Tag Archives: running


Good day, it is a good day. Today is day two of my countdown and challenge and leads me to my winter solstice 50th Birthday. Lately I have been contacted and asked to be an ambassador for some really cool yoga and fitness clothing lines. I fell in love with one of them, but I let them know I do not feel I am in a place yet to represent their line. I would like to get into the nitty-gritty, and get to work first. I plan to revisit the invitation in three to four months when I am well into this challenge of mine. More to come on this subject and opportunity when we are closer to the Autumn Equinox. In the meantime, work, work, work.


Yesterday was the summer solstice, six months until my challenge ends on my 50th birthday, and a brand new beginning for a lot of us. Days are longer and nights are shorter. We are a long way off until the winter solstice which leaves us with plenty of time to achieve our personal goals. Are you with me? Do you believe?

Are you chasing your goals while being in a financial crisis? It can be devastating. We have lived in many of the most expensive cities in the USA and we have been struggling. I know what it can do to your self-esteem. Don’t get me wrong, I am the first person to say material gains in life do not define a person; it is their kindness, soul and love that does that. You cannot take it with you, and that is true. I have always said all I need is a pen, notebook, trees and the ocean and to be surrounded by animals and loved ones.

To survive in this modern world today is so different in comparison to what it was for our parents and grandparents. Gone are the simple days in life.

In the movie Meet Me in St Louis they are spending the dog days of summer making homemade ketchup. Such simple times are long gone. I have always wondered what it would be like to live in such a simple era. It seems simple, but they did not have our modern-day resources and conveniences. Do you really want to spend all day making ketchup?  It would be clean eating and organic but really? 

meet me

Back to reality. Money seems to define a person today, which is truly tragic. Getting fit, dieting, losing weight all seem to come with a hefty price tag. if you cannot fund your fitness you are destined to be unfit and overweight?  Everything seems to have a cost attached to it. I do not agree with this and I am going to achieve my goals despite our situation. 

I am here not only traipse through my own weight loss and fitness journey, to sponsor charities;  but I will also be sharing my wisdom, experiences, and resources as I get to my goals the frugal way. I have no other choice. At the end of the day if you let the stress and struggles consume you and you let your health go, you will have far more problems to deal with than finances. So, let’s do this.

This Gaiam mat was found at Marshalls for only ten bucks, the 8 lb weights at KMart. That’s the only equipment you need.


Lace up your running, walking, or crawling shoes. Whatever you choose, get a pair and just move it. That’s the beginning secret, just to start moving. These Asics were only 38 bucks and good running shoes cost well over a hundred. I suggest you visit a running store and get fitted, if you can afford to purchase your first pair there go for it. Break them in, feel them as you move.

After a few months you will learn the mechanics of your own feet and you will be able to compare the running shoes from the running store to those found at discount stores. That is what I did and these discount running shoes are actually the same as the previous pair I bought at the running store, for a fraction of the price.



My workouts are free thanks to Melissa Bender Fitness. She has countless videos, information and resources. She is my trainer of choice and I am learning a lot.


Today is International Yoga Day and I love the being outside and I cannot afford a regular yoga class. Give yourself time in nature, grab a mat and do some outdoor yoga. You mind, body, and spirit will thank you. Yoga can be free, there are countless yoga videos online. Sun Salutations is the best way to begin.

Here is a link I love. http://www.benderfitness.com/category/yoga



A more involved post will include what I am eating to get there, and all the resources I am finding to eat on the cheap all while eating clean and healthy. Yesterday was day one, and I did wonderful. I swapped my protein Bars for Melissa Bender Fitness energy balls. My protein bars were costing me 58 bucks a month, these are a fraction of the cost. The recipe is below the photo. Enjoy them with your morning coffee or before a run.


I swapped agave for honey, and did not use chocolate chips. I used unsalted natural peanut butter and raisins as the dried fruit. 

