Tag Archives: diet momentum


bfGood Morning to all. I cannot believe it is August already. I have so much going on, a book coming out and events for my book, and some upcoming transitions are possibly going to take place. Let’s just say I am used to transitions, and I welcome them. I have lived in so many places,seen so many wonderful things and met some amazing people. I admit to slacking off on my training, stress took over. A month ago I joined weightwatchersonline, and it has been a game changer since I finally broke my long standing plateau. I lose 7 lbs in two weeks. The Third week I weighed the same and tomorrow is weigh in week four. I am currently 169 lbs, up 4 lbs from my lowest weight. I felt a slip in scale when I was away for a long weekend in Monterey CA, but I quickly caught the gain and now I have just four pounds to go to be where I was at 165. Then I am picking a charity to get to 155 lbs. I think that is why it is so important to be diligent and check your weight at least every few weeks, slip ups can be sneaky and before you know it you have gained all of your weight back. That will never happen to me, I love my lifestyle and my new life and I am ready to tackle the second phase and become stronger and fitter than I have ever been in a long time.

When I started this blog I had a trainer which was very helpful and I am grateful for that. Now I have Melissa Bender Fitness. She is not only my best friend but my trainer from afar and my inspiration to keep going. She asked me to be her Fitness Ambassador last spring and now I am ready to be the best fitness ambassador ever. Starting today I am doing week one of her Three Month Bikini Preperation workouts she did for her bikini competition training. May I add she came home with a few awards. I am tailoring the three month workouts to be on my schedule, Monday-Friday and adding one over the weekend as well. I am spending a lot of time planning, watching the videos so I know what I am doing. I use my handy iphone to take photos of the workout breakdowns and I downloaded a timer app on my phone so I can do them in real time without watching the videos. I plan to do them at home and at the park. I also am going to be more timely with my posts, and do daily updates on here. I know the first week will be the hardest, but I got this. check her out at www.benderfitness.com


Along with my workouts I am running and walking. I am training for the Rock and Roll 5K in San Jose with my team from work, my new Manager has run over 29 Marathons, I told him he is not of this world. I hope to have one marathon under my belt someday. I have a lot of people inspiring me to run more. My Manager, Melissa Bender, and my friend Harry who is going to be running with me this week to prep for my Golden Gate Bridge run. I am excited for it all. I have a new playlist and a new anti-stress attitude. No matter what comes my way, I will not stop til I get to my goals.

Happy Monday to all.





Good Morning to all on this holiday weekend. A moment of gratitude to our service men and woman who protect us and never get a vacation, and a moment of remembrance to our fallen heroes. I cannot imagine what it is like to be in the military but I am honored and humbled by those who sacrifice their lives for us. Thank you.

I am in Vegas, and we arrived late last night. We slept in, we both needed to catch up on some much needed rest. It seems totally inappropriate for Vegas to get a full 8 hours of sleep, but I needed it bad. Now it is breakfast and pool time. So far I have made healthy choices and keeping on point with my lifestyle. This is not a diet, it is the way I live mindfully and in a healthy manner. That does not mean I will not relax a little, I am just saying it is not an eating free for all just because I arrived in Las Vegas.

Wishing everyone love and light and happiness.
If you choose to be happy then you are.


Good Morning to all. Since I am finally closer to my ten pound goal, and 40 pound total goal I am starting the leg work on my book drive for Reading to Kids. My wonderful friend and soul sister Xiomara made me this beautiful flier. I am so blessed to know her.

Tonight my trainer Mike and I work out, and I am ready to keep up the faster pace. I went running and walking yesterday and forgot water and that was a major mistake. It is hot now, and dehydration kicks in fast.

Off for my day, love and light to all.


I hit a wall, before I went out of town I hit a plateau, and I cheated a little when I was away. I also did not work out when I was in Phoenix, except for some light outdoor yoga, walking, and a bit of swimming. Now I am back, my toe is on the mend and I weighed myself this morning. I am up to 173 lbs. I put on two pounds while I was away, it may be water weight but I have to now work harder than ever. 

