Tag Archives: exercise


Good Morning Tuesday. I just weighed myself and I lost two pounds bringing my total weight loss to 9 pounds and my weight is now officially 188 lbs. I am so excited, last November I actually weighed 207 lbs, so I have lost 9 pounds since I began my My Change For A Ten Project but since last November I have lost a total of 19 pounds. I am almost at my first ten pound My Change For A Ten goal, and then I will set the date to feed the homeless with The Monday Night Mission. I am really proud I am sticking to whatever I say I will do. This is just the beginning for me to change my life and to help make a difference in the lives of others. I am reaching for the moon.

Here is a photo of me and my wonderful friend Amy this weekend, we were out with our husbands at Barney’s Beanery in West Hollywood CA.  I will have more full body shots when I return to Richard Simmons this week, he was out of town but I believe he is back Thursday. I went out and I was disciplined. I ate extremely healthy, a turkey sandwich on whole grain with Dijon mustard, avocado, lettuce and tomato and steamed vegetables. I also had a cup of bean chili with no meat.  I believe you can eat healthy almost anywhere. I drank Perrier and tons of water since I do not drink, which helps me save on calories.

Tonight is my workout with Mike, and I am really learning so much. I am also learning how much food my body needs to sustain my workouts, walking, and yoga. So I will be sure to eat enough from here on out. The whey protein shakes help me fill in the blanks when I do not have time to sit down to a meal. I have also been watching my sodium intake. It really makes a big difference. At work I have been ordering my chicken plain with no marinade and no dressing, and I use oil and vinegar. Little changes add up for big results. I buy tuna and peanut butter with no added salt, and I try to eat as clean as possible without obsessing or depriving myself. I am achieving mind and body balance.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

― Mark Twain

I wish everyone a terrific Tuesday.


I love being a woman. With that said there are some things that I do not love about being a woman, and one is wicked monthly water weight. You can do everything right and the scale will go up from time to time. You have no control over it, it is what it is.

Today I woke up feeling great but I knew deep inside I probably did not lose this week. I did everything as according to plan. I ate clean and I worked out six days of the week.  The scale did not budge, I stayed exactly the same as last week. I weigh 190 pounds. It was not my fault, it was the fault of my gender. 

Time to take a deep breathe and move on. I did not gain, I did not lose. I know I am losing inches and I am progressing so no worries. I am changing my body, my mind, and my life. Next week is another chance to lose and get closer to my My Change For A Ten first charity. In the meantime, more workouts, yoga and eating healthy. 

Tonight is my workout with Mike. I am assuming it will be a little more challenging since I am progressing and growing stronger. He is a very good trainer. He works you and pushes you without being aggressive or pushing you to the point of an injury. He respects your level of fitness and is understanding and motivational. That is probably a hard thing to find in a trainer so I am blessed. 

Happy Tuesday to all.
Love and Light


Good morning Monday. Another Monday has arrived and I am happy that I am evolving in my journey. I have such belief in my quest, and in myself. I know I am not always perfect but I am sticking to my program and I am proud with each and every passing Monday. I am full of gratitude to those who believe in me and are helping me to become a better version of myself, healthy, fit and happy. I am manifesting my destiny.

Working out and practicing yoga regularly is the major key. I love it, and I will continue to learn about my body and be in the best possible shape for my own body type, not anyone else’s. I do not compare myself to anyone else, nor am I in competition with anyone but myself. This is just the beginning for me. I am a former dancer so I so know a thing or two about form, and I have always loved movement. There is a commercial on television that states a body in motion stays in motion, and a body in rest stays in rest. It is so true, if you do not move it, you will lose it. Cliche’ maybe, truth, absolutely.

So, another Monday and I am happy with my results so far, and I know I have a long way to go but I know I will arrive at my goals. I have faith in myself finally. I believe I can do this. Tomorrow morning I will weigh in again, and I will post my new weight. I am also going to post my weeks food journal on Wednesday. It is not perfect, and sometimes I do not eat enough, nor do I always get enough protein but I am learning and that is the reason I will post it. Nothing is ever perfect, we learn and we evolve with each and every single step. That is what I am doing in this journey, learning, evolving, believing in me, and making new friends in the process. I am so close to the first charity and I look forward to serving the residents of skid row with The Monday Night Mission. So close, and it feels so good.