A little tip, put the agave in first, and pour the peanut butter in the same measuring cup and it will be smooth and not sticky and pour right into the bowl. Make sure you chill well, they will form better. Save some of the batter and crumble with apples and blueberries, great with Greek yogurt. I may try to bake it and make it a clean eating blueberry crumble.


Here is her recipe.

Ingredients (makes 20 balls):
  • 1 Cup Dry Old Fashioned Oatmeal
  • 1 Cup Dried Cranberries or other dried fruit
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips ( I actually used about 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips, a tablespoon of sesame seeds, and the rest trail mix for this batch)
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup Natural Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
I combined all of the dry ingredients, then added the peanut butter and stirred. Add the
honey, continue stirring. Add the vanilla and stir until all of the ingredients are coated. 
Chill for 20-30 Minutes, roll into balls, and serve or store in an air tight container. 
Thanks Melissa Bender Fitness
Happy Tuesday,



5 ways to survive a crisis

“The best way out is always through”

Robert Frost

Life is beautiful, life is grand, and it is most definitely a privilege to be alive. Nothing is perfect though, and life is a series of hills and valleys. You definitely have to journey through the valleys before you are back on top of that metaphorical hill. I love that quote by Robert Frost, and I said it to myself daily for the last eight months. “The best way out is always through”

We all have our trials and tribulations, and each of our journeys are different. Our destinations may not be the same, but we are all connected through our shared humanity. For me I made sure I practiced a few steps to help me survive and not lose sight of my horizon, my goals and dreams. For me this made all the difference in the world. To be honest, I had a few meltdowns, I am human and with my humanity comes my flaws, scars and all. I make no apologies. It was through my meltdowns that I realized what I needed to do. The current was trying to bring me down, but I refused to drown and instead I chose to stay afloat and tread water until I saw the shore once again.

The dream is the bearer of a new possibility, the enlarged horizon of great hope. 

Howard Thurman

These are the steps that kept me sane and working towards my goals. Now that the murky water is clearing I can say I did not regress, I grew and I am in a better place than I once was last summer. I did not falter, I persevered. You can too. Keep your eye of that horizon and never give up. Hope is a beautiful state to dwell in. Love and light to all. Namaste’ Rose


  1. Assess your situation, breathe and take stock on what you need to do to make it better. A crisis can hit you hard and leave you feeling wounded and torn. Have your meltdowns, cry your tears but choose to live in hope instead of despair. After your initial fall stand back up, straighten your back and tell yourself I got this. Make a plan and take flight.birdie
  2. Do not stop working towards your goals and keep your exercise routine, trust me on this one.  I ran a 5K in October with my manager at work Josh, who inspires me. He has ran over 32 marathons and he actually started running because of a personal crisis he was experiencing. I met some amazing friends who have made an impact on my life running in that race, my inspiring friends Stan and John.  If you make plans, stand by your word and follow through. It is not easy but it is very rewarding. We are now planning another 5K in San Francisco on May 1st, and this time we are building a team of other co-workers who were inspired to join us. If I would have quit I would be starting all over now, and even more depressed because I let my crisis win.  I had to work a lot more hours than I would have liked, but I chose to walk on my breaks and take every opportunity to move as much as possible. I was averaging up to 25,000 a day. A motivating playlist made it fun. Start downloading music and get moving. Get high on those wonderful endorphins of yours. 27472617-2af2-40e7-adb0-7b717f69ec935k35k4
  3. Eat clean healthy food, drink a lot of fresh water and please rest your body and get out in nature.  Last thing you want is to do is gain weight and feel sluggish through your crisis. You need to feel healthy in mind and spirit to tackle the enormous task in front of you. Dealing with fears and the feeling of uncertainty is a lot worse when you are putting trash into your system, dehydrated and running on next to no sleep.  Would you litter? Pour oil into the ocean? Treat your body like you would the earth. Nurture it, water it, and let it grow. You need all the energy to get through this. A clean diet, lots of water and rest and recreation in the outdoors is the way to go. Like Nike tells the world, just do it.  I lost almost 15 lbs since the new year began. Below is my before and now.  2013, and 2016. Get outside and let the cool wind blow through your hair, it is the best therapy. We go to the coast to find our center, find your beach and breathe.pescadero212742839_1088819611163504_1748115292959977888_n
  4. Have a positive mantra. I have a few mantras that I said in my head over the last few months, and one my husband and I shared with each other daily. Of course I kept saying my favorite Robert Frost quote ” The best way out is always through” I also had a song that was my mantra, its a silly song but I love it. Remember the band Chumbawamba? They are a British alternative band most famous for their positive and uplifting song Tubthumping.  It’s title you will may not remember, but the lyrics will bring it all back. “I get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me down.” I sang this song in my head, I ran to it, I listened to it during my commute. The last mantra my husband James started in the new year. He began each day with “Today is a good day” and ended it with ‘Today was a good day and tomorrow is a good day.” I am a firm believer in the law of attraction, and he attracted positive energy our way. He focused on the good even on the rough days. We are all magnets, so attract the positive into your life. Today is a good day. Say it, believe it to be true and it will be.12715355_10153861692433617_9154185607114484018_n
  5. Be extra kind to others, smile a little more, exude happiness, giving and love. This is so true, I went through my days being kind to strangers despite my despair and you know what, it helped me more than it could have helped others. I went to work happy and smiling when it was the last place I wished to be. If you are grumpy you will only attract that negativity back at you. I smiled more, shared more of myself, and I gave back a little more. I continued to volunteer and donate through my own personal struggles, and I met some awe inspiring people doing it. If you are kind and happy you will attract kindness and happiness. Such a simple step to the path of happiness and to help you bear your crisis with a little more grace. Be a Susie Sunshine even if you are surrounded by Debbie Downers. You may find your uplifting attitude changes those around you. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Gandhi charity





Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?

Frida Kahlo



Happy New Year to all. If you have been following me in the last six months I have been in a crisis, and I let that crisis get in the way of all of my goals. I gained about 15 lbs in two months just by not working out and eating unhealthy. It was a lesson learned, and now I am back on track with a vengeance. I will no longer have crisis complaints, instead I am going to look at my crisis as a challenge. I am working a lot more hours to make more money, but I am now finding time for my workouts and healthy eating.

When I am on my half hour work break I choose to go power walking and run stairs instead of sitting around. I am packing healthy meals and snacks, and I am totally back to clean eating. My Benderfitness workouts will be timed in the morning before I get ready for work. On my first day back I aimed for over 25,000 steps and I made my goal. I also signed up for a diet bet hosted by Melissa Bender Fitness. I win money if I can lose 4% of my body weight by the end of January. I got this, no more crying in my coffee.

I have decided this will be the best year ever, and I am tackling a lot of different goals and resolutions which I will write about in future posts. This week is a full week of work and workouts, plus I am volunteering Wednesday at the Second City Harvest in San Jose, and I am delivering more donations my co-workers kindly donated for the less fortunate. No matter how bad things get, there is a way out back into the light. Helping others is a way to see the bigger picture of life. I like to step outside of my own little world and see what is happening in the universe around me. It is humbling and enlightening. New Year, New Attitude. Everything is a blessing, and I am going forward with gratitude and a good mood. My feet feel like wings when I am flying high on Endorphins.You can fly too. 

Happy New Beginnings to all.

Love and Light,




I hit rock bottom. Here’s what happened.



