Tag Archives: Fitness Bucket List


I am obsessed with this yogi tree in Beverly Hills

Good morning, love and light to all. It is pretty chilly here in Southern California, I know nothing compared to the east coast but definitely lite jacket weather. I am working out tonight with my trainer Mike, and he has decided to still work out in the park. It may be a little chilly, but I love breathing in the fresh air. It would be amazing to find an outdoor yoga class. Nothing like breathing in the clean air and practicing mobile meditation in the lovely scenery of a park surrounded by trees.

I have found a new product I love. Jiff makes a whipped peanut butter. It is just whipped with air, and lower in fat and calories than regular peanut butter. Two tablespoons is 140 calories and 4 points plus if you follow weight watchers. I love the fact that is is easy to spread on an apple or banana, and you can refrigerate it and it is just as light and smooth. I am  little obsessed.

I have decided the first thing I will do on my fitness bucket list. Inspired by my amazing yogi friend Tracy Gittens who has a studio in San Diego called Galaxy Lifestyle and Fitness.


It is just a matter of signing up with my friend who is a former gymnast. Jessica and I are taking a class at the Cirque’ school here in Hollywood, and we are both just over our heads about it. I found something on groupon, so soon we will be signing up. Our Mondays will never be the same again.


Off for now, I must get a work day in and then head home and to the park. I am really working on opening up my back and getting my quads to loosen up. This is my goal this month.
Love and Light to all.
Happy Tuesday


Last time I was on a dance team in 2005-2009

Good Morning. I am up with the sun and contemplating my fitness bucket list, which one can I tackle soon? It is going to take a lot of thought. In the meantime everyday fitness is rolling, and I had a long walk with some running last night. I also did a lot of leg lifts at the park. Tonight I work out with my trainer Mike, and it should take me a week or two to really feel strong again. I learned something over my Christmas Holiday, do not stop resistance training. I was actually having some aches and pains, and then we worked out and they all subsided.

One of the items on my fitness bucket list is to audition with the LA Sparks over 40 dance team. I am on the lookout for dance auditions. It was something I wanted to do but I did not have the guts to do it, so I skipped it. Thank goodness I did not do that with the Richard Simmons video. Saturday is class and then we are all going out to lunch for Gerry’s 92nd Birthday. She is such an inspiration, she works out daily and never stops.

Off for more coffee. I am also brainstorming for a new title for my poetry collection. My original title was too long. I am thinking maybe Lapses in Time, or Winter Solace since I was born on the winter solstice. This is the hardest part.

Wising you love and light.


Today was day two of Weight Watchers, and I love it. I am still eating healthy but I feel in control and less obsessive when I track my points. I do Weight Watchers online, and I also keep a written journal. I can look up healthy recipes and stay on track. I believe this is just what I needed to sustain my weight loss and get to my goal.

This is a busy week. I am working out with Mike on Tuesdays and Thursdays for now. I am doing yoga on my other days and getting some additional cardio by walking and running. My 5k is around the corner and I need to get busy. I may even do an Iyengar class on Tuesdays and Thursdays after my workouts.

It was a long day, so this is a short yet sweet post. I have a lot to do, planning the next charities and the weight loss and fitness part my journey. I also have to decide which item of my fitness bucket list I should tackle this month. This means I must get some sleep, so bed by nine for me tonight. I find I cannot function with less than eight hours. The last week my sleep pattern was  completely off, so I plan to start this week off with some beauty slumber.

Wishing you love and light.


FITNESS BUCKET LIST  REVISITED…One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to continue on my journey. Part of my fitness journey is conquering my fitness bucket list. I am going to pick one thing a month to do. I may add things as I go along. I am pondering which one on the list I will do this month.

1. Trapeze Classes at the School of Trapeze in Santa Monica   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trapeze-School-New-York-TSNY-Los-Angeles/252082627475

2. Synchronized swimming classes at Aqualillies in Los Angeles   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aqualillies/315260815022

3. Michael Cornell Ballet Classes at   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Align-Ballet-Method/132494413452882  I am doing this very soon.

