Daily Archives: January 21, 2015

Rose Bruno Bailey Weight Loss

Investigating my BMI

I like to think that through this weight loss/fitness/charity journey of mine I have become healthier, fitter, and definitely wiser. I work hard, workout harder, eat clean and treat my body as if it were the Taj Mahal. With that said, I am also hard on myself when I sometimes look in the mirror. It is as if I expect to already have achieved my goals, and for my appearance to reflect that lofty ambition.

The reality is this: I am not a before, nor I am I an after. I am a constant evolution of transition and change for the better, constantly growing, steadily shifting.  I am in a far better place than I was when I began this project in July 2013, but that does not mean I am going to look as fit as my role models, at least not yet. I am damn proud of how far I have come; I am just saying I am far from done. I hope this year to work hard and earn the fittest body I have had in years, with a little help from Melissa Bender Fitness.

Stats exist for us to know where we stand — and how far we would like to go. Sometimes statistics are a bitter pill to swallow. It depends on your perspective. I am finally out of the obese range according to the BMI chart.

What’s BMI?

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measurement of body fat based on height and weight.
Here’s mine:
Rose Bruno Bailey BMII am still in the overweight range.
I really did not need to calculate the test though, I follow my own test;  I call it the sit down test. If you sit down and look in the mirror and do not feel or look as fit as you do standing up, well there is your own personal body mass index and you have more work to do.
I consider this a positive, I was well in the range of obese when I began. My weight was 210 and my former BMI was 37.2.
I am in a far better place than I was then, and I should not expect myself to be as perfect as an athlete. I have big ambitions, and I will get to where I wish to be. This is just a healthy reminder where I stand and a reminder to keep my perspective and keep working harder than yesterday.
Love and Light