I hit rock bottom, landed on the scale and gained nine pounds in November.  My rock bottom came to a crescendo last Sunday night. After a month of stress and too many cheat days ( plus Thanksgiving)  I dove head first into a dead lasagna that was sitting in the window at work.  If you have been reading my blog for two years I wait tables for extra money, and lately I am working a lot more than usual. The stress of things in life finally got to me, and all of a sudden I was craving the kind of foods I only eat once or twice a year. Pasta is a no-no for me, and frankly I do not even want it and everyone is always marveled by my willpower of steel. I knew I was in trouble when I started wanting pasta  more and more in November. This is not a good thing when you work in an Italian Restaurant and have to serve it every day. One little cheat turned into another and all of a sudden I am grabbing for a lasagna that was past its prime. I was mindless eating, no joy, not a special occasion cheat that I earned and savored; but just eating because it was there and I needed to ease the pain of my temporary worries and stresses.   I came crashing down from a month of nonsensical eating like an addict after a high. For me it was my first real low point in two years after my 60 pound weight loss and all of my fitness accomplishments. I hit rock bottom, got on the scale the very next day and immediately gained my composure and will power. Being human is a tough gig.

Cue December 1, 2015 and a reality check, I  gained  9 lbs. My first weight gain since I began my project and blog. I had maintained my weight loss for two years and was working on my fitness goals and eventually my weight loss goal of 135 lbs. In November I lost control. It happened so quickly I hardly knew what hit me. I do know this, the minute I got on the scale and saw where my month of excess of unhealthy food led me, I snapped back into gear. Mind you, I have never been a overeater and I never considered myself an emotional eater. I have rarely been a binger, but for me choosing high calorie, fattening, carb ridden foods over healthy foods was all it took for me to put on some weight. My first clue is when my bra was a little tighter. Then I knew, and I knew it was time to face the music. The music sang loud and clear, you  gained 9 lbs. The scale is a cruel wake up call but a necessary bitter pill you must swallow before 9 lbs turns into 60 lbs. I caught myself before it is too late. The honesty of the scale diminished any cravings I had. I was back.

Today I begin anew. I am doing a Melissa Bender Fitness 30 day challenge and I am back to eating clean and watching my portion control. I am going to run again as well. I have not been on a run since since my 5K in October. I am also doing one charity per month now, until my scale moves in my favor. In November I collected donations for the Second Harvest Food Bank and volunteered with my friend Stan and his hiking/running/meetup group at the Second Harvest Food Bank in San Jose. Stan is such an inspiration to me, and he has run over 20 marathons. For me this blog began blending my weight loss and fitness goals with  giving back to charity, and now I continue that by doing one charity a month and get back to what works for me. I am far from over.


In life I do not ask for advice, I am always going to do what I feel anyway. I look for inspiration. Inspiration is all around us, and learning from others never gets old. Sometimes inspiration comes from unlikely sources, but you must listen and have an open heart. I am happy to say I am surrounded by inspiration always, from family, from friends, from strangers I meet on my travels. Here’s to better days ahead and the inspirational people who accompany me on my journey. Love and light to all. 

There would be no cloud-nine days without rock-bottom moments left below.     — Richelle E. Goodrich






Sometimes it is so easy to get side tracked, everything just seems to pile up and there is little time to do what you want to do because of adult responsibilities and pressures.The good news is my Mother is home and on medication and feeling well. I made my best time at my 5k and now I am looking for a 10k to do before the year ends.

I am wearing so many hats of late; wife, waitress, author, weight loss/philanthropic blogger, fitness enthusiast, yogi, not to mention I am a poet and writer and I prefer to have some alone time to get out of my body and into my head to translate my thoughts into words. My book is getting great reviews and it is low on stock at Bookshop Santa Cruz, so I am incredibly grateful. There is a lot more work to do on the book front, (marketing wise) but I am taking it one day at a time. I will be heading back to Santa Cruz soon, and soon to LA as well. 

Yoga and working out gets me out of my head and into my body, and my writing takes me deep within. When I have to work extra hours waiting tables, it takes me to a place of chaos and stress. Do not get me wrong, I am appreciative of the ability to make some extra cash since we live in the most expensive city in the states, but to say I am burned out it is an understatement. I do not get home usually until 11 pm and i have felt physically exhausted. I had a mini meltdown last Thursday and I ate a bowl of pasta Alfredo. My first pasta in one year. I deviated from my workout routine and I was beginning to feel out of control. I spoke to Melissa from Melissa Bender Fitness and she suggested I just pick up where I left off.

