Category Archives: female weight struggles

5 Things I Did To Start Losing Weight

One of my next items on my fitness bucket list is to surf in the Mighty Pacific. I would never have attempted this if I did not lose weight. I feel completely ageless.Here I am in my first very own wetsuit.

I meet a lot of people, and I talk to everyone. I met someone the other day who was so upset about his weight gain, and after speaking to me he later emailed me about his new resolve to do something about it. I explained to him it is only weight, we can gain weight and we can lose weight. To lose weight just takes a choice, and then action. Now he decided to take action, and I believe he will be a success.

Everyone has that light bulb moment when they decide the time is now to lose weight and become fit. I had two of those moments, but for me it was the second moment that struck a chord. My first moment was in 2011. I went to a Dr. in Beverly Hills who basically fat shamed me to the point of tears. I was walking home weeping and I was stopped by the Hollywood director Quentin Tarantino. He wanted my business card, he said he was interested in putting me in his latest movie. I was crying about the Dr. and blew my one moment. I did not have a business card with me, and because of how belittled I felt from the previous moment I just shared my name with Mr.Tarantino. This is why confidence is so important, opportunity will walk right past you if you do not have the confidence to bring your dreams to a fruition.
Rose Bruno Bailey Before Pictures
My second moment was the one that stuck in 2013. It was 2 years after the Quentin Tarantino moment, and I went to an open mic to read my poetry. I felt great, and I thought I looked great. My friend took a photo of me at the microphone, a photo that made me really look at myself for the first time in a long time. I did not think I was thin or fit, but I had convinced myself I was just a little chubby. I was beyond chubby, I was obese and the scale would soon cement my heavy weight of over 210 lbs. It took a few months but it was that moment when I decided to combine my weight loss efforts with helping others. Two years later, fifty pounds lighter and happier than I have been in a long time. Oh, and I put off my opportunity of getting my poetry book published back in 2013 because I lacked confidence. I am happy I will be a first time author in a few months. No more waiting for life to find me, I am finding life.
As I am busy finding life I am also trying to break a plateau and move forward with my fitness goals and philanthropy. I have maintained my weight loss and exercise routine. I am now looking into all kinds of adventures as I move forward. It was that  2013 aha moment and the new routine I developed for myself that made me stay the course.
Here are the five things that kick started my weight loss journey
1. It sometimes takes a vulnerable moment to make you change. Do not wallow in the moment, use it to motivate you. Get on the scale, face your demons and tackle those pounds one day at a time. Start today!!
2. Find your tribe. I was in a Richard Simmons video, which introduced me to so many inspirational new friends. My best friend Melissa Bender was my biggest supporter. My new friend Mike Morello offered to help me and train me and he stuck with it even when I whined and complained. The list goes on and on but I never did any of it alone. Do not be afraid to get a little help from your friends new or old.
3.Find what works for your body in regards to exercise and nutrition. I began with Weight Watchers, and soon enough figured about how to eat. I did not really love running until this year thanks to Melissa Bender Fitness and being 50 lbs lighter. Before my weight loss I enjoyed speed walking.  If you love what you are doing you will stick to it. Exercise and eating right is like brushing your teeth. Daily movement and healthy daily eating are the keys to success. Lace up those sneakers and get moving. I once crawled in the dirt and I was horrified, and now I am not only 50 lbs lighter but I am no longer afraid to get dirty and be one with nature. Your journey may change how you view yourself.
4. Weekly weigh ins and keeping a food journal. This will keep you accountable and you can track how you are doing. The largest weight loss is in the beginning.
5. Believe you can do this, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep going, keep moving, and love yourself. Love the body you are in today and know you are headed in the direction of health and self confidence. Trust me it feels amazing.
With love to all enduring the struggle, it is just weight. It comes on, and just as easily it can come off. You just have to work at the weight loss and fitness part. You can do it. It really is all about the work, but the rewards are magnificent.


Melissa from BenderFitness completed  a half marathon with her husband Jesse. I am so proud of them both and wish them congrats on the amazing accomplishment of running in The Pittsburgh Marathon.Such inspiration.

I am beginning a more specialized running format. I still need to get a fitbit or pedometer and new running shoes but for now I am just going by time and what I know the distance to be. Melissa @BenderFitness composed this schedule for me. I have already been running three times per week but starting on May 11th 2015 I am going to document my training starting with this training schedule below. I hope to eventually run in a half marathon. I am meeting one of my new running friends for coffee and inspiration soon. I am not competing with anyone but me, building my base.

