Category Archives: flexibility



“Don’t give up! It’s not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back.”
Steve Maraboli

Good Day to all, it is  Weigh In Monday and I am off for two days. I love to use my days off to catch up on my writing and my plans. I am always redesigning my life, even when set backs happen. I continue to forge forward always, and I never give up. I love this quote above, it truly speaks to me.

I think I am going to call Weigh in Day “MAKE IT COUNT MONDAY.” It has a special kind of hopeful ring to it.


This week the scale did not budge, but I expected that. I stayed at 159 lbs. I know the scale can sometimes be that fickle friend, one day it shows you love and the next day it stands you up. There you are, standing on the scale with all the hopes of the hard work you put in the previous week, and then nothing. Not one bit of movement, no matter how many times you step on the darn contraption. 

Weighing in should not cause that much drama, do not view the scale as a frenemy; someone you love to hate. Instead embrace the process, weight loss is just like life; you will have your ups and downs. Each week is a brand new chance to reinvent your approach. This week I did not feel well, I felt a bladder infection coming on and I drank all my extra points in cranberry juice. I knew the extra calories of all that juice could alter my outcome on the scale, but my body needed healing. I recently discovered cranberry pills, highly recommended by friends and I am now on the mend. Remember, this is all for your health and wellness. I am completely fine with the scale staying the same this week.

I am embracing the process of the journey. I am going to work harder on my fitness this week, and keep my food clean and keep my points on point. Monday is my splurge day, but I will not go overboard. Splurging within my point range.I will make an effort to get at least 6-8 fruits and vegetables a day. Maybe I should begin making smoothies with veggies again. I will stay motivated and put in the work, it is all about the work.

My workout schedule for this week:

The 3 W’s. Four days a week on my work days after work, I will do my workouts by #benderfitness. I am tailoring them to the fact I have a shoulder injury, and I will also be doing exercises for my shoulder to help myself heal. I will complete two walks a day on my work days. This is all easy to remember, if I work, I workout and walk. The 3 W’s, walk, workout on work days.

Three days a week I will run, I will work up to 3 miles each day. I will also do home yoga and flexibility training 3 days a week. Again, 3 days off equals 3 miles. No way I can forget this plan. Here is my yoga, flexibility and running plans.

I will work on sleeping better, and not stressing even though life can sometimes throw a pie in your face, and trust me I have dodged a lot of pies lately. Willpower, a good attitude and a smile works wonders; and perhaps just a taste of the pie. 

I am off for now. Namaste’ Love and Light.

Happy Monday,

Make it Count



To follow, without halt, one aim: There’s the secret of success.

I love this quote, as a Sagittarius I have my arrow on my prize always. I have many prizes in the form of my goals. I have so many goals, and I believe in never giving up. Some goals may have to wait because of money constraints, and some goals are put on a hold because let’s face it, one can only do so much at one time. I do not consider this procrastination, but a pause. I focus on what I can do, and return to my other important goals as soon as life and time gives me a little more freedom to do so. I keep adding new goals, I guess you can say I am driven my making goals. I aim for my goals.cirque11

I photographed this statue of a dancer in this beautiful pose and added the quote I felt best represented the image. It struck a cord with me when I saw it, it inspired me. I was a dancer when I was younger, and one of my motivations/goals when I began this blog was to return to my dancers shape and flexibility. Age was not a factor with this or any of my goals. To do this that takes consistency and hard work. I have come a long way but there is still a lot of work for me do to get to my goals. I want to attend ballet and yoga classes in my area, because face time in a studio really makes me come alive. In the meantime, there is no reason why I cannot do this on my own. I can prepare for the time when I am in a place to pay for such classes. My plan is to add to my home workouts a rigorous home yoga and flexibility training. I know my body, I know what to do, and I have my benderfitness videos to help guide me along,

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It reminded me of the time I slacked off on flossing my teeth. ( I know, gross huh)  I realized I needed to floss again twice a day to get my teeth in good shape so my next cleaning would not be painful. Once that happened I vowed to never not floss again. If you have ever stopped flossing and went for a cleaning you know this is a painful experience. Same holds true for any goal, you can prepare on your own, take baby steps. You want to take an acting class but cannot afford it so for now you can find a library and read. Prepare, prepare for your aim. Use your time wisely, spend your time learning.

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So instead of complaining that I cannot afford the classes I covet, I will prepare my body by doing the work myself at home, and on nicer days I will take my mat to the park. I will begin this starting Monday next week. I have been meaning to write out my schedule, but that too has been on pause. I am on top of that now.

Rome wasn’t built-in a day, but I am sure the Romans worked really hard day in and day out to get to where they wanted to be, one brick at a time, one day at a time. 

I am the architect of all of my goals, the designer, the builder, the person with the vision. I will do so, one brick at a time. 


Love and Light