It took that phone call and  a beautiful day in the city along the coast with my husband James and our dear friends Sara and Tor to help me regain my balance. When I am in nature and with amazing souls, I find my zen and my meditation place.  I also realized no matter how late I get home, I need to be in bed within the hour. It has made all the difference and today on this brand new Monday Morning I begin anew. 


I went to bed I believe before one am, and I woke up by ten am. I am now writing and having my coffee and ThinkThin bar and soon I will do my workout. I have plenty of time before work and I feel like this week I may regain my center. I have chosen to really focus on the fitness after my first over 50 lb weight loss, since my weight has been forever stuck in the 160’s. I recently found out all the female members of my immediate family are on medication for thyroid issues, so that is something to explore in the future. As soon as the chaos and money issues quiet down and I am able to slow down I will be deciding on my next charities.  In the meantime, eat healthy, workout, work, do yoga, run off the stress and repeat. One day at a time is not a cliche’ it is the best way to get through any difficult situation. Keep going and never give up!! 

Namaste’ love and light

This week I am repeating week five.

So here is week 1 Month 2 of BenderFitness Bikini Prep Workouts

Tuesday Day 2: Bikini Ready Tummy Workout and Body Definition Workout (Body Definition Workout was done interval style, 2X through. The breakdown is listed in the information above the Bikini Ready Tummy Workout). 
Wednesday Day  3: Strong and Toned Lower Body: Legs, Thighs, and Butt and 30 minute run on the treadmill. Day off from work
Thursday Day 4Ab Exposure Workout



Good Morning to all, I have been out of commission and I have not updated in two weeks. That ends now. I plan to not only update my social media, but to spend more time writing here. I was sick with a kidney infection and believe it or not this week I have caught a bugger of a cold. That will not stop me, but it has slowed me down just a pinch. On top of that this brand new computer was a lemon. Time to make lemon-aid since it has been a scorcher here lately. 

My first update is SFYogamagazine featured my weight loss story on their website. It was quite an honor and I will include a link when I have more time.

I am an author now. Yes, I can finally say my first book Camellia in Snow has been released and is now available on amazon and barnesandnoble.com b
I am thrilled and beyond grateful to my amazing publisher Finnlady Press. My book will also be available at select independent bookstores across the country, this is why I have been busy. The first book store you can purchase Camellia in Snow at is BookShop Santa Cruz 1520 Pacific Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 95060 #831-423-0900. The other book stores I will announce as I make the rounds. I have been very busy with my workouts and training and work.

Speaking of my training. Tomorrow is my first 5K since my 5K in 2014 that turned into an accidental 10K. I am so excited, I am running with my boss who has run 26 marathons. Yes, 26 marathons. I am a bit intimidated but I plan to run without stopping. We are running in the Rock and Roll Marathon series San Jose 5K. He is also doing the half marathon on Sunday, I think he is not of this world. He is inspiring to me especially because he started running during a crisis. I will write more about him later.

Ok I am off, I will begin posting my Melissa Bender Workout schedule next week after the race, and I plan to update my sidebar with links to my book etc. Today I work and I have to go pick up my race packet so I must get moving quick. I need a caturday soon. 

Much Love and Light to alL






Don’t cry over spilled milk, or in my case spilled coffee. I woke up, late as usual as on par for my life these days. I decided before my workout to blog in bed.  I thought drinking coffee in bed was a grand idea until I spilled it all over myself and my blanket. It seems to be indicative of my murky mood. The last few months have been a little chaotic, a lot of good and some not so good. I will not get into the details of the not good part, but I will say I have my health, and those I love do as well so it is nothing that cannot be figured out. Crisis can come on in all ways, it can burn you like hot coffee if you let it. Or you can stand up, wash it off and get on with your life and your dreams. That hot coffee is not going to ruin your day, nor should a minor life crisis singe your dreams and goals. Make a wish, and it will come true if you believe. 