If you have not guessed it already, my first fitness goal will have everything to do with running. I will be writing about the specifics of what I plan to do in a future post when I compose my top ten list of goals to accomplish. Why do I run?  I run because I never thought I could run without stopping or walking. Now I am hooked on my runner’s high.
Here is my running training schedule from Melissa Bender Fitness


Run 3X Per Week for 2 Weeks

Goal: Run 3.1 Miles or 30 Minutes continuously at a comfortable pace.

Types of Runs:

1. Slow Easy Run: Run Continuously without Walking. Don’t worry about pace.


Run 3-4X Per Week for 4 Weeks

Goal: Improve consistency and pacing.

Types of Runs:

1. Two to three Easy paced runs at a comfortable pace: 3.1 miles or 30 minutes.

2. One to two runs at a slightly faster pace. Moderate Pace: You should be pushing and breathing heavier, but able to talk if needed. Use a stopwatch, phone running app or GPS watch during runs. Complete the same run you do on your Easy days, but focus on doing it a little bit faster. Don’t go to fast, you still want to complete the run without stopping to walk.


Run 3-5X Per Week

Goal: Improve Speed, Consistency and Endurance.

1. Two to three Easy paced runs at a comfortable pace: 3.1 miles or 30 minutes.

2. One Moderate Pace Run per Week.

3. One to Two Speed Workouts. Select 1-2 of the workouts below and incorporate them into your week).

  • 5 Minutes Easy/5 Minutes Hard:

-5 Minute Warm-up, Run 5 Minutes at Easy Training Pace, Transition into 5 Minutes Hard (Faster than your Moderate Training Pace), 5 Minutes Easy, Complete with 5 Minute Cool Down. Total Workout Time: 25 Minutes.

  • In-Run Sprints:

During your run incorporate 20-Seconds Hard Sprinting followed by 40 seconds at normal running pace. Repeat this 4-6 times during a normal 30-minute run. Start the sprints at the 10 or 15 minute running mark.

  • Run 25-30 Minutes at your normal pace. Complete the run with four to six 20-second sprints. In between sprints walk back to your starting point.
I am going to be doing the Bikini Prep workouts at least 3 times a week with some yoga a few times a week. I am going to be keeping a journal of my progress. I am on day two.
I looked down and saw a ladybug. A sign of good things to come. What are you doing to make your dreams a reality? Does it help to have a good support system?

​Get it!!


5 Things BenderFitness taught me about running



1. Pace yourself, and start slow. I used to fear running even though I did a 10K last year. It was such a proud moment for me but I had to stop and walk/run. I never fully embraced running like I am now. I want to keep going and see how far I can go. Run a marathon someday? Why not. It is all in the pace.
2. Listen to your breath and turn off the tunes. Ok this was a hard one for me and I resisted. I am a dancer and I love my music, It motivates me. Now I find I am motivated by running for the sake of running, not drowning out the sensations with music. There will be a time when I become a seasoned runner when I can listen to music as I run, but for now I run and listen to my breath.
3. Keep Moving, sounds so simple and so difficult, but honestly if you just keep moving you can do it.
4.Dress for the weather, and have on layers that can come off if you get hot. Here in the Bay Area it can feel cold with the wind but as you get moving you become warm.
5. Start with a small race. I am signing up for a 5K in a few months. I can already run over 3 miles and I will definitely be ready. Once I have a few under my belt I will graduate to a 10K and then maybe a half marathon.
I am really loving running now, and I am so grateful she taught me how to run the correct way. Now I feel like the sky’s the limit. I also discovered after I run I have this incredible zen like euphoria that relaxed my whole mind and body. It really is helping me handle the day to day stress.


Rose Bruno Bailey Mantra Fitness

Weight loss can be slow; don’t worry if it is. The process is a journey.

January is almost over — the Super Bowl is this Sunday, which is February 1st, and I’m already thinking about how to cook healthy for that — and as you get to the end of January, a lot of people have already given up their New Year’s Resolutions — concepts they set only about four weeks ago.

You see this a lot in the fitness and dieting space. Fitness and dieting-related Resolutions are alwayssome of the most popular, and always some of the quickest to fall away due to laziness, lack of knowledge, a focus on the other things in your busy life, or whatever the reason is.