Wishing everyone a bright and beautiful Monday
Monday’s aren’t so bad


Happy Weekend to all. Yesterday I decided to try on some cute summer dresses that I have never worn, since they have never fit. They fit now and look great, but not for long since soon they will be too big for me. The secret is out, no crash diets for me, eating clean and healthy with moderation and exercise six days a week actually works. Did you hear that? Shocker, hard work pays off and it is fun too.  This should not be a surprise to me or anyone. I exercised like crazy when I danced, but somewhere in the chaos of moving around in the last few years I had stopped taking good care of myself. That will never happen again, I believe our bodies are our temples and I will not trash my temple any longer. My husband commented last night after my workout he has not seen me have such quick results in years, and how I look great. I feel healthier and stronger too with much more stamina. I am really looking forward to assisting with the first charity the Monday Night Mission, I am getting close to the first ten pound goal. My self esteem has returned and I get to do what I love to do, help others. It is such a win win for me. 

Today I will work out later, an hour on the treadmill and some other moves I have learned plus free weights. Yesterday when I did an hour speed walking on the treadmill, I actually jogged some of the time, and it made me feel so proud. Tomorrow same workout plus morning Yoga Flow with Nicole at Pink Iron. I tried to sleep in a little today and now I am meeting my friend Francie from the Richard Simmons video for a little Birthday Brunch before she leaves town to visit with family. We had plans to take Richard Simmons’ Saturday morning class but he is out of town for the next week, so no Richard Simmons for over one week.  Later my husband and I will go to the beach to walk and see the sunset, nothing like walking in the water in Malibu for some extra exercise on top of my workouts. Activity is the best natural high. I believe getting outdoors in beauty breathing in fresh air is mandatory for a healthy mind and body.

I feel very lucky to have such help with this endeavor, and to live in such a place with natural beauty to do it in.  I could not go it alone and I am learning so much about the body and achieving peace of mind in the process. So this morning I am radiating gratitude for my blessings. Life is truly beautiful.
Wishing you a sunshiny Saturday,




These innocent little beauties have taken hostage of my nights. Rascal every night around three am wakes me up unplugging the air conditioner and now he has moved on to the alarm clock. Spanky likes to chew on my hair or bite my toes when I am sleeping. A few days of this and I feel so groggy and incoherent, that coffee is not just something I love to drink for the taste but a necessity. My husband is not a morning person, and he wakes up tired always. I on the other hand, If I do not get enough sleep I usually still wake up on the right side of the bed. The fact I am not so cheery this morning means it is finally catching up to me. With all the exercise I have been doing, the cats interrupting my sleep is making me feel completely fatigued. Plus I did not feel well yesterday, and it took all of my energy not to let it show to anyone I interacted with. I hope I was not rude to anyone, I doubt it I am never rude but if I was I apologize. I never get outwardly crabby but I can sometimes get quiet and of course people are usually shocked when that happens. It usually means I do not feel well, or I am in a very reflective mood. I will not elaborate why I did not feel well, but let’s just say I hope I do not gain any weight on Tuesday. 🙂

Of course on days like that, all I want to do is be with my friends and family back east. My wonderful friend Larry was one of those people. I would call and he would be there, we both lived in Astoria and worked in Manhattan.  I met him in Pittsburgh in 1999 and he moved to Los Angeles. I moved to Connecticut. He moved to Boston, and then NYC and finally I moved to NYC too. He one of the most fun people I have ever met and  he still has a way to make me laugh even across the miles. There are so many people I miss, but I a blessed to have wonderful friends here in California too. If I never would have moved here, I never would have met anyone of them, so I have no regrets and I love Los Angeles as much as NYC just for different reasons. 

Larry and Rose December 21st 2009 in Manhattan

I took my rest day Thursday since I was not my usual 100% and since Richard Simmons is traveling and out of town. I am so bummed out about this, I have grown accustomed to his high energy inspiration. It will be a couple weeks before he returns, so that means more treadmill and yoga and maybe a Zumba class to throw in for good measure. I will not slow down at all, one rest day is all I need. Today I am back in full force after work even though I still do not feel completely well. Nothing that time and a little extra weekend sleep cannot cure.