I promised myself I would move forward each day, taking one moment at a time. Coming from an impatient person as myself that is probably the most difficult task. I want everything now, and I tend to get a little cranky when things move too slow for my liking. I understand that is a flaw in my personality and I am constantly trying to evolve and become a better version of myself. I have stuck to my workout schedule even when things became difficult. Last week my body was slower than usual. My injured toe seemed to be hurting more than usual, and doing some of the exercises proved difficult. I took my rest day Saturday and now I feel better. I understand my toe will probably eventually need surgery, but I am just trying for now to keep moving forward and keep on the road to goal. 

With that said, I have decided to repeat last weeks schedule. Here it is, and this week I am feeling better physically and I hope I come out of this repeat week stronger. That is the goal anyway, To be stronger, more fit, healthier and to be leaner as I achieve my goals. Thank you to Melissa Bender Fitness for amazing workouts and helping me motivate and stay on the right track. The photo above shows my progress. Far left 2013, middle four weeks ago to date, and far right is current. I am making progress, I just have to be patient with myself and trust in the universe that everything will be fine. Love and light to all.


Happy Monday


Melissa Bender Fitness Week Four Bikini Prep Workout (repeat)

Monday: 15 Minute Home Workout

Tuesday: 3 mile run

Wednesday: 10 Minute Fat Burn

Thursday: Flab-U-Less Arms and Abs, 30 Minutes Cardio

Friday:Fitness Transformation: Workout 5, 30 Minutes Cardio

Saturday: Off 

Sunday: Mix It Up Workout, 30 Minutes Cardio


Motivation Monday


Good Morning to all. It is another Monday. I am on the brink of some amazing things happening and I feel like I am about to take flight. Some big changes may be happening as well.  My book will be out soon and I will do a whole separate blog post to announce it. With the book release comes events to be planned, and contacting the independent book stores that agreed to carry my book. I have a small but wonderful  small  east coast press publishing my book and most of the marketing is on me. One of my poems in the book has a line, “change comes on slow than rolls you over.” That statement could not be more true for this moment and time, and I am just trying to focus on my daily goals as I wait impatiently for the change to happen. I will come out better on the other side if I continue to focus on my daily and weekly goals. Large goals cannot be obtained without the daily little goals you set for yourself.

 Robert Frost once said, “The best way out is through” 

So here I am, week three of my Melissa Bender Fitness Bikini Prep workouts and challenge. It is Monday and I am motivated. I am taking it day by day, and week by week. I had a cheat day over the weekend and I realized there was a reason why I rarely had cheat days. They just do not make me feel good. I would rather use a few of my extra points and count in a mini treat than have a day that makes me feel ill and cheats my goals. That is just me. I hope you are chasing down your goals and living in the moment.


Here is the breakdown of my weeks schedule of workouts, again tailored for my Monday-Friday Schedule. You can find these workouts a www.benderfitness.com and I am on week three, month one of the 12 weeks. My weight is still stuck in the 160’s but I will get to the 150’s as I focus on fitness, strength and health; and I plan to share a home yoga schedule soon. Happy Monday to all and remember to love the body you are in as you focus on the body you want. You only get one so love it as you love others and it will love you back. 




