Category Archives: making a difference


I am still doing my book drive for Reading to Kids, and I am taking my time to get the most books. I will pick and announce my next ten pound charity within a month. I am so grateful for all the book donations from friends and new friends. Today I received a box of children’s books from someone I met at the nail salon. We began a conversation and I told her what I was working on, and she did not hesitate to offer to help by donating books.  In a mere moment in a nail salon I am granted a new friend. I am so grateful. I look forward to treating her to coffee and cake in the near future. Be kind to others, and sometimes being kind rewards you with new friends.

Children’s books are magical

On the subject of the kindness of strangers and strangers becoming new friends. I have to give a shout out to my wonderful friend Amy. She and I also met in a nail salon, she approached me when she heard I too was from NYC. When she tells the story she makes me cry, because she explains it was my kindness to the staff at the nail salon that caught her attention. In return I was gifted an amazing friend and I am so thankful she said hello to me on that sunny afternoon. Amy is one of my dearest friends and my first friend in California. 

Amy and me. 

Off for now. Tomorrow is my first workout with Mike my trainer and friend. He had to move so we took a break, and I look forward to getting back to the grind. I have been doing yoga and cardio but I have slacked on weight bearing exercises. I will be sore, this I know.

I am also grateful to Mike for taking the time out of his busy schedule and move to train me. His kindness definitely never goes unnoticed. It is amazing how people you meet become your good friends, people you may never have expected to be. You never know who you may meet around the corner or around the world. I love that about life. 

Love and Light


Good Tuesday Morning to all. My next ten pound charity is the wonderful organization Reading To Kids. I am holding a book drive, collecting brand new books for children ages K-5. I am currently three pounds from my next weight milestone but I wait til I am a few pounds beyond the ten pound mark. I am now doing the legwork for the book drive and trying to get the word out. I also plan on volunteering in the near future and reading to the kids.

Here is some information about Reading To Kids.

Reading to Kids is a grassroots organization dedicated to inspiring underserved children with a love of reading, thereby enriching their lives and opportunities for success in the future.  To this end, Reading to Kids gathers on average 876 children and 367 volunteers at reading clubs on the second Saturday of every month at seven Los Angeles elementary schools.
At the monthly reading clubs, pairs of volunteers read aloud to small groups of children, while their parents receive training on how to encourage their children to read at home.  Kids, parents, teachers, and school libraries receive book donations at the end of the reading clubs.  These are important donations, as 60 percent of low-income homes do not have age-appropriate reading materials for children.
Since its inception in 1999, Reading to Kids has given more than 124,442 prize books to children who attend the reading clubs, donated more than 22,469 hardcover books to school libraries, and our volunteers have spent more than 145,899hours reading to kids.  Click here to see our entry on Wikipedia. 
Reading to Kids is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of California and has been classified as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code. The organization is exempt from both state and federal taxes; our tax ID number is 95-4758698.  
Off for now. Tonight is after work I am working out with my trainer Mike. I have been gluten free and eating completely clean during the week, and I have had amazing energy. 

Love and Light
Happy Tuesday to all


Is any encounter with a stranger ever random or is it a deliberate piece of a much larger puzzle with answers to the never ending riddle that is life?  Are we being tested every time we have a chance meeting with someone we do not know? Do we engage with the stranger, or simply walk away with our own agendas to fulfill?  We live such busy lives and we are more tuned in thanks to technology, but does that keep us from face to face interactions with others? Inspiration sometimes comes from unlikely sources, but if we walk around with blinders on our eyes and earplugs tuning out all outside noise how will we ever hear? We are blind and deaf and therefore missing out on the greatest messages of life. Listen to the wind whispering secrets of the trees, hear the harp of the birdsong up above. It is all there for the taking, you just have to look up from the screen that has held hostage of your time and make eye contact with someone who may mesmerize your life. You never know who is walking in your direct path if you do not look up every once in a while and smile. You may find the loveliest gifts from sharing hellos with your fellow creatures of the universe. 

Today I felt compelled to go to the pool and change my daily workout routine. I was meant to be there at that time and place. The minute I stepped my foot into the pool my eyes caught the eyes of Maggie, the subject of the essay I wrote months ago. Maggie was one of the last survivors of the Holocaust, and her stories had me spellbound. I also had the privilege of meeting Joseph her husband, and today he was at the pool as well. They wondered where I have been, and what I was up to these last few months. Maggie was telling me stories about Budapest and Europe once again. We were speaking of height and I complained I am too short, and Maggie reminded me that the best things in the world come small, like diamonds. I consider them my friends and I was very happy to see them and I promised I would see them again soon. My essay inspired by Maggie was recently picked for publication by Elephant Journal, so seeing her and her husband was kismet. 

After they left I did my water workout, and I found that water is a great medium to stretch in. My dancer’s pose comes with more ease in the water. When I was a ballet dancer the teachers would tell us to practice our leaps in water. Water is great for fitness, and it is completely cleansing as well. When in water this serenity washes over me and all of my thoughts become as clear as the pool water. Peace personified, swimming does that for me. Blue sky above as I float away with my cares of the day.

