494413452882  I am doing this very soon.

4.Ballroom Latin Classes at 3rd Street Dance in Los Angeles   I want to get shoes, get a partner and compete down the line. https://www.facebook.com/3rdstreetdance

5. Go to Pittsburgh, work out with best friend at Melissa Bender Fitness http://www.benderfitness.com/

6. Go to San Diego, take yoga and aerial yoga with one of my best friends Tracy Gittens at Galaxy Lifestyle, Fitness, and Aerial Yoga. Grand Opening July 19, 2013.

7. Surf if I am not too afraid of sharks…. I have an update on this, Mike my trainer has offered to teach me when I am ready and when I can do a good push up, and I will take him up on that. He said next summer when the water is warmer. I am excited to do this and I have really been working on my push ups to prepare. I think I may go swimming too.

8.Run around the park 4 times. 

9.Some type of Yoga Retreat by the ocean.

10. Be in or on the cover of Weight Watchers Magazine or inside the magazine. (Hey, a girl can dream and they use real people all the time). 

11. Do a 5K in 2014. I am doing The Seal Beach 5k in April 5th with a team from Seasons 52.

12. Practice my yoga and get into the difficult poses I am struggling with. Do inversions, backbends, and anything to do with my leg behind me. This means gaining more flexibility in my quads. I want to take photos by the trees I love in yoga poses and I can now do dancers pose. I think I will do the poses and photos this summer.

13. Do a 30 day yoga challenge, and do yoga every day for 30 days in a row.

14. Swim with dolphins, not really fitness related but is in a way. I would love to have this experience.

15. Learn Tai Chi or some sort of Martial Arts.

16. Get some sort of certifications down the line so I can pass on my new knowledge and help those who need it. Maybe volunteering for the needy.I am going to do this through ACE, The American Council of Exercise and a yoga certification.

17. Take Fire Dancing classes at Firegroove here in Los Angeles. Francie did it and it sounds amazing, maybe a little dangerous but that makes it even more intriguing.

18. Aerial Yoga here in Los Angeles.

19. Take a reformer Pilates class.

20. Take a Burlesque dance class.


This is where I go walking/running on my own.

Good Morning and happy weekend to all. I am in great spirits, I had two amazing workouts this week with my trainer Mike and I am back on track. This coming week will be a full week of workouts with Mike twice a week, plus workouts on my own and lots of yoga. I am slowly but surely getting back to my Monday-Friday routine.  Mike and I may change it to three days a week eventually but for now this works. I am sore this morning, and I  also worked six days so I decided to to stay in this morning and not attend a class at Slimmons. It is my one day to sleep in since I am going hiking Sunday Morning with a friend here in Hollywood. I just needed a day to sleep in til 10 am and hang out with my hubby and the kitties. I will attend another Saturday class in two weeks, since I will be in Santa Barbara next weekend which means updated photos. 

Today is my first weigh in on Weight Watchers online and I lost 4 lbs. I am so excited, I am now at my lowest weight since I began late July 2013, I now weigh 175 pounds. I am going to be getting my measurements done soon, and I regret skipping it in the beginning but I can still track my inches lost from this point on.

Today I am going to go walking and running and spend the day with James. I am working on my poetry book and just laying low and enjoying the simple moments of life. I often am told I am so spirited, I would like to give that credit to my amazing Mother Shirley. She is still I fireball and I adore that about her.

Happy Weekend,


Thanksgiving is almost here, and I am excited to have one day where I deviate from my healthy lifestyle. I get a one day opportunity to cook, bake and eat some wonderful food. I have worked hard and it is really starting to show. Today I was shopping for some bake ware and I saw my reflection in a mirror and I admit I stood there for some time staring at my weight loss results.  I do not have a full length mirror and I should have bought one today, but I decided to wait and get one next time. I am very happy and proud of how far I have come. It is surprising to see yourself when you do not own a full length mirror.

I have decided in 2014 I am going to get certified with The American Council of Exercise (ACE)  for Group Exercise Instruction. I am going to order the premium package and take the test into the new year. I want to share my experience of getting fit with others. I am already working on my list for what my New Year’s Resolutions will be, and I am so happy that I am ending this year on such an upbeat and positive note. I am beginning training for 5K in the end of March. Seasons 52 is sponsoring us and it looks like we are going to do the Bad Prom Run, a fun filled 5K.

