Tag Archives: making lemonade from lemons


I have to remind myself how far I have come
even if some numbers are still high
I am not a number
I am a soul
with a body
I am trying to train

I cheated and had pizza. I hardly ate all day and decided to splurge when my husband ordered pizza. If you have followed my journey in the past year I have rarely deviated from my diet and lifestyle. 

I am going through some struggles at the moment and I gave in. This is not a weekend long splurge, just one meal and one time. I am trying to figure somethings out and make a plan. Next month is my one year Anniversary of this blog and I will get past the minor setbacks that are occurring in my life and make all of my goals a reality. I am not down or out, I just have to set the bar higher and work harder. I will be seeking balance as I try to accomplish multiple goals.

If I was not feeling bad already I had to go and throw salt on my open wounds. I finally had my fat percentage and measurements done today. I never did them a year ago so I do not have a starting point to compare them to. I was highly disappointed and I felt like all of my accomplishments of the year were taken away. I felt like I was back at square one. My total fat was 40%. I thought, wow, what the hell was it to begin with? My lower abs were 37, (high) my arm 12, my hips 42 and my thigh was 25. The guy at the gym was rushed for time and only did the right side of my body. He did not do around my upper waist around my rib cage so I did that, and that was 32.  According to an online BMI chart mine is 30.1 
The numbers really left me feeling down, especially with my personal issues I am dealing with now. I almost cried in my coconut water.

A friend once told me life is compromised of hills and valleys. I am stuck in a temporary valley at the moment, but I will climb out even if my fingernails end up bloody and torn, because I will believe that I can. I have come a long way in the last year and I will not let some little occurrence derail me and leave me stranded down in some creak in the bottom of a valley. I will climb high and believe in me. I am a majestic dolphin not a whimpering guppy. I will swim to the surface.

So those are my thoughts at the moment. I have been MIA lately and not been keeping up with my posts. I did volunteer with Reading To Kids last Saturday and I now have two bags of books for the children. I am hoping to have much more when I am finished with the book drive. Volunteering was very rewarding and I feel grateful for the opportunity to do so. I am grateful to friend and children’s author Benjamin Harper for his kind donation of his own books. 

No weigh in tomorrow. I am giving myself a break since I have been stuck at 169 lbs. I was told sometimes deviating from your diet tricks your metabolism so tomorrow I am back on track with some healthy changes. Starting now from square one and working my way towards my Birthday on the Winter Solstice, which is six months from tomorrow. That is the next time I will take my measurements and fat caliber test. 

Love and Light
Never Give Up


Happy Sunday to all. Yesterday my husband and I were on our way to the beach, driving up Sunset Boulevard when we were struck by a motorcycle. We were ok, he was ok, and his two little dogs on the back of the bike were fine as well. We got all the information and took care of the insurance part, and we were on our way to our beach outing in Malibu.

As I sat on that beautiful beach, one thing that came to mind for me. We were so lucky to be there. That could have been ugly but it was just a little damage to a machine. No one was hurt, the two dogs were totally oblivious to what had happened.  I did not look at it as bad luck we were hit, I looked at it as good luck no one was hurt. If I am given lemons, I will choose to take those lemons and make cookies to share with those who need a little sweetness in their life. Lemons can be transformed from sour to sweet with a loving touch.

That brings me to the subject of being an optimist. I am a self confessed optimist and I try to look at things from a different vantage point always. Life is not a given, so I am trying to soak up everything I can from it. I am human and sometimes I have off days, but this is how I try to live each and every day. When days are dark, I write melancholic poems and get on with it. I muse off the melancholy and get back to living my authentic life.

I am using this way of  looking at life as I continue on this project. It is not easy to get back in shape and lose weight, or to get back in the shape I was in when I was a dancer. It is not impossible though, it is just going to take a lot of time and a lot of effort. I love volunteering so matching up one of my life goals with one of my passions makes it all the more worth at the end of the day. I feel very fulfilled and humbled at the same time. I am enjoying the process as much as the results, and  I try to remember my gratitude for all those who grace my path each and every day.

Happy Sunday to all. I am off to brunch, and a yoga class late in the afternoon. One of the teachers at Yogaworks told me if I practice 3-5 times a week I will see huge differences as soon as six weeks. My body will completely open up in the poses. I love going as much as possible. It truly connects my mind and body as one. I am officially a yogi.

Love and Light