I had an encounter with another elderly lady, this poor soul seemed so troubled and picked me to talk to. Her 100 year old Mother had passed away recently and she was devastated and told me she felt alone in the world. My heart bled for her, and I tried to comfort her to the best of my ability. She was an eccentric artist and a painter and she had some interesting stories to share. I looked into her crystal blue eyes and wished her peace and happiness, feeling bad that I could not do more for her. There was such a lost look in those eyes, and I cannot forget the look she gave me when I had to leave. She actually apologized to me for chatting my ears off and questioned if I would ever talk to her again. I reassured her that I truly enjoyed conversing with her and I would look for her next time.

I often wonder if we are tested from above. To see how we will react, to see if we choose to do good with our time or walk along in our own narcissistic path of self indulgence. I have had many encounters in my life, which make me think we are being tested from a higher power. I pay attention always though, because I just see and feel too much. The aftermath of these encounters sometimes leaves me feeling melancholic and a little confused about the struggles of life. No one should ever feel as if they are alone in the world. I cannot imagine what that feels like, and I weep for those who wake daily feeling like there is no one that is there for them. I can only hope I made Marianne smile even if it was for a fleeting moment. This is one reason I feel the need to volunteer my time for those who need it most.

Life is a vulnerable experience, you are born naked into a world of chaos and uncertainty but I love every minute of it. We are all meant to be here for each other, to make a difference in the lives of others and then pass it on to the next. There is more to life than our own ego and we are here for a lesson and a reason. Make a difference as you are out making a name for yourself. You may find someone will pay it forward and make you smile when you need it most.
Love and Light to all


My wonderful friend back east messaged me recently, she was listening to the late great Mama Cass singing the song Dream a Little Dream of Me; she thought of me since it is one of my favorite songs to sing. I played it and sang along, the melody takes you to a far off place where everything you visualize is possible. I love The Mama’s and the Papa’s and I am now “California Dreaming.”

Following the path of love and light.

That made me start thinking about our dreams; the dreams we have for our future, the visions we have as we sleep. After all this blog is about achieving personal goals of fitness and making a difference in society, basically making these elusive dreams a reality.  Have you ever had an idea in a dream, and woke up and made the midnight imagination come to fruition? I did that just recently with an idea I had in a dream. Dreams sometimes hold clues and messages, the key is to be able to retain the information and decipher the code. Listening and hearing is always important in life, whether asleep or awake. You just have to be aware and follow the messages that are sent from your slumber.

I listen always, and I have become very intuitive of late, it is actually uncanny how in tune I have been recently. I think this project is making me more aware of everything around me. I love the meditation portion of my yoga classes. I am finding peace in mind and changing my form for the better, and making a difference with each new charity I volunteer with. Next week is the Monday Night Mission. I am really looking forward to my first ten pound milestone, and marking it by helping feed the residents of Skid Row. Talk about taking the E out of Ego. This will be a humbling experience and I welcome that. After my first time volunteering with The Monday Night Mission I hope to return at least once a month and be a regular volunteer. Love and light from my dreamy California home to yours. 
No one can sing this song like Mama Cass, enjoy!!


Good Morning and Happy Tuesday. Tonight I am attending the yoga class on the Helipad at the InterContinental Hotel in Century City with the whole city as my backdrop. I am really excited to do yoga in the sky and I will try to get photos. Such an amazing opportunity to do yoga with such a spectacular view.

I weighed myself this morning and I am happy to say this week I lost three pounds. My weight is now 184 pounds. I am really excited to see such a drop in my weight. I know all successes are not determined by weight, but it is nice to see the scale go down. My total weight loss is now 13 pounds since I started this project and 23 pounds since the beginning of the year. I have made my first ten pound goal and I will assist my first charity in two weeks.

We are joining the Monday Night Mission on September 30th. I have told the management where I work and they are ordering food. How amazing is that. I plan on bringing supplies to make sandwiches as well.  I look forward to giving back to those who need it most. I know this will be an emotional experience, and I hope to try to go back and help at least once or twice a month after the first time.

I am off for now. I wish everyone a beautiful Tuesday full of love and light.


Good morning on this beautiful  Saturday. So far I am doing great on my path to fitness and health. Monday is my first weigh in. If I am able to today, I will be doing some speed walking and exercises at the beach in Malibu, CA. My husband thinks he may have a kidney infection, so those plans may be halted as we may trek to the emergency room to make sure he is fine. So no Richard Simmons class for me today. I am drinking my coffee and reflecting on life and why we are here. I am a poet and a bit of a philosopher of life so I tend to do that from time to time. 

I have been trying to decide my future charities when I get past twenty pounds, and I know at some point I will do something with senior citizens. They have such a history, a story to tell but unfortunately many people just look at them as old. Yes, we grow older but none of us is different from one another. We are all the same, and I believe we are all one. I have friends of all ages.  I also feel sometimes you can receive messages from people you may have never encountered, if your mind and heart are open to it. 