It is a cool night here, and I am going to stay in and do the treadmill. Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday night.
Sweet dreams, Namaste’


I have started running, and I am a complete beginner. I am trying to run on my own as well as with Mike my trainer and I am planning a 5K with some co-workers and my management from Seasons 52 in March. I totally have my work cut out for me because I am not very good at running, but I am getting better. Yesterday I went running walking, and I alternated between the two and I had music which made me feel like I actually was getting into a running rhythm. So I thought of a few things that I am learning about my own running, and here is the list.

1. I have to get my ipod set up, because running  with music makes all of the difference.

2. Alternating  between running and walking is a bit easier for me and I actually was having fun.

3. Here in California I prefer to run after the sun goes down, it is just more comfortable.

4. Wow, running makes you sweat so much more than speed walking. For me even when chilly, layers are not needed.

5. Do not drink too much water before running, you may find yourself running to find a restroom.

6. The Goo Goo Dolls song Slide is the perfect rhythm for my running. I can run to it over and over.

7. Running makes your thighs feel so heavy, and makes you so more.

8. Your breathing may be loud and heavy which I find embarrassing. You may find you sound like a heavy breather when you run, which is fine if you are a teenager and you like to make prank calls like we did when we were silly and young. Then again I bet teenagers these days do not prank, everyone would know it was them pranking. Anonymity is gone in the modern world. The breathing is getting a little better though.

9. Run on your mid foot to heals, it just feels better. Make sure you stretch after and get enough electrolytes. I tend to cramp up because I run low on potassium. Coconut water helps with that issue.

10. Keep at it, and do not care how you look to others.

Namaste and Happy Wednesday


Sometimes you look at your goals and lament on the time it takes to make them happen. For me I am proud of my accomplishments so far but I admit I sometimes look at the time it has taken to get to where I am, and wonder if I should be farther along in my progress. It is not a wise thing to question time, it passes anyway and to be able to say you are better off then you were before is a gift. The old cliche’ is true, Rome was not built in a day. It takes time to make your goals a reality, and in my case taking longer to get to the destination is better than some short fix. It is a marathon and not a sprint. I am in for the duration of the run.

Yesterday I had a great workout with Mike, and I plan on getting a photo of him as well to post soon. I am so grateful to him and I am definitely improving since that awkward day of our first workout last July. We spoke about my idea to learn to surf, since it is on my fitness bucket list and I said it is something I would like to do when I get to my final goal weight of around 130-140 lbs. He said that works because the water temperature is warmer in Summer, so I hope to be at goal or close to goal by then. We are running every week now, and all of a sudden as we were running I had this aha moment when I felt like I can do this. Next week we will run farther so I have my work cut out for me but I am up for the challenge.

After my workout I ran to my 7:15 Yoga Class with Nicole at Pink Iron. It was a crowded class with awesome energy. I love Nicole, she is amazing and I got the chance to snap a few photos with her and I will post them this weekend. She is my first yoga teacher and I am very grateful to her. I love Yoga and tonight I am going to Yogaworks to either take an Iyengar class or a flow class. depending on the time I get there. My husband James told me this weekend I was a Yogi before I ever took a Yoga class or stepped on a mat. That was the best compliment.

Off for my day, coffee and some fuel is needed. I wish you a beautiful day, full of radiance and warmth. Love and Light to all.


Good Morning to all on this overcast Monday here in Los Angeles. The next two days may be a bit cooler than usual. I am sleepy today, but no worries I brewed some delicious coffee and I should be on my way in a few hours. Tonight I am heading to yoga, I am going to try to sneak in some running before if I have time. I found this photo on pinterest, and I love it so I thought I would share. 

This week I am going to try to run more than I have to date. Tomorrow is weigh in and I have been on a little plateau and I need to break that pattern. Mike and I have discussed it and I am sure I will get over this little hiccup in my weight loss. 

Mike and I are teaming up for my 20 pound weight loss milestone and charity. I will write about it later this week. I am pretty excited about my idea, it is clever if I do say so myself.