Wishing everyone a big Thank God It Is Friday. Much love and light to all. 


As Richard says when he enters the room, HI EVERYBODY!!

I think I may have met my match. Not a day goes by when someone tells me how perky I am. The conversation with guests where I work is always are you always this perky? You are perkier than coffee, now I can skip my caffeine etc. Funny though, when people read my poetry they are often shocked that I am extremely deep and reflective.  Perky does not mean I am empty headed. I just love to be alive. Richard Simmons is one perky man, and you can tell he has a natural high from life. He truly loves it and lives it.  He is 65 and not stopping, and his energy could light up all of Los Angeles. I am in awe of him, his perkiness and all. And yes, he is also very deep. I feel honored to know him and have the opportunity to take his classes.

When you take on a project such as this you need to constantly keep moving and keep the momentum moving forward as well.  Going it alone is not an option. Working out with Mike on Tuesdays and attending Richard Simmons classes on Thursdays gives me that extra motivation to continue on.  As I have said I have been attending classes at Richard Simmons every Thursday Evening. It is major inspiration for me, and lasts the entire week. When I was in his video shoot I met a new friend named Francie, and our similarities of our paths were uncanny. We became instant friends. She decided to join me Thursday 8-1-13 for class. She was a dancer as well and loves to take classes and try new things. Her first time going to a Slimmons class was on the fourth of July and like me she was hooked.

I got there a little early, I am always early. I was talking to Gigi the 91 year old dynamo and she introduced me to a wonderful young guy named George who is a make up artist, and I met Erin a real Irish beauty. George has done Richards makeup amongst others. He said sometime in the future he would like to do mine. George and Erin are regulars but they usually attend on Tuesdays. I met Shoshanna, it was her first time and she was so excited and did not know what to expect. All of a sudden I saw a head bob up and yell out my name, Francie had arrived and thought I was not there, it was so crowded and she made her way over to me and to my new Richard Simmons friends. Again, as usual the energy was completely electric. 
Francie, Erin, Richard, George,Rose, Shoshanna

Rose and erin

Shoshanna and Rose

Francie and Rose 

I had told George that my ankle felt tender, and he told me to make sure I mention it to Richard so he knows. This man works you out, and he pushes unless he feels you are injured. He came over to me, kissed both my cheeks and when I told him my ankle felt a litttle tender he had me feel his knee. He was wearing a  knee brace and he instructed I go to CVS and purchase one for my ankle for extra support. He kept his eye on me but did not push.

The class was absolutely a riot and so fantastic. I do not think words could express the energy that this man brings to the table. It was Latin night coupled with amazing Latin moves and Richard was actually playing records off a record machine. Totally retro aerobics. My ankle felt fine but I stayed on the low impact side, and danced my heart out as did everyone else. You have to be there to understand how much fun it is.

Free weights came next, and then planking. I am proud to say I planked on one leg with my right let raised. I am definitely getting stronger and Francie told me she has noticed a difference in me since the video shoot. Making progress slowly but surely, all I can say is woo hooo.

Richard gave his nightly inspirational talk and wished a few people Happy Birthday and gave them a special birthday gift, he even sang the Birthday tune from Fiddler on the Roof. We took photos and were on our way, smiles and all.   Afterwards Francie and I went to Robertson Blvd for cupcakes, coffee, and conversation. I am so happy to have met her, she is an amazing young woman and new friend. I actually had just a quarter of a cupcake and a decaf skim cappuccino. A bite or two was all that was needed for me to feel satisfied. I am feeling so fufilled in other areas, this whole journey is really becoming such a fun adventure. 

