Tag Archives: making progress


I am not a complainer nor have I ever been, but with that said I am human as well. I am working six days a week now, five days during the week and Sundays 12-5.  I personally would prefer to always have Sundays off, but right now it is working for me and I will not bitch about it. I am looking at it from a different vantage point. I need to make some money, and I am going in with the attitude of abundance. My workouts will not be compromised because my nights are still free. I am feeling inspired, happy and always ready to conquer all of my goals.

I got out at 5:30 and did not plan my meals or pack food. Work was busy, which is a gift but I hardly ate all day. I am home now, and off to do some running and walking. My dinner if you can call it that consisted of toasted Ezekial bread and a little bit of popcorn. I also drank a protein shake on the way home. I know this is a food fail, lacking in nutrition but hey sometimes it happens. I am aware I need to eat more and plan more.

So off to work out, the breeze should make it all worth it. No rest for the weary, progression is the key. I look forward to this brand new week, my workouts, and all of the abundance it shall bring.

Love and Light
Never Give Up


Me last summer and now.

I had my Wednesday workout with my trainer Mike before I escape to Vegas for a long holiday weekend with James.  I am getting really good at my push-ups and I am very proud at how far I have come. I will go much farther too, the skies the limit. I am really working on my fitness goals. My workouts are really changing my body, much more so than if I would have gone at it alone. I am very grateful for the help and expertise of Mike, he is a great teacher. 

I downloaded some music for my cardio, some fast 70’s and 80’s music to really get me moving.
Here are some of my new songs.

Wild Wild Life, Talking Heads
Turning Japanese The Vapors
Paradise by the Dashboard Light Meatloaf
Running on Empty Jackson Browne
Let it Ride BTO
Flashdance Irene Cara
Fame Irene Cara
Hollywood Nights Bob Seger
I’m Alive ELO
Shine a Little Love ELO
All Over The World ELO
Sweet Talking Woman ELO
I Got You Split Enz
I Ran Flock A Flock of Seagulls

Off to do some packing. Love and Light to all.


Sometimes I get impatient, well a lot of times I am impatient. If you were to ask my husband what is my worst flaw he would tell you I am too impatient. It is no different in regards to fitness and weight loss. I do love the journey as well as the destination, and I am so happy where I am. I do have that little devil sitting on my shoulder telling me I should have come farther by now, and I need to work harder. Yes, I need to work even harder but I should be proud of where I am and where I am going. I am far removed from where I was. I can be my own worst critic, and self bashing is a slippery slope and I will nip this negative banter in the bud. I am in a much better place than I was yesterday, and definitely in comparison to there I was when I began this in July 2013. I will be grateful and not impatient.

So from now on I am just going to focus on my clean eating, my fitness and flexibility. I will be starting my fitness bucket list as well and I am working on my book drive for children which is my next ten pound milestone charity. All of this and work too.

Yesterday my workout with Mike my trainer went smooth. I ate enough and my energy was high. I was timid about running again, I admit I have slacked off on running and I have been walking instead but once I got going it was not so bad. I am grateful to him and he has helped me tremendously, he is good at what he does and I owe him a lot. We are going to video tape me doing my burpees in a week or two. I have improved considerably.

Coffee is my morning elixir on days like these. We are supposed to be getting a rain storm, so I may be spending more time indoors at the gym instead of my outdoor workouts. Mixing it up is always a good thing and California desperately needs rain even though I miss the sun when it happens. I have become a true Californian.

Off for now
Love and Light