Tag Archives: poetry


Good-by, Good-by, world. Good-by, Grover’s Corners… Mama and Papa. Good-by to clocks ticking… and Mama’s sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new-ironed dresses and hot baths…and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you’re too wonderful for anybody to realize you.” ― Thornton WilderOur Town

I woke today in a very peaceful yet reflective mood, lamenting about how fleeting life can be, thinking of the beauty in the grandiose as well as the mundane. That made me start thinking about cemeteries. Have you ever visited a cemetery for no reason? Maybe you visited a historical site and found yourself strolling amongst stones of strangers who lived far before your time. Walking around a place where nature lives on yet people do not is a humbling experience. It makes you realize whatever worry that had occupied your mind really doesn’t matter in the scheme of the universe. As I continue on with My Change For A Ten, I think it is important to look at things from a different vantage point every now and then, that is where you find the courage to go forward, that is where you find your perspective.  Gratitude sometimes comes from knowing how lucky we really are. This poem I wrote it a little dark, but sometimes you have to face the eyes of ebony without fear, and then the sunshine will finally reveal itself to you;  but only when you have learned to appreciate the light of daily life. 

Photo Linda Monteleone’ who is contributing photos for my poetry book

Everyday we awaken, we are terminal.
Temporarily renting our bodies,
forever coveting our souls.
Our breath, countdown
to our very last gasp.
We dine, maybe eating our last supper.
Our insides weep, yet we hold
a stellar performance of smiles and satisfaction,
withholding the inevitable outcome.
Death looms in the shadows
stalking us, living prey with plans
to be abandoned with cold wreaths and stones.
Cemetery holds the final court,
waiting for yet another of times demise;
Still as the silence that surrounds
the mausoleum at midnight.
Left behind and forgotten,
as a lone barren tree
taunts with its lingering longevity;
shadowing the pillars and graves
that lie void of life and energy.
(c) Rose Bruno Bailey

Taking life for granted – we are all guilty from time to time. It is easy to get lost in self pity and forget how magnificent it is to awaken each and every morning to the sunrise and the aroma of a fresh pot of brewed delicious coffee. As I continue on with my My Change For A Ten workouts, I realize I may not be the best runner but I am thankful for  my two legs that can walk; running will come soon enough. The little things make up just as much satisfaction in our lives as the major moments. Forget fearing the future and live in the present. Loving, being loved is the absolute greatest feeling we can experience ever, no matter a prince or a pauper. This we should never forget, even in our lapses of appreciation of the blessing of life and this perfect earth we call home.
Love and light
Rose Bruno Bailey


Good morning and Happy Saturday to all. I am enjoying a quiet morning with my cats and my sleeping husband. Just me, my thoughts and some delicious coffee to begin the day. I think I am in good company. Richard Simmons is having a theme class today, he is going to play all Beatles music. I wish I could go since I love the Beatles, but I feel I needed at least one morning at home to decompress and gather my thoughts from the week. I will do my cardio later in the day. My ankle still feels slightly tender but I am not going full speed so it will be as good as new by Monday or Tuesday. 

I love exercise, and I absolutely love Yoga.  Yoga gives me much of what I remember from ballet class. A true mind and body connection. I plan on taking ballet classes at Align Ballet Method here in West Hollywood as soon as I feel comfortable enough to put on a leotard. I have not taken a formal yoga class in over one year, but I have been meaning to add it to my regimen. Tomorrow is the day I do so. 

My favorite local yoga teacher teaches right by my house three days a week, and today I am calling to see if you can drop in on her yoga classes. If so, I am taking class with her Sundays at 11:00 am. Her name is Nicole and I will include a photo of her at a future date. She has the quality that every yoga teacher I know has, that serene nurturing quality. I am totally happy I may be able to take classes with her again. She also has a company called Honu Yoga and she makes yoga shirts for men, women, and children. She made me one last year when I hosted Downward Dog For Cats. Tomorrow at class I will be picking up my very own bright orange Honu Yoga tee with My Change For A Ten on it. She is so lovely and I really look forward to practicing with her again.