4.Ballroom Latin Classes at 3rd Street Dance in Los Angeles  https://www.facebook.com/3rdstreetdance

5. Go to Pittsburgh, work out with best friend at Melissa Bender Fitness http://www.benderfitness.com/

6. Go to San Diego, take yoga and aerial yoga with one of my best friends Tracy Gittens at Galaxy Lifestyle, Fitness, and Aerial Yoga. Grand Opening July 19, 2013.

7. Surf if I am not too afraid of sharks, lol  Ok, I have an update on this, Mike my trainer has offered to teach me when I am ready and when I can do a good push up, and I will take him up on that. He said nest summer when the water is warmer, so if James and I are still living here in Los Angeles I will conquer this.

8.Take a Tracy Anderson class in Los Angeles.   https://www.facebook.com/TracyAndersonMethod
I do not think she teaches to the public, so I may not be able to make this a reality.

9.Some type of Yoga Retreat by the ocean.

10. Be in or on the cover of Weight Watchers Magazine. (Hey, a girl can dream and they use real people all the time). e.I am no longer going to Weight Watchers but I do it on my own so I do not know if this could be possible. Update…I may start Weight Watchers again, it keeps me honest.

11. Do a 5K in 2014. I am doing the Bad Prom Run in March with a team from Seasons 52, tiara and all.

12. Practice my yoga and get into the difficult poses I am struggling with. Do inversions, backbends, and anything to do with my leg behind me. This means gaining more flexibility in my quads. I want to take photos by the trees I love in yoga poses.

13. Do a 30 day yoga challenge, and do yoga every day for 30 days in a row.

14. Swim with dolphins, not really fitness related but is in a way. I would love to have this experience.

15. Learn Tai Chi or some sort of Martial Arts.

16. Get some sort of certifications down the line so I can pass on my new knowledge and help those who need it. Maybe volunteering for the needy.I am going to do this through ACE, The American Council of Exercise.

17. Take Fire Dancing classes at Firegroove here in Los Angeles. Francie did it and it sounds amazing, maybe a little dangerous but that makes it even more intriguing.

18. Aerial Yoga here in Los Angeles.

19. Audition for The Ole Skool Crew in 2014. They are the dancers over 40 that dance at the Sparks games at The Staple Center.

20. Take a reformer Pilates class.

21. Take a Burlesque class.


FITNESS BUCKET LIST  REVISITED…adding more items as I get more inspired. Feel free to suggest new ideas. It keeps growing and growing.  Fire Dancing classes is my newest idea, thanks to my friend Francie. Namaste’

1. Trapeze Classes at the School of Trapeze in Santa Monica   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trapeze-School-New-York-TSNY-Los-Angeles/252082627475

2. Synchronized swimming classes at Aqualillies in Los Angeles   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aqualillies/315260815022

3. Michael Cornell Ballet Classes at   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Align-Ballet-Method/132494413452882  I am doing this very soon.

4.Ballroom Latin Classes at 3rd Street Dance in Los Angeles  https://www.facebook.com/3rdstreetdance

5. Go to Pittsburgh, work out with best friend at Melissa Bender Fitness http://www.benderfitness.com/

6. Go to San Diego, take yoga and aerial yoga with one of my best friends Tracy Gittens at Galaxy Lifestyle, Fitness, and Aerial Yoga. Grand Opening July 19, 2013.

7. Surf if I am not too afraid of sharks, lol  Ok, I have an update on this, Mike my trainer has offered to teach me when I am ready and when I can do a good push up, and I will take him up on that. He said nest summer when the water is warmer, so if James and I are still living here in Los Angeles I will conquer this.

8.Take a Tracy Anderson class in Los Angeles.   https://www.facebook.com/TracyAndersonMethod

9.Some type of Yoga Retreat by the ocean.

10. Be in or on the cover of Weight Watchers Magazine. (Hey, a girl can dream and they use real people all the time). e.I am no longer going to Weight Watchers but I do it on my own so I do not know if this could be possible.

11. Do a 5K in 2014. This is in the works.

12. Practice my yoga and get into the difficult poses I am struggling with. Do inversions, backbends, and anything to do with my leg behind me. This means gaining more flexibility in my quads.