There are entire sections of bookstores about fad diets, and I briefly considered some of those when I started my own fitness journey. I say “briefly” because it was really almost no time at all; I knew I wanted to try and lose weight in a healthy, productive manner — and, at the same time, challenge myself by making sure I was tied to a bigger cause. In my case? That was contributing money to charities for every 10 pounds I lost; you can read a little bit about this here.

That all said — and this is important for anyone to remember — it’s been a slow process. It took me 1 year to lose my first 45 pounds. I thought it would be much quicker, and that year required a lot of discipline, working out, healthy cooking and eating, etc. Over time, I came to look at fitness and weight loss as akin to a journey or a road trip — which my husband James and I love to do — which means it can take a while, but along the way there are beautiful things to see, even if you’re not yet at the final destination.

I recently bought a scale, but that was mostly for tracking. I don’t want to be a slave to the scale. I’m around 165 pounds, with a goal weight in the 130s — but my next step is in the middle 150s; when I lose the next 10, I’ll be donating to a charity. Right now I’m thinking about working with a local non-profit on a raffle, but I need to do a little more research. We’ve only lived in the Bay Area for a few months — moved here from Los Angeles in the fall — and I’m still getting my footing. It’s week three of my ambassador work with Melissa Bender Fitness, though, and that’s been a strong guiding force.

Sometimes it’s all about doing the micro things, too. For example, yesterday I took a different train home from work; that allowed me an extra long walk back to our actual house. It’s a small thing, but it helps.

I am a free spirit and I do not believe much in rules, but I read about a rule of fitness in a magazine.
“Never go more than two days without working out.”
This is now my own personal mantra. I will never give up.
Love and Light to all
Rose Bruno Bailey Richard Simmons

Why did I start My Change For A Ten?

It is amazing how often we look in the mirror. We wake up, wash our face, and get ready for our day. We look in the mirror when we check our reflection to make sure we look presentable before we walk out the door. We see ourselves constantly but do we really see ourselves as others see us?

Homer Simpson Mirror

I was a dancer. I went to school for theater and dance; I studied ballet, jazz, modern and even did ballroom/latin. Dance is my first passion. I took pride in my dancers’ form and I walked with an air of confidence that dancers earn from years of training. I also had some issues with eating disorders and kept my weight within the range of 100 lbs and 135 lbs. When I hit 35, my weight started to go up and down, but it never got truly out of control until after 40. Even at that point I never considered the possibility that I could be obese.
I actually had a sign I had a weight problem the summer of 2011, but I was in denial. I went to a doctor in Beverly Hills who insisted I needed Bariatric surgery. He humiliated me, and accused me of lying about my diet.  On my walk home I was in tears, and I was suddenly startled when I was approached by the famous director Quentin Tarantino. He asked me for a business card and stated he was interested in me for a movie he was filming. I did not give him any information and totally botched what could have been a pivotal moment in my life, all because of what happened earlier in the day with the fat-shaming Beverly Hills doctor. Even after that moment I did not believe I could be that person, a person who was on the far side of fit. I just felt I was just a little chubby.
I am a poet, and I was attending an open mic in Hollywood with some friends in 2013. My photographer friend Xiomara offered to take some photos of me standing at the mic reading my poetry. I felt on top of the world that night; it was my first reading since moving from NYC to Los Angeles and my poetry really resonated with the audience that evening. It was time to shine, or so I thought.
Later that week Xiomara emailed me the photos, and I could not believe my eyes. I was looking at my own image, and the person in the photo was a stranger to me. Who was she? I did not recognize my own face and body, and I was mortified that I let myself get to the point of obesity. That was the last reading I attended.
I took a self-esteem dive right into the oblivion of insecurity and body hatred:
Rose Bruno Bailey Before Pictures

It was months until I was ready to take action: months of feeling terrible about myself, months of overeating and under-exercising. It was months before I faced the dreaded scale.  I let myself sink further before I was ready to make a change. The change came in an idea — an idea that came from my writer and humanitarian side of my personality.

