Tag Archives: salt


Gaining my composure after one stressful week, I plan to stand tall and graceful as my beloved trees.

Good Morning to all, and Happy Chinese New Year and the first day of February. Today feels like another new beginning to me, leaving this week behind. Last year at this time we lost our beloved cat Stormy, and this week has been a hectic and stressful week. Coincidence? Well, I have put the stress behind me and I look forward to regaining my zen and composure. 

Stormy doing her downward dog. I cannot think of that week one year ago, when I do tears take over.

I weighed in today, and I went up a pound. I know it is probably water weight. I am due for that monthly visitor and I did eat more sodium than usual this week. I had a few vegetarian products that taste delicious, and are low in fat and calories but so high in salt. I will try to limit those from here on out. My weight is now 175 lbs, and I hope to lose this water weight asap.

I admit I did not track my food and points, this week I will be diligent about that. It is amazing how worry and stress can overcome your plans and leave you vulnerable for slip ups. This week I shall breathe, drink my water, and make sure I am not skipping my meals. My workouts demand fuel and I should know better after all of this time. I am human so it is natural to have off weeks, I just need to nip it in the bud so to speak and start anew right now at this very moment in time. 

Wishing you a beautiful Saturday. Love, and Light. Onward and upward.