Tag Archives: weight loss blogger



“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”


It is funny how the life journey goes, you go along with your life and all of a sudden you evolve and become your authentic self. This blog, weight loss and helping charities has helped me along my journey but something was missing for the whole time. I knew what it was, but I did not have the strength to make the change even though I knew what was in my heart and soul.

My husband and I watched a few documentaries this week. We watched the What the Health film, Forks over Knives and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.  We both looked at each other and said that’s it, let’s make the change today. So here I am, it has been four days and I am all in and totally inspired. There are a few things I would like to share as I go forward with my new journey.

Making such a change sometimes means losing what you grew up on. My Mother passed away recently and a few of my recipes on this blog are her meat based meals. The last post was her Chicken Vesuvio, so in some ways I am losing her again. I am letting go of the traditions I grew up with in exchange for my own personal convictions. I plan to deal with this by  veganizing her recipes, I will reinvent her dishes like I am reinventing myself. She is always with me, and her traditions were based on sharing love with all who walked into her life. I will share that mission.

I am living this lifestyle, so the recipes and food I share will be that of my new way of living. With that said, I do not wish to be preachy and pushy. If you get inspiration from me that is wonderful but always first be your true authentic self. You do you, I will do me and together we are connected.

I plan to eat mostly pure whole foods, healthy out of these food groups; Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Grains, seeds and legumes, with little healthy oils. Every now and then I may have an occasional vegan cheat day with processed vegan food. Did you know Oreos are vegan? Even the healthiest of the healthy humans enjoys a little moderation now and then. 

Weight loss is still a huge part of my journey as I am still 30 lbs from goal. I plan to step up my charity game and focus more on my health and fitness than my appearance. I believe eating a lot of fruits and vegetables are healing from the inside out. I plan to share all of the new recipes I am coming up with, and I realized I love plant based cooking, you can really be creative and play with recipes.

am going to start a fitness challenge soon, more to come on that. 

I am a work in progress, my whole world has been turned upside down and right side over but I am figuring it all out here in my new home in Houston.

Much love and Light,




With losing my Mother and my move from LA to Houston I was not able to deliver my blankets to the Midnight Mission, but my wonderful friend Luke delivered them for me and volunteered at an event they held to help the homeless. I am beyond grateful to Luke. I am as good as the company I keep. He is a wonderful friend and the best of company and I am honored to know him. Thank you Luke.

Below is my thoughts about the significance of blankets to those who sleep on the streets. Much love and Light to all. If you have ideas for future charities in and around The Woodlands Texas and Houston Texas hit me up. I have more weight to lose and I would like to continue my efforts to help those in need. 


Happiness is a warm blanket. 

Charlie Brown

Today I had some extra time to myself when a friend cancelled on our morning coffee. It was extra time to do nothing but to snuggle with my two Siamese cats and a big fluffy blanket. As I lay there completely content to be idle, my mind started to reflect how lucky I am to have such a simple yet happy moment blanketed from all the woes found outside our front door. 

A blanket is one of those items you probably never think about, but think how attached you are to it. A blanket comforts your body and your soul. On a hot summer night do you still curl up with your blanket?  It is much more than an item that keeps you from getting cold, it is a security blanket. A blanket protects in the wee hours of the night. Even our beloved pets feel safe when there is a cozy blanket to curl up in. A blanket is warmth, and warmth is love.

For the homeless a blanket is all of these things and so much more. A blanket is a safety net from the elements of the street, a barrier against all the dangers that exist when you dwell without four walls to keep you safe. To a homeless person a blanket is shelter, a soothing hug in the middle of the night, a coat to keep you warm. A blanket is a veil of privacy, a sleeping bag, a layer between you and the mean streets. To a homeless person a simple item like a blanket is home.

This wraps up my latest Charity Project.  New blankets were delivered by Luke for the homeless at The Midnight Mission in Downtown Los Angeles. Thank you again Luke, you rock. http://www.midnightmission

As I type my two Siamese cats Rascal and Spanky are in dreamland curled up with a blanket and probably content to be there all day. Creature comforts are so important for both humans and animals. 

Much love and light.

Chasing goals and trying to help others is my aim