I wanted to start a blog.
I actually had two blogs working but the missing link was something to strive for: a journey, a path.  I also realized how much I loved giving back in the past. Yes, I gave back in little ways daily to random people I encountered. A sandwich for a homeless man, a donation to an animal rescue but I wanted, or I needed to do more. I remembered how I planned Downward Dog For Cats back in 2012, a yoga event in Los Angeles to raise money for a local animal rescue. It was like a light bulb flashed inside my  myopic mind. I gave more to others than I gave to  myself. I was putting myself last and trashing my temple. I thought what if I were to combine my philanthropic ways with a weight loss regimen and blog about my experience.
I decided to sponsor a charity with every ten pounds I lost, contacting the charity before I lost each ten pounds. I was now accountable — and going public with my journey — so I thought there was no way I could fail. I decided to be completely transparent: sharing my weight which was 210 lbs and before photos, basically sharing my whole life.
My idea was met with such enthusiasm, I was offered training from a co-worker turned friend named Mike. I was cast in a Richard Simmons video, the beginning in July 2013 started off on such a hopeful note. I would lose weight, help others, and have a blast doing it. I would have no fear, and be impeccable with my word. When I said I would do something, I did it.
My journey became a thrilling adventure and I lost almost 50 lbs and did things I would have never assumed I could do at this time in my life. I ran a 5k, missed the turn and completed a 10k. I did yoga on a heli-pad on a rooftop in LA. I have loved every minute of the ride, met some beautiful souls along the twists and turns of my road less traveled, and I am humbled that I have had the chance to do my little part to make a difference.
Now I find myself at a crossroads, here in the San Francisco Bay Area, continuing on my never ending quest to for fitness, philanthropy and feeling fearless and high on being alive. I am far from an after, but so much better than I once was before. All with a little help from my friends.

Rose Bruno Bailey Weight Loss

Investigating my BMI

I like to think that through this weight loss/fitness/charity journey of mine I have become healthier, fitter, and definitely wiser. I work hard, workout harder, eat clean and treat my body as if it were the Taj Mahal. With that said, I am also hard on myself when I sometimes look in the mirror. It is as if I expect to already have achieved my goals, and for my appearance to reflect that lofty ambition.

The reality is this: I am not a before, nor I am I an after. I am a constant evolution of transition and change for the better, constantly growing, steadily shifting.  I am in a far better place than I was when I began this project in July 2013, but that does not mean I am going to look as fit as my role models, at least not yet. I am damn proud of how far I have come; I am just saying I am far from done. I hope this year to work hard and earn the fittest body I have had in years, with a little help from Melissa Bender Fitness.

Stats exist for us to know where we stand — and how far we would like to go. Sometimes statistics are a bitter pill to swallow. It depends on your perspective. I am finally out of the obese range according to the BMI chart.

What’s BMI?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight.
Here’s mine:
Rose Bruno Bailey BMII am still in the overweight range.
I really did not need to calculate the test though, I follow my own test;  I call it the sit down test. If you sit down and look in the mirror and do not feel or look as fit as you do standing up, well there is your own personal body mass index and you have more work to do.
I consider this a positive, I was well in the range of obese when I began. My weight was 210 and my former BMI was 37.2.
I am in a far better place than I was then, and I should not expect myself to be as perfect as an athlete. I have big ambitions, and I will get to where I wish to be. This is just a healthy reminder where I stand and a reminder to keep my perspective and keep working harder than yesterday.
Love and Light
Rose Bruno Bailey weight loss

Weighing in: My goal weight is 135.

Good Morning — Happy Friday to all. I am excited to announce I bought a scale. My old one broke in our recent move from Los Angeles to the Bay Area — and it took me a while to replace it. I finally stepped on and I am the same weight, which means I got through my difficult transition from LA to San Francisco and the holidays without putting on any weight. I was terrified to step on that menacing glass contraption but I needed to face my fears and I am so happy I did. No weight gain after my last few months is a huge victory for me.

I am nowhere near finished, though. It has been a while since I dropped weight and I said I was going to focus on fitness and not the scale and I stick to that plan. However, I do need a way to measure. This is how I look at it, typically:

  • My before weight — before I started this fitness plan and blog, etc. — was 210.
  • My current weight is 165.
  • My goal weight is 135.

I am very curvy, with muscular legs. I have a classic hourglass figure but I am only 5-3, so I feel 135 would be the perfect weight for my body type and height. I have problem spots I need to work on, and being a lower weight will help.

I am researching my next charity, and this time I am planning on doing an online raffle to raise money for a non-profit in my area. I am looking into ideas and touching base with the people who run the non-profits.