When I began this project I said anything I say I am going to do I will do, no procrastination and no backing out of things. I am proud to say so far I have stuck to that vow. I am dedicated even on days when I may feel a bit fatigued, weak or tired. At the end of the day the fatigue lifts and all I am left with is that natural perky high you get from this beautiful thing we call life. To quote one of my favorite films The Shawshank Redemption. ” Get busy living or get busy dying.” I choose to live passionately, to live big, and live my authentic life. 
Love and Light


I am in need of new sneakers that fit properly. My lovely Siamese cat Rascal  chewed the inside of the back of my  right sneaker, which caused the shoe to rub against the back of my ankle. I found myself walking in an awkward manner to compensate this problem, and I have caused a tiny strain on my foot. My ankle feels tight and a bit uncomfortable when I walk. This weekend I will be searching for the right pair of sneakers for my foot. I am hard to fit, I have a very high arch, with a narrow heal and it takes a lot of trial and error to find the right fit. 

Tonight is Richard Simmons, and my friend Francie from the video shoot is joining me as well as my friend Joanna from work. More photos to follow.  I am going to try to tone down my enthusiasm and go low impact to make sure this tightness does not become a strain. I have to admit I am upset that my foot feels a little off, we all want to be perfect all the time and when we are not well it is so frustrating. I took an ibuprofen to ease any swelling that may have occurred, something I never do. I am icing it before work as a precaution. 

I posted something on my facebook page I found on Pinterest that is completely fitting for this blog post. I love dancing the cha cha and I am an optimist as well so this is perfect for how I feel this morning. Wishing everyone sunshine and smiles on this beautiful Thursday.
Love and Light


Last night we went to an early dinner and I am so proud that I stayed on track. I even got my hour long speed walk done between dinner and our movie. That meant no time for a shower or time to change for the movie, I am dedicated!  At the movie I drank bottled water, and did not succumb to the buttery popcorn that seems to make a movie all the more fun. It was a scary film too, and the popcorn would have been a delicious distraction but I did not give in.

I started thinking about days off from exercise. I need to ask Melissa or Mike this as soon as I can. Do I need a day off from my hour long speed walking? Are rest days only for hard core working out and not for cardio? Today is Sunday and it would be my rest day if I decided to do so, but I feel I need to keep the momentum going so I will do my  speed walk sometime this afternoon.

Tomorrow is weigh in, after work. I wish I could weigh in before work since I hate eating before weigh in. I admit on Mondays I fall into my bad little habits before weigh in. This is going to take dedication on a daily basis, and that means not allowing myself to give in to distractions and temptations. So far I am winning the battle, but I need to take it one step at a time. There is no room for impatience on my program. I will choose to take a deep breath and go the distance.

Love and Light 


I met a wonderful family from Houston, and my friend Joanna came to class.   

Mckenna from Houston

                                                           Courtney from Houston

Kelly, Mckenna, Courtney with me, Richard Simmons and my friend Joanna

                                                                       Joanna and me

                                                           Houstons loveliest family

                                      Kelly, Courtney, me, and Mckenna.


Yesterday was my weekly  Tuesday workout with Mike my friend/trainer. I felt stronger this time, and I feel I am making strides, long strides. The workout is not easy but I put my all in, and Mike is a fantastic trainer. He pushes without pushing to the point of an injury. I love the workouts we have been doing and I am so grateful to him for his support and help.

Working out in the outdoors is definitely fun and refreshing. You are sweating but instead of cold stale air conditioner air blowing in your face, there is a beautiful breeze to cool you off. The trees are overhead, and there are kids and dogs playing nearby. It is fun, like I said last week it feels like being a kid playing in the great outdoors. I planked in the grass, and yes I got dirty and it is completely liberating to do so. I even drank from a water fountain, and I have decided it is the water fountain of youth. I have always said I am an old soul, yet young at heart. I feel like I am getting younger at heart by the day with this project.  Life is too short not to feel every moment, and to love every minute. To get the most out of everything you do because life really is a gift, you just have to open it and live in the present.

So today, healthy breakfast, light stretch and work. After work I plan on going for a 45 minute walk. I am going to do that almost daily, Mike suggested it and of course I love to speed walk so it is a no brainer for me. I may have to purchase a pedometer.

Tomorrow is my Thursday class with Richard Simmons at Slimmons. So basically more inspiration to get me going even more. I will take more photos tomorrow, and next week I will take some of my Tuesday workout. I am feeling motivated, inspired and completely grateful.

Wishing you a day full of sunshine and joy.
Love and Light