This essay I wrote was actually written one year ago, but as I ponder  my journey and getting to my first ten pounds I thought I would share it, after all my destination of my journey is to make a difference in the lives of others as well as my adventure to get fit and healthy. This is the story of my encounter with a lovely lady named Margie. We kept in touch for months afterwards, and I have not recently heard from her so I hope she is fine. 

Little side note to this story. After my encounter with Margie I went to Trader Joe’s  and met a lovely young lady named Jami on the same exact day. Jami has become a dear friend of mine since my encounter with her, and we have kept in touch now for over one year. Friends are everywhere, so strike up a conversation with a stranger the next time you are waiting in some long line. That person may be your new best friend. 
Listen to the wind whispering through the trees, it may be telling you secrets of the universe. 

written the summer of 2012

Have you ever had a day or two when your mood sours and you reflect on what is going wrong in your life. It can be all consuming when that happens. It could be something so small that sets you off, or a larger life problem weighing down your weary shoulders. 

I am rarely ungrateful, and I usually see the light at the end of the tunnel even when I am feeling discouraged or displaying embarrassing moments of self pity. When that happens, I usually look to my volunteer work, as giving back always puts life in perspective. I never go out into the world without interacting with others, sometimes those interactions with strangers leave you humbled and understanding the greater message of the universe.

Such a moment happened to me a few weeks ago. I was working out and afterwards a few people struck up a conversation with me. An older woman approached, and joined in on our chat. Her name was Margie, and she was originally from Budapest and has been living in Beverly Hills for years. It is amazing how simple chats with strangers reveal the most interesting stories, you just have to have an open mind and choose to be present and engage yourself with others. Listening grants the loveliest non material gifts.

Our conversation went from the beauty of Hawaii, its music and culture to European travel. I visited  Hawaii only once but it left a lasting impression on my life. Europe on the other hand, I dream of seeing all the splendid countries across the pond. All of a sudden the older woman named Margie asked me some questions about my family. She was from Budapest and I told her my unrequited dreams of Europe. She started to tell me about her travels, she has been to every continent except Australia.

I was intrigued, I love history and elderly people. I wanted to know who this free-spirited elderly lady was. I truly believe it is a sad that so many people go through their days without listening to older generations. They are walking history lessons, with beautiful stories to tell if you just are receptive to them. I answered her questions and I asked her if she had family in Budapest.

All of a sudden Margie opened up with the most fascinating stories of her past. She did not have any family left. She lost most of her family except her father after World War II. She continued to tell me that she is one of the last survivors of the Holocaust and was recently featured in a documentary. She told me about an interesting memory she recalled about her school days before and after the war. She came from privilege, and at her school  the children with parents and children who were orphaned were all photographed together for the same school picture. After the war, just about all the children photographed for the school portrait were  orphaned. She also told me in the beginning of the war, she and her family were not aware of the travesty’s that were going on just blocks from her home.

She continued to tell me about her life after the war, her marriage and her amazing travels. I was also blessed to meet her husband Steven. They were truly walking history and her spirit out rivaled most people I have ever met. She was not bitter about life, quite the contrary she embraced it and took every opportunity it offered. Happiness had not eluded her even with her tragic past. We exchanged emails and I knew I had made a new friend.  She instructed me to email her, and she exclaimed she would return the email with a link to the documentary she was in. She was the epitome’ of survivor, and she reminded me of my own Mother.

After my encounter, I  suddenly felt so alive and went through my day with an extra smile on my face and extra appreciation for life. No longer was I wallowing in my own worries. Margie had put all my silly problems in their place, and she was not even aware she did so. She inspired me with her story of survival and her zest for living despite her past.  I  left my encounter feeling like I normally feel, just blessed to be breathing. I knew I could do anything, be anything no matter what obstacles were to ever come my way; and those usual obstacles were self doubt and insecurity.  Life is too short to ever succumb to such useless feelings of not being worthy. We are all the same, and we all can do anything as long as we believe. Of course as I always feel, compassion and love for others is always the most important reason for being. It is the essence of life. Keep your eyes open and  ears clear or you may miss the messages the universe is sending to you. 
Rose Bruno Bailey

Interesting side, side note on the topic of the Holocaust. I have always been saddened yet fascinated with the stories of that tragic scar on humanity.  I have watched many films and read many books on the topic. I have written a few poems on the subject.  I  do not have a personal connection to that part of the past but for some reason I have always felt it deeply, and I have no understanding why except that my heart bleeds for all the injustices of the world. 

We all have problems, maybe not as heavy as Margie’s but they do weigh us down from time to time. At the end of the day it is how we choose to face adversity that matters. I choose to do so with love for my fellow creatures and gratitude for every blessing that has been bestowed upon me. If I get lemons, I will make lemon cookies so I can share my abundance with my fellow neighbors.  Believe in yourself, but also take the time to make a difference as you are out in the world making a name for yourself. Don’t forget to pay attention, there is inspiration everywhere.

Namaste’ love and light.