This is a slow process and I am fine with that. I know I am gaining muscle, and losing inches and the scale may deviate from time to time. I hit a wall, and I am not taking it lightly. I am determined now more than ever, and I am fighting back. I will get out my pink boxing gloves, and hit that damn wall back until it crumbles into a million tiny pieces. I will not ever give up on my goals or let myself slip up. I just need to change up my eating a bit, trick my lazy metabolism so it works harder than it likes to. I know I can do this, and I will persevere. 

Here is a photo of me before at around 210 lbs and now. I am not an after yet, far from it. I also am focusing more on my fitness goals than obsessing over the scale. My Book drive is on, as soon as I reach 167 lbs. I am doing the leg work on that as we speak. I am also picking which item on my fitness bucket list to do in the month of May. Mike and I are picking 5 short term fitness milestones to work on and accomplish as well.

When I started this, I thought I would lose weight, do a little walking and dance again and help a charity with every ten pounds. I had no idea I would be doing the things my body is capable of doing now. I am so excited for what is to come, so proud of myself and grateful to the people I have met along the way. I refuse to beat myself up about a minuscule fluctuation in the scale. No time for that, I have to go work on my fitness goals and get out there and earn them. I will set this place on fire and fight back, pink boxing gloves and all.

Love and Light to all.
Happy Easter, Happy Passover. Happy Weekend, Happy Life
Love and Light to all


It is Tuesday morning, and I tonight I work out with my trainer Mike. We have been working out since late July 2013 and I am really seeing results now. Yoga, walking, some running and workouts with Mike have made a big difference in my changes. My diet has been over hauled as well. I no longer diet for a few days and then undo all of my hard work going out to dinner. I am consistent, and I will not give in or up. My confidence is soaring.

I feel amazing and very youthful, and I am grateful my confidence has returned. My Poetry Book is finally in the works and I feel this is the right time and place to do it. It is amazing how confidence affects other arenas of your life. 

So I am losing weight, returning to my former fit shape when I danced and giving back to others. I am getting so much more out of this than I anticipated. My life is changing for the better and I am so grateful for it all.

So, to quote the film The Sound Of Music and Julie Andrews singing

What will this day be like? I wonder.
What will my future be? I wonder.
It could be so exciting to be out in the world, to be free
My heart should be wildly rejoicing
Oh, what’s the matter with me?

I’ve always longed for adventure
To do the things I’ve never dared
And here I’m facing adventure
Then why am I so scared

A captain with seven children
What’s so fearsome about that?

Oh, I must stop these doubts, all these worries
If I don’t I just know I’ll turn back
I must dream of the things I am seeking
I am seeking the courage I lack

The courage to serve them with reliance
Face my mistakes without defiance
Show them I’m worthy
And while I show them 
I’ll show me

So, let them bring on all their problems
I’ll do better than my best
I have confidence they’ll put me to the test
But I’ll make them see I have confidence in me

Somehow I will impress them
I will be firm but kind
And all those children (Heaven bless them!)
They will look up to me

And mind me with each step I am more certain
Everything will turn out fine
I have confidence the world can all be mine
They’ll have to agree I have confidence in me

I have confidence in sunshine
I have confidence in rain
I have confidence that spring will come again
Besides which you see I have confidence in me

Strength doesn’t lie in numbers
Strength doesn’t lie in wealth
Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers
When you wake up — Wake Up!

It tells me all I trust I lead my heart to
All I trust becomes my own
I have confidence in confidence alone
(Oh help!)

I have confidence in confidence alone
Besides which you see I have confidence in me!

Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II
Music by Richard Rogers


Good Morning and Happy Friday. I have been contemplating all of my accomplishments, the small ones and the larger ones. The weight and the first charity of course are the more significant accomplishments but I am also celebrating staying the course and not giving in to ever giving up. I am going to see this project through until I am where I wish to be and have helped many charities. Helping The Monday Night Mission was amazing, and I plan on going back and volunteering at least once a month. I am now choosing a twenty pound charity and I will write about that soon. Project Cuddle is now my thirty pound charity. I am currently at a 17 pound weight loss since July.

Another goal is to make my Fitness Bucket list happen. I wrote about it in the beginning last July but since then there are a few more goals to be added to the list, so I thought I would re post it with the new items I need to cross off. I have my work cut out for me, but I am inspired by the man with MS who recently did a marathon in 16 hours. If he can do it, anyone of us can. I also am so proud of my best friend Melissa Bender at Melissa Bender Fitness, she is running in her first marathon this weekend. I would love to know what is on your fitness bucket list. Keep dreaming and making it happen.

I wish you a wonderful Friday. Namaste’ Love and Light

   FITNESS BUCKET LIST  REVISITED…adding more items as I get more inspired. Feel free to suggest new ideas. 

1. Trapeze Classes at the School of Trapeze in Santa Monica   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trapeze-School-New-York-TSNY-Los-Angeles/252082627475

2. Synchronized swimming classes at Aqualillies in Los Angeles   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aqualillies/315260815022

3. Michael Cornell Ballet Classes at   https://www.facebook.com/pages/Align-Ballet-Method/132494413452882

4.Ballroom Latin Classes at 3rd Street Dance in Los Angeles  https://www.facebook.com/3rdstreetdance

5. Go to Pittsburgh, work out with best friend at Melissa Bender Fitness http://www.benderfitness.com/

6. Go to San Diego, take yoga and aerial yoga with one of my best friends Tracy Gittens at Galaxy Lifestyle, Fitness, and Aerial Yoga. Grand Opening July 19, 2013.

7. Surf if I am not too afraid of sharks, lol  Ok, I have an update on this, Mike my trainer has offered to teach me when I am ready and when I can do a good push up, and I will take him up on that.

8.Take a Tracy Anderson class in Los Angeles.   https://www.facebook.com/TracyAndersonMethod

9.Some type of Yoga Retreat by the ocean.

10. Be in or on the cover of Weight Watchers Magazine. (Hey, a girl can dream and they use real people all the time). e.I am no longer going to Weight Watchers but I do it on my own so I do not know if this could be possible.

11. Do a walkathon or a 5k and later a run. Continue to learn to run, I ran twice around the park with Mike, and last night I had a dream I ran all the way to Yoga.

12. Practice my yoga and get into the difficult poses I am struggling with. Do inversions, backbends, and anything to do with my leg behind me. This means gaining more flexibility in my quads.

13. Do a 30 day yoga challenge, and do yoga every day for 30 days in a row.

14. Swim with dolphins, not really fitness related but is in a way. I would love to have this experience.

15. Learn Tai Chi or some sort of Martial Arts.

16. Get some sort of certifications down the line so I can pass on my new knowledge and help those who need it. Maybe volunteering for the needy.






Good Morning, a quick post today. It is almost the weekend, and I cannot wait. Tonight is my weekly workout with Mike, and the weather is back to being warm which is great.

Yesterday my husband James was at the Dodgers game, so I brought home a healthy salad for myself since he was out. I ended up eating two of the garlic knots he had on hand. I was so guilty afterwards, almost too much and it made me realize I am not ready mentally for a cheat day. I need to keep my momentum going.

I went to the gap to buy work pants, and these pants I tried on were a little skinnier than I usually wear. There were three lovely ladies from Europe in the dressing room, and when I went to look for the salespersons opinion they made their own opinion known. They told me they looked great, and I should buy them. One thing about losing weight, when shopping you need an outside opinion because your brain is still fat bashing. It is hard to look objectively at yourself.

Off to drink my coffee. Wishing everyone love and light on this Warrior Wednesday. Sorry, I do a lot of yoga these days. 