Tag Archives: the holidays


Good Tuesday Morning to all. Oh the process of slow weight loss. Do not get me wrong, I am so grateful for my results and I know I am losing inches as well as pounds but it sure is a slow process to see the numbers go down on a scale from week to week. I lost .6 today. That is not much for the books but I will take it. It does make me nervous though, what will happen when I have my cheat day come Thanksgiving. I am going to have to do a lot of cardio.

With that said, I am totally excited for the Thanksgiving, and the holidays. It will be a challenge to lose instead of gain but I can do it. Just two more work days and I am free. I am working out with Mike either tonight or tomorrow night. I had this dream I was running with ease and it felt so good. I am going to try to do that when we run. My running is getting easier, so maybe it is a sign of things to come.

Off for now, work beckons. Wishing you safe travels if you are traveling early for the holiday.
Namaste’ Love and Light


Toast and Popcorn for Thanksgiving, Snoopy Style

Good Monday Morning to all. I am so excited about Thanksgiving. I think I picked the perfect day to cheat on my healthy diet and lifestyle, but I am going to try to sneak a run in as the turkey cooks. My friend from the Richard Simmons video Francie is coming to join us for dinner, and I am calling it our Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. It is going to be so much fun, you do not have to have tons of people to have a good time. We miss family but we love life and make the most of moments every chance we get. Yesterday we pulled out the Christmas tree, and it is ready to go. Only three more days of work.

I weigh in tomorrow, and I hope I lost a little weight. I know I am losing inches and well as weight but it is so rewarding to see the scale go down. My stomach feels so flat, lol, that is the best feeling.

Off for my day, this week I will be doing less yoga in class because I have things to get ready for my Thanksgiving, but I will sneak a class in and of course go running/walking. There is no schedule for that, you just step out the door and go.

Happy Monday


Rose on the left with sister Gina on the right.

Good Morning to all on this chilly Monday Morning. I am so excited for the holidays and my weekend away for my Birthday. My plan is to work out like crazy and only splurge on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas. The other days I am going to practice moderation and mostly clean eating. If I can get to the new year with close to another ten pounds off I will be very happy. This is the challenge, not to undo all of the hard work of the last five months. I am going to be silly and have my photo taken with Santa Claus, I have always loved to do that since I was just a little girl.  I think it will be a festive way to document the season and fun at the same time. If only I could get James to do it with me. 

Off for now, I am so sleepy I need a second cup of coffee today. Work, then workout tonight after work. Tomorrow I weigh in, and I hope being a female and water weight and all will not hinder my weigh in. Taking it one day at a time as the old saying goes.

Happy Monday