Category Archives: Richard Simmons


Today seemed like it was the longest day ever. I went to the Dr. and got the go ahead with my workout plans, went shopping for new workout gear which I have not done in one year. That is a tough one when you are beginning, easy when you start to feel the results of your hard work. Getting over that first hump is the hardest leap to take. Tomorrow I am shooting a DVD with Richard Simmons. I am hoping to get a photo with Mr Simmons. I will tell all tomorrow after the video shoot. I feel it is the perfect beginning to my quest, as he has inspired people for years to be healthy and active. My Mother once said I will live to be 200, and I want to be as healthy as possible and prove her right.

This week I plan on weighing in at Weight Watchers, and I will post my beginning weight. I am a few days late because I was ill but I am starting to feel like my old self again. I will also post a before full body photo or two. I know photos of my face are deceiving, so I will make sure to post those photos by Friday. That is the hardest part in this journey, coming clean and admitting my flaws. Knowing I am helping others in the process takes away the fear of putting myself out there. I am done with fear, and will not have any regrets from here on out. A friend of mine passed away last night, and that reminder of the fragility of life puts everything into perspective. Our time here is short, and I intend to make every precious moment of mine count…living passionately about everything that I am about.  As my late lovely friend Chris Dickerson would say, and so…..goodnight.