My brain feels a bit sleepy today; it is amazing how the sun feeds your energy. There is less sunlight here than in Los Angeles, and I really notice a difference in the way I feel first thing in the morning. The fog makes me want to stay in bed but instead I will conquer the day. It is Friday — a long day at work and a day off from my workout plan.

Back at the workout grind tomorrow on my Saturday off.

Have a wonderful Friday


Rose Bruno Bailey Poetry

Soaring in the heavens

Good Morning to all. Yesterday was a long day for me, and a rest day from my Melissa Bender Fitness workouts. Tonight is day five, and I work another long day so my workout will be later in the evening. Words cannot convey how motivated and excited I am for the trapeze classes in a few months. I met a couple last night who took the class here in Oakland, California and they said it was amazing and the staff made it so easy.
I feel like I found the fountain of youth. Last year I did yoga on a rooftop heli-pad in Los Angeles and this year I am taking trapeze classes and who knows what else what. I am so happy, I am manifesting my own destiny, and that through trapeze classes I will soar the heavens.
Manifesting my own destiny

I want to swim until I am sunburned and waterlogged. Fall asleep and dream under a bevy of stars on a clear night. I want to drive cross country and write poetry on top of the world at the Empire State Building, and travel back west by train, stop and sketch at the the foot of the majestic Grand Canyon. I want to be ageless, fearless, travel into space and be weightless. To journey to the ends of the earth to face my demons, and journey back and have the last laugh. I want to spend my days creating art and my nights making a difference. To dance forever, soar the heavens, snorkel the seas and live every moment like there is nothing like being totally and utterly alive. 

Rose Bruno Bailey San Francisco

On The Right Track

Good Morning to all on this beautiful morning. I am on day three of my ambassadorship for Melissa Bender Fitness and I am so enthusiastic about what is to come. I am a little sore today from the workouts.
Honestly, moving from LA to San Francisco left me off track so to speak. This train is moving again and in the direction of being in the best shape of my life. Today is a day off from the workouts, but I am still going to do my cardio — and I have decided to get back to basics on the day off and do one of her beginning videos. If you are a beginner or want to get back to the basics, this video is perfect for you.
This workout encompasses a lot of the basic moves that really work — and at my current stage, they’re great for me. I am having some challenges with my injured toe, which makes going back on my toe difficult in a lunge so I plan on asking Melissa Bender Fitness for some modifications. I am in need of new workout shoes as well as some equipment for home workouts. My fitness to-do shopping list is growing.
I have decided not to focus on the scale, but I will be weighing in again soon and posting my weight. I have also decided I would like to weigh around 135 lbs. I am currently 165.  I have come a long way but I feel I also have a long way to go and I feel a renewed sense of inspiration and motivation. I know I got this. Moving was traumatic but I am now completely back on track.
I was in the play Pippin once, and one of the songs was titled On The Right Track. Perfect for my mood today.
Love and Light to all
Rose Bruno Bailey Sky Above Me Earth Below Me

Flying High

Yesterday was day one of Melissa Bender Fitness Bikini prep workouts — it was challenging but in the best way, and I completed all three rounds.

I had to modify the jump plank because of my injured toe so I chose to just regular plank instead.  I also went running outdoors for 30 minutes in the cold, but that fabulous full moon and my music made it all worth while. Nothing like stargazing to remind you we are just traces of tinsel in a vast glittering universe.

I have so much work to do to be ready to fly in three months on the flying trapeze. I admit my dream of taking a trapeze class is a little intimidating, but I am up for the challenge. I have seen the videos and imagined myself suspended in mid air dangling high above the ground with just a net to catch my fall. Exciting and liberating, this is truly going to be a high moment for 2015.

Here’s where we’ll be taking the trapeze class.

This is how I imagine it will feel to fly, terrifying and
​exhilarating at the same time. It is like a metaphor for love.


My tortured soul surrenders

My resistant body to a fated flight.

Melancholic melodies of my history,

Caught between memory and reality.

My fickle heartbeat dangles,

Caught in tangled cobwebs

Of here, then and now;  and then.

Escape to the rhythm of lyrical suspense,

Suspended aimlessly without a whim;

Midair swan dive maneuvering

Into the embrace of silken arms;

Whirling together, abandoning myself.

Hanging in the imbalance between

Rhapsody and heartbreak.

(c) Rose Bruno Bailey

Love and Light to all and keep dreaming