Last Autumn I contributed three poems to the wonderful website Lightworkers World. They also have a Facebook Page by the same name. These poems are all about inspiration, light and are related to the yogi mindset.  Here is the link if you would like to read three of my poems featured at Lightworkers World. I hope you enjoy them and I wish you a beautiful Saturday full of love and light.

Save The Last Dance For Me – Michael Bublé

I am a dancer and a poet, so it is natural that I am motivated and inspired by music. Everything I do has a soundtrack. When I write I sometimes pick a particular harmony to listen to, it wakes up my senses. I wrote a nature poem last night and I was listening to John Denver.  When I dance it is the same thing, my body follows the rhythm of the music. Nothing like doing the Rumba with a partner to Save The Last Dance For Me by Michael Buble. I am listening to it now and I can imagine the movements in my head. Dance and music are a major turn on for me, always has been and always will be. Same thing with ballet, doing the barre portion of a class is intensified when there is a live piano accompaniment, as is your center work. Your leaps get larger and you travel with more gusto across the dance floor. It is a complete high, and that is why I cannot wait to begin dancing again. I do not drink, I dance. 

When doing cardio it is much of the same. I find myself moving much quicker and with more zest when I listen to music. It puts that extra pep in my step and makes me get my heart rate up without feeling like I am doing anything harder to get there. I was listening to some very fast classic rock yesterday as I was out speed walking and I decided I would share what was on my playlist as I rocked my speed walk across the miles in West Hollywood. Keep dancing and rock on.  What music do you work out to?

Kid is Hot Tonight Loverboy
Double Vision Foreigner
I Want To Rock and Roll All Night Kiss
Cheap Trick I Want You To Want Me ( I sing this at karaoke )
Hungry Like The Wolf, Duran Duran
Surrender Cheap Trick
I Ran A Flock Of Seagulls 
You Shook Me All Night Long ACDC
Somebody Told Me The Killers
Take Me Out Franz Ferdinand
Limelight Rush
I Melt With You Modern English
Big Country Big Country
Fox on the Run The Sweet
Paradise on the Dashboard Light Meatloaf


Today is Monday, and my first weigh in. Monday and weight, two things that are not so popular, but I am totally excited for my first weigh in. Monday, well I am a little sleepy thanks to our two Siamese cats Spanky and Rascal. They think three am is jungle gym time. Let’s just say the little Rascals are not so popular with me this morning as I make my way to begin my day and week. They are our babies but for some reason they only mess with me at night, and not my husband. Coffee is definitely needed today. I feel I had a successful week but I will see what the scale says later after work. Tomorrow is my second workout with Mike, my trainer/friend. This is a commitment but one that makes me happy and totally inspired and motivated. Bring it on, burpees and all.

After my first ten pounds I am volunteering with the Monday Night Mission, and donating food. I wrote a post about all of the wonderful selfless acts they do to keep the people at Skid Row in Los Angeles from being hungry. They are a blessing to the people of Skid Row and I am humbled by all that they do.

Homeless people have always touched my heart, and the fact that it could be anyone. No one on this earth is better than you or me, we are all the same. I was in NYC and I saw an older homeless woman crying on the street, and that night I wrote this poem. I do not rhyme usually but this one came to me in a rhyme. Remember, everyone has a story and everyone is someone important in the scheme of life. We are all one, we are all connected.

Step into my worn shoes,
How would you feel?
When People walk by,
Forgetting you are real.
Beyond your reach,
Hopes of a warm meal;
Or a place to lay your head,
To let your weary body heal.
Your spirit is broken,
But your head held high;
Only to be ignored,
By oblivious eyes.
A face with no name,
Is what they see;
Unloved, forgotten,
Throughout society.
Such lonely solitude,
Unanswered prayers;
Hopelessness and sorrow,
Does no one care?
Who will miss you
When it’s your time to go?
Will anyone remember,
Your name is not John Doe.
Rose Bruno Bailey