13. Do a 30 day yoga challenge, and do yoga every day for 30 days in a row.

14. Swim with dolphins, not really fitness related but is in a way. I would love to have this experience.

15. Learn Tai Chi or some sort of Martial Arts.

16. Get some sort of certifications down the line so I can pass on my new knowledge and help those who need it. Maybe volunteering for the needy.I am going to do this through ACE, The American Council of Exercise.

17. Take Fire Dancing classes at Firegroove here in Los Angeles. Francie did it and it sounds amazing, maybe a little dangerous but that makes it even more intriguing.

18. Aerial Yoga here in Los Angeles.

19. Audition for The Ole Skool Crew in 2014. They are the dancers over 40 that dance at the Sparks games at The Staple Center.

20. Take a reformer Pilates class.


Gina, Mom, and Rose

In 1997 my sister Gina and I made my Mother very happy for her birthday, and in October of that year the three of us went to Hawaii. This started a love affair with the music, and the group Hapa. 

Me in 1997 with our tour guide “Cousin Larry” Mahalo

Now here I am working on this blog, and I have always wanted to learn Hula Dance. I am adding this to my fitness bucket list. I found a school here in Silverlake CA. They teach classes and sometimes offer performing opportunities. The music makes me breathless and I would love to learn this ancient way of expressing your body.

In the meantime I am going to have a private outdoor yoga lesson with Nicole and learn to do the sun salutations timed to Hapa and Hawaiian music. I want to learn it and memorize it so I can practice my yoga to the mesmerizing and inspiring music in the lovely California sun.

Love and Light
Keep dreaming, keep looking for inspiration, it is everywhere. In the wind, in the sun, and in the trees.


One of the things I really want to try is Aerial Yoga. One of my best friends teaches it in San Diego and I plan on trying it as soon as I progress in my practice.

This is how I imagine it to be.
Namaste’ and Goodnight

My tortured soul surrenders 
My resistant body to a fated flight.
Melancholic melodies of my history,
Caught between memory and reality.
My fickle heartbeat dangles, 
Caught in tangled cobwebs
Of here, then and now;  and then.
Escape to the rhythm of lyrical suspense,
Suspended aimlessly without a whim;
Midair swan dive maneuvering
Into the embrace of silken arms;
Whirling together, abandoning myself.
Hanging in the imbalance between
Rhapsody and heartbreak.
(c) Rose Bruno Bailey


Good Morning and Happy Friday. I have been contemplating all of my accomplishments, the small ones and the larger ones. The weight and the first charity of course are the more significant accomplishments but I am also celebrating staying the course and not giving in to ever giving up. I am going to see this project through until I am where I wish to be and have helped many charities. Helping The Monday Night Mission was amazing, and I plan on going back and volunteering at least once a month. I am now choosing a twenty pound charity and I will write about that soon. Project Cuddle is now my thirty pound charity. I am currently at a 17 pound weight loss since July.

Another goal is to make my Fitness Bucket list happen. I wrote about it in the beginning last July but since then there are a few more goals to be added to the list, so I thought I would re post it with the new items I need to cross off. I have my work cut out for me, but I am inspired by the man with MS who recently did a marathon in 16 hours. If he can do it, anyone of us can. I also am so proud of my best friend Melissa Bender at Melissa Bender Fitness, she is running in her first marathon this weekend. I would love to know what is on your fitness bucket list. Keep dreaming and making it happen.

I wish you a wonderful Friday. Namaste’ Love and Light

   FITNESS BUCKET LIST  REVISITED…adding more items as I get more inspired. Feel free to suggest new ideas. 

1. Trapeze Classes at the School of Trapeze in Santa Monica   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trapeze-School-New-York-TSNY-Los-Angeles/252082627475

2. Synchronized swimming classes at Aqualillies in Los Angeles   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aqualillies/315260815022

3. Michael Cornell Ballet Classes at   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Align-Ballet-Method/132494413452882

4.Ballroom Latin Classes at 3rd Street Dance in Los Angeles  https://www.facebook.com/3rdstreetdance

5. Go to Pittsburgh, work out with best friend at Melissa Bender Fitness http://www.benderfitness.com/

6. Go to San Diego, take yoga and aerial yoga with one of my best friends Tracy Gittens at Galaxy Lifestyle, Fitness, and Aerial Yoga. Grand Opening July 19, 2013.