Off for now. Short and sweet this morning. Time to get moving and greet the day head on. 
Wishing you a beautiful start to your week.


Good Morning and Happy Monday. I am on my second cup of coffee, my Siamese cats have been wild since 4 am and I am so sleepy. I had my large class of water and lite breakfast, and I will be good to start my day in about an hour. I am so jealous my husband is working from home today, hoping I have a short day. 

Tomorrow is weigh in and I am close to 20 pounds. I have pushed my 20 pound charity to 30 pounds because it is going to take more planning, now I have to decide how I will mark the 20 pound goal. I do my charities a few pounds after I hit the weight milestone. so it will probably be around 25 pounds. I am currently brainstorming for an idea. 

I have started running, and I am excited about it. Mike had me running months ago, but then I had some type of ankle injury so we stopped all running. We started running again, and I am also doing some running on my own. I am determined to meet this challenge and excel and improve at my running. It will take some time to get better at this new challenge. Eventually I have to take the time to visit a running store to be fitted with proper shoes. My best friend Melissa Bender at Melissa Bender Fitness just ran in her first half marathon with her husband Jesse. Jesse placed first in his age of 25-29. My congratulations to both of them. I am inspired.

On another note, I am so happy my face is back to normal. My jaw stands out, and my face is no longer chubby. I feel like I look like myself again. It is such a good feeling to see the results of the hard work. I will be doing some updated proper photos to post soon, but here is a face photo of me this past weekend. 
Namaste’ Love and light.


Good Morning, and a Happy Wednesday to all. This weekend I plan on writing more in depth about the Monday Night Mission, and Seasons 52’s role in donating food. I have been very busy and I need some free time to get it done. It was definitely a humbling and moving experience and I plan on returning at least once a month if I can get a friend to accompany me downtown. I was proud to serve the residents of Skid Row for my ten pound goal, and hope to do more in the future.

Yesterday morning I weighed in and I lost 2 more pounds bringing my total weight loss to 17 pounds and my weight total is now 180 pounds. When I started in July I weighed 197 pounds. I am so happy to be making this happen the healthy way. I am also grateful to have such supportive people in my corner. I have pushed my next charity Project Cuddle to 30 pounds since it is going to take a little time to plan, so I am looking for a charity for my 20 pound goal. I am so close, and I will do the charity when I am a few pounds past my twenty pound goal to make sure I have the  20 pound weight loss set in stone. It feels amazing to get fit and lose weight all while helping others in the process. I always wish to give more of myself, and that will always be a goal of mine. 

Last night I worked out with Mike, and we really had a great workout. I bought some new shoes, and it really seemed to make a difference. At first I was scared, he almost found some stairs to climb. The stairs were not an option since the building was closed so he decided we would run instead. My ankle is about healed and I have new shoes so no more excuses, time to step up my game. I did great, and at a few points I actually ran fast, or fast for me. It was an amazing feeling to be able to do something that gives me anxiety. Part of the issue is I am a heavy breather and it is embarrassing. I even made a joke that we should prank someone when I am running, I sound like a heavy breather on the other end of the telephone. Off topic, do kids make prank calls anymore? We pranked people all the time, I guess with modern phones you cannot do that these days. I am guilty for some really bad prank calls back in my early teens.

We ran, and did more core work and worked the machines over and over. It was challenging but I am feeling so much lighter and stronger. I planked and went up and down from an elbow plank to a hand plank, and that was definitely challenging but I did it. Towards the end we were running around the park one last time, and this dog jumped at me to as if to say hello as we ran by, and Mike made a joke that the dog was my cheering squad there to get welcome me over the finish line. I imagined all of these dogs lined up  at the finish line to cheer you on as you complete your marathon. One of the things I love about this park is that there are dogs everywhere, and you always make a new dog friend each week. This week I made friends with Dexter, a beautiful German Sheppard, and of course my white fluffy furry cheerleader.

Today is work, I slept well for the first time in days so I feel great. Yoga with Nicole later this evening. I am going to try to sneak in a treadmill workout in between work and yoga. I wish everyone a bright and beautiful Wednesday. Love and light to all.