Category Archives: love


Last week after my outdoor workout with my trainer Mike, I went to the yoga studio. I was speaking to the kind staff member and he asked me where I work out. When I told him I exercise in the outdoors, he said how wonderful he thought that was. He said working out in the open space of a park is so grounding, leaving me connected to the earth. I could not agree more, I do feel extremely grounded and centered since I started this project last July. The last time I spent time outdoors on this level I must have been under the age of twelve. I have found my inner child, carefree and connected to the soil below my feet. I am doing more than changing my health and body, and helping others. I am evolving my soul. I practice mobile meditation when I work out. The soil is grounding my soul.

I was lucky to have a wonderful weekend. Friday was The Eagles concert, a band who often sang about California and the desert. Their lyrics seem to mimic my new found feeling. We have been in Santa Barbara for the remainder of the weekend, staying at the oldest hotel in California dated back to 1871, The Upham Hotel.  Talk about getting back to roots, it feels as if I have time traveled. I should be basking in the sun holding a parasol and not a computer. The people here are so lovely, and the scenery makes me breathless.

Speaking of getting back to my roots and feeling grounded, I got the chance to visit the largest Fig Tree in the USA, The Moreton Fig Tree in Santa Barbara California. It is a breathtaking sight, the root system is massive and like nothing I have ever seen ever. We had a surprise gift and met up with friends who joined us for the day. This lovely couple really seems to get the bigger picture. I think they were as excited as me to see this tree, they are just as obsessed with trees as I am. I am in awe of the trees here, and seeing this awe inspiring work of art from Mother Nature was such a gift.

I will take this grounded, centered feeling with me as I return home and back to my routine of working out, yoga and life. I shall revel in the simple moments as well as the grand, and I will always have gratitude for life. My husband James told me yesterday he has never seen anyone more full of life than me, which is the biggest compliment a woman can receive from her husband.

Wishing you a very Happy Martin Luther King Jr day. We are all connected to the core that is out humanity, connected to the earth and one another.
Love and Light,



It is my birthday, the winter solstice, the day with the least amount of light yet I feel like I am surrounded my the radiant wonder above. I am so blessed beyond belief, and as I get ready to kick in my Birthday with a class at Richard Simmons. He is having his holiday bash and there is no other way to begin my birthday than with a holiday dose of health with my guru himself. I am excited beyond belief, I love the energy that comes from those four walls. You could bottle it up and raise a mint for charity.

I am also going to Musso and Frank’s tonight with James for dinner, it is a bucket list must. Read my post about Huell Howser and you will understand why. More to come later, and lots and lots of photos.

I feel like I am celebrating life and making dreams come true. The Toy Drive is coming along with the amazing assistance of Seasons 52, and more on that tonight or tomorrow. I am happy to say as the New Year approaches I do not have one regret. I am making it happen, with a lot of help from my friends. Without them I would not be where I am today, or get to where I will be tomorrow. The sun does always come out tomorrow, even on the shortest day of the year.

Lots of love and light


Just a quick blog, a gratitude moment of all the people I have encountered because I decided to take on this project. Tonight after yoga I am meeting with Francie, we met during the Richard Simmons Hair Do video shoot and have become fast friends.  Here is a few photos of the amazing people I have met along the way, and there are many more who I do not have photos of. It is the friends, old and new that keeps you going. We are never in it alone. I will add captions later, I am running so late today. Love to all my friends, old and new.
Have a great day all.

With Richard and Tori

Mike on the left with The Monday Night Mission

Joanne and Susan, my faves.

The Monday Night Mission with Courtney and Danny, Mike and Maria

Susan, a lovely friend, Richard Simmons, me, and Joanne

Francie, Erin, Richard, George, Me, Shoshana

Francie and me, fasr friends forever.

Me with Erin

Me Gigi with the Guess Marketing Team and Richard

Richard Simmons and me after the video shoot

My first and current yoga teacher at Pink Iron with Nicole

Francie and me

The O’donnell Family


As I meander my way through this experience we call life, there are sometimes visions that are so disturbing to me they leave me completely speechless and numb. I am an emotional creature, I wear my heart on my sleeve and everything I do is first lead by my emotions.  I have noticed over the years when I see something that is so overwhelming my heart goes into this protective stage and I become frozen and numb. That is how I felt after my experience volunteering with The Monday Night Mission last night.  Now at 3 am it is like my protective wall of ice is melting and being released little by little in the form of my own tears. 