7. Surf if I am not too afraid of sharks, lol  Ok, I have an update on this, Mike my trainer has offered to teach me when I am ready and when I can do a good push up, and I will take him up on that.

8.Take a Tracy Anderson class in Los Angeles.   https://www.facebook.com/TracyAndersonMethod

9.Some type of Yoga Retreat by the ocean.

10. Be in or on the cover of Weight Watchers Magazine. (Hey, a girl can dream and they use real people all the time). e.I am no longer going to Weight Watchers but I do it on my own so I do not know if this could be possible.

11. Do a walkathon or a 5k and later a run. Continue to learn to run, I ran twice around the park with Mike, and last night I had a dream I ran all the way to Yoga.

12. Practice my yoga and get into the difficult poses I am struggling with. Do inversions, backbends, and anything to do with my leg behind me. This means gaining more flexibility in my quads.

13. Do a 30 day yoga challenge, and do yoga every day for 30 days in a row.

14. Swim with dolphins, not really fitness related but is in a way. I would love to have this experience.

15. Learn Tai Chi or some sort of Martial Arts.

16. Get some sort of certifications down the line so I can pass on my new knowledge and help those who need it. Maybe volunteering for the needy.






Rooftop yoga | Photo courtesy of InterContinental Los Angeles, Facebook

Good Morning and a Happy Monday to all. I was reviewing my weekly workout routine and I may have to modify it so on Thursday so I can attend this amazing yoga class on a helipad at the InterContinental Hotel in Century City with a spectacular view of Los Angeles. What an amazing moment this will be. The class is being taught this week by Michael Stebbins.

Add this to my fitness bucket list. What an experience to be able to do yoga with such a backdrop. Classes are Thursday night after 6 pm, perfect for me and only $16.00. Wow, look at that view. I am speechless. I may have to skip my Iyengar class Thursday and get my zen on a rooftop.
Coffee time.


Good evening to all on this beautiful Thursday. This post is late because I made an error and saved it in a draft. I will have a fresh post about my Richard Simmons class in the am with photos. I have decided I will attend one of his classes once a week, his energy gives me this natural high that lasts for days.  It has always been something I wanted to do and it was on my Fitness Bucket List.

That got me thinking. Fitness Bucket list, I have one but I have never written it down. These are the things I would like to do as I continue to progress with my fitness goals. Some of the items on my list I will not be able to do for a while, because it would require for me to be in tip top shape and have more strength than I have now.  Some of the things I can do now. Some would be just a one time experience, and others passions I will continue to do for years.

I have my workout plan in motion, so all of the workouts that I am currently doing are not on this list as I am already making them happen.  Working out with Mike, speed walking, Melissa Bender Fitness videos, Yoga and Richard Simmons classes are all things I am currently doing to get fit. This list is the dream list of things yet to experience.

So here is the list, a way to make my fitness transition a fun adventure. I have my work cut out for me but I am confident I can make it happen. I always say I am a bit of a dreamer, but what is life without dreams to look forward to?   What is on your Fitness Bucket List?

                                                 FITNESS BUCKET LIST

1. Trapeze Classes at the School of Trapeze in Santa Monica   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trapeze-School-New-York-TSNY-Los-Angeles/252082627475

2. Synchronized swimming classes at Aqualillies in Los Angeles   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aqualillies/315260815022

3. Michael Cornell Ballet Classes at   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Align-Ballet-Method/132494413452882

4.Ballroom Latin Classes at 3rd Street Dance in Los Angeles  https://www.facebook.com/3rdstreetdance

5. Go to Pittsburgh, work out with best friend at Melissa Bender Fitness http://www.benderfitness.com/

6. Go to San Diego, take yoga and aerial yoga with one of my best friends Tracy Gittens at Galaxy Lifestyle, Fitness, and Aerial Yoga. Grand Opening July 19, 2013.

7. Surf if I am not too afraid of sharks, lol

8.Take a Tracy Anderson class in Los Angeles.   https://www.facebook.com/TracyAndersonMethod

9.Some type of Yoga Retreat by the ocean.

10. Be in or on the cover of Weight Watchers Magazine. (Hey, a girl can dream and they use real people all the time).