Sudden changes are just adventures we didn’t write on our bucket lists.

Rose Bruno Bailey

Perfect timing, In the past I had a habit of putting off things I really wanted to do, because I felt the timing was off. You decide to start a fitness/weight loss journey and life takes an unexpected detour. What do you do? Do you decide to continue on and work on your goals during your personal crisis or do you wait for a better time?  

The thing with time is, we all think we have all of this extra time. Are we chasing time or is time chasing us? So life has a way of grabbing you by the neck and choking you until you feel like you cannot breathe. I have been there, everyone has been there. At the same time life can be the most exhilarating experience.

Don’t wait to start your healthy lifestyle. Time will pass anyway, and your crisis will also pass. I am sure you will feel a lot better when your crisis is over and you are healthy and fit vs possibly creating a health crisis because of the poor habits you followed when everything was not going your way. You do not need to create another crisis, one at a time is enough. Some things in life we can control. I feel exercise and eating healthy keeps me healthy and in control. Today is my day three and I weigh in next Wednesday. Weigh in Wednesday is my day I am accountable for my weekly actions. No matter what life brings at me, I will be losing weight again.

I have a dear friend in Texas, she is actually my lifeline here. We met when my hubby James and I were Ubering home from the vet with our cat Rascal; she was our driver. We had just received bad news. I ended up exchanging information with her and we became fast friends. We are both Author’s and we cheer each other on. For me living in Texas she is a game changer. Sometimes something wonderful happens even in our darkest moments. Perfect timing on a not so perfect day. The sun will rise,it always does. Follow the glimmer of light and don’t ever give up on yourself. 

Love and Light



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