I really need more time to get into my head to put into words what I saw last night, and how I feel. For my words to be able to do The Monday Night Mission and Skid Row justice will take more time than I have now, as my thoughts ramble on and on in my own incoherent sleepy head. As I wake up in the middle of the night from my cozy bed, hair still damp from my warm shower, I try to make sense of the atrocities that are going on right under our noses. I feel a little shamed to have such creature comforts when there are thousands of people right here in my own city sleeping on hard, cold pavement. Cats that have it better than most humans slumber at my feet, husband unaware of everything that my evening entailed. It changes you, when you see up close and personal what you have only heard about on the news. It definitely puts life into a new perspective when you step outside your own narcissistic circle and look at the world through a different vantage point, no longer seeing it through rose colored lenses. But there is still a tint of a brightness of hope, and that is in the unselfish deeds by people like The Monday Night Mission. Groups who come out to feed the hungry dish out more than just a warm meal to what may seem like a forgotten segment of society. I was humbled and honored to assist them with their endeavors to pass out hope to the hungry and grateful to my friends who took time from their busy schedules to join me. I was inspired by the unity of the volunteers gathering together for the good of their Skid Row brother’s and sister’s. 

Years ago I wrote a poem that was inspired by two events about homelessness. It took me weeks to write to do the subjects justice. The first event was the sight of a crying elderly homeless lady I saw in NYC. The second event was when an old friend of our family was reunited with us in Cleveland Ohio. My father owned restaurants and the one thing I really remember about him was that he brought all of the employees home with us for the holidays; the people who were alone with no family or perhaps could not afford a holiday dinner of their own. One man in particular was Chic and I remember him well. Flash forward thirty years when my sister ran into Chic at a downtown mall, and she invited him to Thanksgiving Dinner with our family, just like old times. He was so happy to be with us, and he may have been homeless.  Just to share a dinner with people who cared enough to welcome him with open arms. Months passed, and he never responded to our Christmas invitation. Later that spring my Mother received a phone call, Chic had passed away and unless anyone came forward he would be buried at Potter’s Grave, a place where people are buried when no one claims responsibility for them. They found my Mother because in his wallet was her number and the photos my Mother gave him of all of us. To him, we were the only family he knew.  My Mother did not have the means to give Chic the respectful burial he deserved. So he was buried as a John Doe. The name John Doe stuck with me, Chic was not forgotten nor was he a John Doe. Everyone is special and individual, each and every one of us. One of the many aspects of The Monday Night Mission that I admired most was that they said hello to each and every person by name. No one is John Doe, we are all the same connected to the core of our humanity. We are all one, and The Monday Night Mission treats the residents of Skid Row with such dignity and respect that should always be a given. Food for the hungry, hope for those who need it the most.

To me, Chic was family. 

I knew this poem would take time, to do it justice. Most poems I wrote come together the minute I write them. Not this one, it took weeks to process. That is how I feel about Skid Row and The Monday Night Mission. I need a lot of time alone to wrap my brain around the senselessness of it all, the sorrow and the amazing light The Monday Night Mission plates out five days a week. I am humbled I was able to be there to assist them in their truly remarkable efforts to feed the hungry, and make the residents of Skid Row know they are not alone and never forgotten. I will be returning, changed for the better and looking to share more hope.
But for now it is back to my warm bed to sleep I go, accompanied by my own tears.  Goodnight and sweet dreams to everyone in this beautiful and sometimes baffling world of ours. Wishing everyone a better tomorrow.
Love and Light

Dedicated to Chic and the Residents of Skid Row, and to The Monday Night Mission

Step into my worn shoes,
How would you feel?
When People walk by,
Forgetting you are real.
Beyond your reach,
Hopes of a warm meal;
A place to lay your head,
To let your weary body heal.
Your spirit is broken,
Your head held high;
Only to be ignored,
By oblivious eyes.
A face with no name,
Is what they see;
Unloved, forgotten,
Throughout society.
Such lonely solitude,
Unanswered prayers;
Hopelessness and sorrow,
But no one cares.
Who will miss you
When it’s your time to go?
Will anyone remember,
Your name is not John Doe.
(c) Rose Bruno Bailey