Day 15: Monday Full Body Home Workout, 30 Minute Cardio

Day 16: Tuesday Home Workout For a Tight Body

Day 17: Wednesday  Improve Your Rear View Workout 30 Minutes Cardio

Day 18: Thursday Fitness Transformation: Workout 4, 30 Minutes Cardio

Day 19: Friday 30 Minutes Cardio

Day 23: Saturday Off

Day 22:Sunday  Full Body Shaping Home Workout




bfGood Morning to all. I cannot believe it is August already. I have so much going on, a book coming out and events for my book, and some upcoming transitions are possibly going to take place. Let’s just say I am used to transitions, and I welcome them. I have lived in so many places,seen so many wonderful things and met some amazing people. I admit to slacking off on my training, stress took over. A month ago I joined weightwatchersonline, and it has been a game changer since I finally broke my long standing plateau. I lose 7 lbs in two weeks. The Third week I weighed the same and tomorrow is weigh in week four. I am currently 169 lbs, up 4 lbs from my lowest weight. I felt a slip in scale when I was away for a long weekend in Monterey CA, but I quickly caught the gain and now I have just four pounds to go to be where I was at 165. Then I am picking a charity to get to 155 lbs. I think that is why it is so important to be diligent and check your weight at least every few weeks, slip ups can be sneaky and before you know it you have gained all of your weight back. That will never happen to me, I love my lifestyle and my new life and I am ready to tackle the second phase and become stronger and fitter than I have ever been in a long time.

When I started this blog I had a trainer which was very helpful and I am grateful for that. Now I have Melissa Bender Fitness. She is not only my best friend but my trainer from afar and my inspiration to keep going. She asked me to be her Fitness Ambassador last spring and now I am ready to be the best fitness ambassador ever. Starting today I am doing week one of her Three Month Bikini Preperation workouts she did for her bikini competition training. May I add she came home with a few awards. I am tailoring the three month workouts to be on my schedule, Monday-Friday and adding one over the weekend as well. I am spending a lot of time planning, watching the videos so I know what I am doing. I use my handy iphone to take photos of the workout breakdowns and I downloaded a timer app on my phone so I can do them in real time without watching the videos. I plan to do them at home and at the park. I also am going to be more timely with my posts, and do daily updates on here. I know the first week will be the hardest, but I got this. check her out at www.benderfitness.com


Along with my workouts I am running and walking. I am training for the Rock and Roll 5K in San Jose with my team from work, my new Manager has run over 29 Marathons, I told him he is not of this world. I hope to have one marathon under my belt someday. I have a lot of people inspiring me to run more. My Manager, Melissa Bender, and my friend Harry who is going to be running with me this week to prep for my Golden Gate Bridge run. I am excited for it all. I have a new playlist and a new anti-stress attitude. No matter what comes my way, I will not stop til I get to my goals.

Happy Monday to all.






When I lived in Connecticut I had a manager where I worked, he told me I was a butterfly and I needed to slow down and stay put. It is obvious that I have not headed that advice because since then I have done anything but slow down. I have lived in so many interesting places, never slowing down. NYC, LA, now the San Francisco Bay Area. These places have shaped me, my writing, and my whole world. Of course it is my partner in life and husband James who has made all of this possible, that never goes unnoticed.

I have been so  overwhelmed with a lot of things in my life, good things but even so a bit overwhelmed. I have slacked off on my daily posts on this blog and that is going to change right this minute. My book Camellia in Snow is in the process of being completed thanks to FinnLady Press back east, and there are details that have been a little all consuming. Now I am going to make the time for both my loves, my blog and my book. They are not one in the same but in a way they are, they are the essence of my being. Without this blog and my weight loss my confidence would have never returned. I had the chance to have my poetry book published back in 2010 and I passed because of my move to Los Angeles. I had a second chance in 2013 and I passed again when I saw my photo from the open mic. I just had lost all confidence and I needed to find myself again. 

Here I find myself, in 2015 and 50 lbs lighter with a lot of help from my friends and mentors in life. My friends are my teachers and I am eternally grateful.  I am a former dancer who hated running, and now I absolutely love it. I am a fitness buff and ambassador to Melissa Bender Fitness and clean eater. I love my blog which combines weight loss/fitness with philanthropy and I am looking into ways to make it grow and do a lot more good in the communities I live in, now and moving forward. I am planning all kinds of fitness milestones like surfing and running the Golden Gate Bridge, this time four or five times. All of this with my first poetry book coming out in a few months, along with book events to do locally and in LA and back in my hometown of Cleveland, Ohio. I still also play waitress in the evenings. Yes, I have been busy but I would not have it any other way. My motto is you can do anything at any age as long as you believe. All you need is a strong desire and belief in yourself, and maybe a little morning coffee. You deserve everything you dream of and more. Namaste’ Love and Light to all. 


