Happy Thursday!! Today is day three, back to counting my points, I’m proud to say I’m getting my willpower back. Soon I will be volunteering at the Horse Sanctuary. I lost my first ten. I’m going to remember I’m accountable to the charities I pick every time I want to succumb to stress eating, it helps me stay the course. Giving back is a lot of what this blog was about in the past, and I’m trying to make it just as much so now. Lose weight, give back and get fit.
On that note I’m helping plan a bake sale for a great cause. Save the date!! We are planning a bake sale for Saturday September 28, 2019 12:00-3:00. All funds are going to help my friends dog Oreo, who needs surgery. I’m making vegan goodies and there will be plenty of baked goods to choose from. All the information is on the flyer photo below. There is also a go-fund me page. I understand what it’s like to have astronomical vet bills. Our companion animals are family. Isn’t Oreo just the cutest? If you live in the Houston area or anywhere near The Woodlands you should stop by. There will be lots of goodies for a very good cause. Save the date!!
Love and Light to all! It’s coffee time!!